The 2nd amendment

non-american here
what weapons and tactics would you, a member of a well regulated militia, employ against:
missile launchers
jet fighters

it seems like a losing game.

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if the military uses all of its technology against its people, then there will no people left, and that doesn't do them any good.

Child soldiers and bomb vests

works everytime

and maybe semen grenades

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>a member of a well regulated militia,
You're reading it wrong. It doesn't say anywhere that you have to be in a well regulated militia in order to have access to arms. It's saying that the people need access to arms so that they can form well regulated militias if necessary (or if they suddenly get the urge)

I probably shouldn't even reply to garbage threads like this made by those who glow in an attempt to repress and disencourage, but I will anyway. Who do you think controls those tanks, jets, and drones, and how do you think they'll feel about their families becoming priority targets?

All of those didn’t work against the Vietcong, and we would be fighting on home turf, be able to access every supply line and piece of required infrastructure without getting bombed to everloving shit because they still need a country to rule when it’s all over. Think Vietnam again, but the US can’t employ as many of it’s advantages and is actually vulnerable to attacks that can cripple it, all while fighting a more powerful and well equipped force.

All those things require logistics and personnel which you could attack.

RPG-7's seem to work on everything.


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Plain clothes and widely available explosives. Probably wouldn't even keep a gun on me.

>it seems like a losing game.
Try telling that to the taliban
>what weapons and tactics would you, a member of a well regulated militia, employ against:
missile launchers
jet fighters?
If it gets to the point our military starts vaporizing civilians over refusing to hand in their private property then I have zero qualms over assassinating the monsters in charge or taking their families hostage. I don't even care if it's a winnable struggle or whether I'd survive, because valhalla sounds infinitely better than life in a police state.

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Came here to post this
Fuck off commie OP

Oh, is THAT what we're talking about? I was thinking a Red Dawn scenario when I said In the event that domestic tyranny has reduced us to misery and slavery and we have no democratic remedy or recourse allowed us, then it's whatever means is most expedient to assassinate the tyrant and his inner circle. I wouldn't even bother with cops and soldiers. Party members only.

scenario A:
>kill all the gun owners
>nobody shows up to work because leftists don't get jobs
>economy tanks
>US becomes a 3rd world rape and AIDS infested shithole

scenario B:
>gun owners win because 3/4 of the military and police defected to their side
>clown world cabal toppled
>WW3 kicks off because china and russia see an opportunity while the US is in disarray
>US proceeds to prolapse the entire worlds asshole

"blow them away Mr. McVeigh"

>what weapons and tactics would you employ
Construction equipment and embracing the age old nippon strategy of divine wind.

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AR-15s and guerrilla tactics.
IEDs, pits, and things that can tangle in the tanks treads.
>missile launchers
Concealment and snipers/marksmen
>jet fighters
Concealment and guerrilla tactics on nearby air force bases, airports, and supply lines
Signal blockers to create a deadzone, and see above.

War isn't a game, there's no rules, and winner takes all. You do what you need to to accomplish your goals. Destruction of land via air didn't work on the viet-cong because they hid in tunnels, and that's a viable strategy in over 30 states. Keep in mind that within the borders of the United States we have terrain that matches or resembles Iraq, Afghanistan, the Vietnam, Korea, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, with more land than most of those combined. Troops would have to be spread so fucking thin that their supply lines would be completely vulnerable. Also you have to consider who would fund this war and on what side. The United States government versus guerrillas equipped and funded by Russia or China. The only outcome is that the government loses.

gorilla warfare

Fucking glowies get off of my board

>Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on Jow Forums.
Pls read the stickies

Don’t forget the soldiers, commanders, politicians will also have family and loved ones on the same land as the rebels.
Look at how muslim terror groups get to so many officials, police, and military in their countries, they know where their families live and that up’s the stakes tremendously.

>politics surrounding weapons is no-no
>dog threads
>radio threads
>survival threads
Just go back, you can get upvotes there and much better moderation

Let me ask you this as a American, say your no gunz country is thrown into chaos or some banana republic dictator takes control of your country. What weapons (not guns obviously) and tactics would you, a serf, employ against:
missile launchers
jet fighters

it seems like a losing game.

Grenaids: explosive devices with aids blood vials duct taped to them. Even if you don’t get the bastard, you’ll get the bastard.

>let’s fuck up our population
>why is our infrastructure gone and garbage not being collected?

Got to admire the double think

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>Oh no, everywhere turned into San Francisco!

>bombing your own people and infrastructure.

Imagine the collateral damage OP, and all the collateral would be Americans.

small arms
>missile launchers
IED's and/or small arms fire if unarmored
>jet fighters
camouflage and raids against nearby airbases when the airforce is grounded, with the intent of destroying and maybe even stealing planes
same as above

What class of audience are you courting when you feel the need to label a drone "DRONE"?

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Came here to post this, also OP is a glownigger and a faggot

blend in with the population and pepper the area with IEDs go full Taliban

As an addendum: United States forces versus United States civilians? How many sons want to kill their own father? How many mothers want to kill their own daughters? Troop morale would drop by the day, and people would desert left and right.

Its been done before and it will be dond again

Fudd looks like hickock45, that drone would be toast

Use cities and towns as cover. Military is gonna have a hard time deploying anything outside of boots-on-the-ground soldiers in populated civic centers. you're also going to see a significant split within the military itself, resulting in at least resistance members with training and at most enough authority to commandeer various facilities such as air bases, national guard depots, ect. Finally, there is plenty of infrastructure in place to make social media a battlefield of its own. If the govt pulls something bad enough to trigger a full on revolt, their going to have to wage a ridiculously difficult physical battle while trying to use media to win hearts and minds.

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>be soldier sent to American town to quell possible revolutionaries
>They look the same as every other citizen in town
>They look like you
>They speak the same language as you
>They have the same interests, hobbies, and general background as you
>Theres no geographic divide, all revolutionary ideas are spread through the internet
>Every town in the US has as much of a chance of harboring revolutionaries as the next
>The only concrete thing separating them and you is that you are wearing a uniform
>You are wearing a target

Blow up bridges, cut huge trees into the roads. Disrupt the infrastructure so much it forces soldiers on foot. Use the natural surroundings as a funnel. Etc etc etc. A US military vs US civilians would be an unwinnable war for the military.

>seized passenger liners converted to post-delivery suicide paratrooper transports
>enough uhaul trucks and fertilizer for every blue state capital
>booby traps and federal public harassment, tear gas bombs in residential areas

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Gorrila Warfare.

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Amendments are tacked on postit notes not articles of the constitution.
This is how i know heretics, they undermine and destroy truth, reright scripture and speak only in lies.
ARTICLE 2 of the Constitution is not an Amendment it IS the Constitution.

>it seems like a losing game.
Google: "Iraq", "Afghanistan", and/or "Vietnam".

that's a pretty melon


Bunkers, forest forts, and alaska
Either that or i gather up a team of a hundred people and storm the capital
Wether or not im successful in that, thousands more will see it as a slaughter and an excuse to try to overthrow the government

>niggas in 2019 still be sharing data with glowfaggots
>niggas in 2019 still dont know what opsec be

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Wait? The government has tanks? Shit, I forgot about those. Guess I'