Canada general

New here? Want a firearm license? Read this:

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This is now exclusively an SKSposting thread

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Please delete this dude

Why and I will...

Don't wanna get in shit plus keep a very good secret a secret
Its how all cgn admins and long time posters get frt data

I remember some user saying that the SVU isn't prohib. Probably since it's not listed, don't doubt that the argh seas would FRT it as prohib tho

>keep this valuable info a secret
>keep this thing that's important to every gun owner a secret because you're not as cool as I am
>only cool guys like me and people that post on cgn for years and years should know this
>ummm baka secrets are good to keep!

fucking kill yourself you turbo faggot

aaaaand its been nuked. What was it?

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>Becomes common knowledge
>Rcmp stops sharing our proprietary program
Dude we sell this overseas it's literally the biggest comprehensive firearms database in the world, sorry its not public knowledge maybe go up to gjoa haven or fort McPherson and steal a physical copy if it's that big of an issue for you but in the mean time shut the literal fuck up and appreciate the fact you have a printable frt copy for yours stags, sporters, wkays ans mx10 garbage

Dude fucking delete this

whats so magical about asking shit about the FRT and border security shit

The fuck is so special about the post, just because you got a FRT copy makes you some kinda special retar

Anyone want to fake register a small redneck police force website, and ask for a copy, rip the whole thing and leak it?

>literally the biggest comprehensive firearms database in the world, sorry its not public knowledge
Call the CFC, their hold message is literally this on repeat.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Easier to know what shit to smuggle in, what guns can be NR and imported etc etc

die faggot

this FRT and border security tihng is confusing, i just came here 5 minutes ago, can somebody shed some light from the last thread? what does this imply, what are the implications, and is it good or bad, and does it make the RCMP bastards or not?

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>RCMP bastards

that's a constant regardless of circumstances or current events.

RCMP are dicks for making a large helpful database with tax payer money and not sharing it for free to Canadian citzens.
RCMP in NWT are undertrained and give it up for free over email.
Take what you will from it, by monday 5pm this backdoor won't work so everyone email and look for cool NRs to start importing

The poster is clearly rcmp and he probably is high or drunk who let some info slip, about how cucks on cgn are able to get FRT data hence why he's asking anons to delete screncaps
Kill yourself officer

Is it okay if I just let someone else do it?

Why not just post the FRT copy on here silly willy

Firearm Reference Table. It's a code that tells the RCMP/CFC what gun is what and what class it is. You have to known your FRT if you have a weird gun that looks restricted or illegal but is actually non-restricted.
>border security
They have different rules about what you can bring in or not regardless of what the RCMP/CFC say. They're huge cunts.

RCMP are always cunts, not much going on here about that.

>Take what you will from it, by monday 5pm this backdoor won't work so everyone email and look for cool NRs to start importing
What the fuck are you on about? There's nothing that says anywhere that FRT info shouldn't be available to anyone asking about it. You're making up a problem where none exists.

tl;dr everyone is a fucking cunt but especially the fucking cunt that thinks this is a state secret and the world is on fire if this commonly known fact becomes commonly known.

Spread the news or post guns and let this thread die.

Try accessing the FRT you need an account... they don't give those out.

Cool Post frt data for modern sporter chop chop fed where the fuck is it if its commonly known
Kys rcmp shill

Commisionair Inderpoo here, i have notified CSIS and my headquarters of the leak, and will contact the NWT and cull all leadership. Warrants are being made on your addresses for leaking state secrets, and you're game is over.


Commisionair Inderpoo

I've just done what everyone else does. Go to the company selling the gun, ask for a pdf of the FRT.

The company making/selling the gun has to have the FRT. ATRS literally ships every modern sporter with a printout of the FRT.

It's #194622 by the way.

>It's #194622 by the way
Literally an irrelevant number to anyone without frt access, rcmp shills fuck off

Some companies don't wanna deal with canadian's but the RCMP has FRT data for them, but they keep it hush hush to make importing a bitch, also there some cool guns that we can't get access too but should like that NR sask sten.
>not open to the public

this is the glowiest thread ever on cangen

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The FTR site isn't open to the public but getting FTR info is easy.

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It's actually...
>doo doo doo doo doo doo

>9 posters
>32 posts
Agreed rcmp shills fuck off

should i buy this

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Does not include the other info like pictures

Unrelated, does a coathanger lifehack work in a modern sporter?

Yes, only if NR then buy the R barrel seperatly.

Yeah the reciver cannot accept a colt/ar trigger pack
Lighting links and tromix dias are still Gucci

They're all sold out so good luck and have been so for a while.

Are lightning links and dias easier to make then a coathanger, never heard of them. I assume it's either proprietary full auto stuff from the states or some ghetto hack, blueprints regardless.

>Literally two pieces of metal that probably has a cost of ten cents total

Blueprints then? Why is coathanger so much more popular than those two methods?

Links are easy tromix brand dias ak 8-10k a pop because of NFA bloo bloo but their measurements are available online
Also links have a tendency to overtravel by design whereas dias do not

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Is overtravel good or bad?
Also isn't that picture the 858 full fun trigger?

Lighting links are unreliable stopgap with issues popular to contrary memeing
It's better to get the real deal and yes but FA vz is gay and pounds your head with brass

Bolt goes to far during fa operations
LikeBad you'll probably stop at 15 rounds and have to rack the bolt half way through
It's a nigger rig solution

>Why is coathanger so much more popular than those two methods?
It's not. It was essentially a meme made by one American FFL to show just how easy it was to make an AR FA.

DND Response to Question #2: ATIP File: A-2018-00795 July 18, 2019 Received July 23, 2019 by Dennis R. Young
• 117,281 Prohibited
• 17,649 Restricted
• 24,829 Non-Restricted

So even if the day of the letters comes we could probably place those rifles back into the hands of the citizens easilyp

>Orange yeah that's right
>Thirty-five yeah that's right

Yeah that's right!

Because people are lazy and don't have the fine motor skills to fashion two pieces of metal to precise dimensions

this shit is BORING quick give me a good meme

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i already got this meme

Post yours while I dump mine

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No more memes, since you aren't helping.

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Question, is there something different that has to be done if I want to import an antique from the US, or can I just play jumprope on the border?
I keep seeing 'satisfactory proof' of antique status here and there but no one has any idea what exactly this entails. What stops me from buying a good repro and punching a 1897 date on it?
I want me some BP revolvers.

What's the big deal about this horse shit?
WooookooOOOKKOOoo secrets

Does any one know where i could order an ar57 upper the only gunstore near me doesnt carry them

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I don’t think they’re made anymore. Gunbroker for a used one is probably your best bet.

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If you wanna get mad grab 10 random barnaul x39 cartridges, stand them on a flat surface and examine the bullet depth.

That will never not be funny

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Isn't gun broker a us site will they even ship to canada

it's not a store dumbass

Im aware but if the seller is in the us will he be able to send an upper

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reminder that horsecucks and their marxist liberal pro chinese traitorous overlords will never disarm the populace..

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MEG no help
Thinking about joining Seaforth reservists, anyone here that can speak on the matter? Would like to hear opinion of non-recruiter

So my cheek is swollen from shooting 75 rounds of heavy Target loads during trap yesterday. Why is this? It literally hurts to smile?

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>So his cheek is swollen from shooting 75 rounds of heavy
>There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti
>He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready

based boomermeme poster

What do you want to know lol

Implying it's not been stored permanently by Jow Forums. Retard the SVU is legal

Damn you corporal smeardapoo

Generally if you found it worthwhile, any major cons that recruiters will obviously not mention

>CPC stronghold
>boomer dad fell for the PPC meme
>Told him to vote CPC
>he voting CPC now

its gonna be ok

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ordering this bipod today, any one have one? i have to re-sight in my rifle this weekend.

unbanned? lol

I was out in the sticks for some family shit when my dad surprised me by telling me he wants to buy a semi-auto magfed .22 LR
I'm about to recommend he look at the Remington 597, any 10/22, and the AR7
Are there any low-to-med end plinkers I'm neglecting to mention or should that be good? He's pretty set on semi-auto.

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Get a gsg-16 with the drum

hey there! I had a rem 597 and shot it for two years. what a fun plinking gun. i got mine used for 250 w/ the scope, and then sold it for 250$ again. Its like I rented a gun for two years for free. anyway, it was super reliable, except that the bolt hold back got dirty quick and quit working often. I sold it because a .22 with a scope is not worth it for me, i need irons to hunt squirrel with. scope isnt fast enough. great starter gun but really shell out the extra for the 10/22. thats one he will keep and not sell id imagine.

>busting clays
>tfw outshoot your buddies with semis with your beater pump action
>they try to surprise me with 3 clays instead of 2
>pop all three

you see this post, this is what a pump-action chad looks like.

Attached: chad.jpg (202x249, 6K)

thanks for the info. yeah ive been hinting that a 10/22 will be the best value for his money but he's a boomer and not used to taking advice from millenials so idk how much he will listen to me even though I'm fairly certain i know more about guns
im gonna throw the Marlin 795 and the Papoose onto that list, that's pretty much all the detachable mag .22 semis I know of anyway

Wait, if I buy a short stock mares leg, and put on a pistol sock of equal length, did I just make a prohib or not?

Thanks for the help frens

so is this bad? i have like 2500 rounds of barnaul stockpiled in my basement

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banging traps isn't what it used to be.

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You lack the testicular fortitude required to hold a shotgun
You instead let it slap you in the face like a bitch

Only if your doing precision shooting

lol nice shirt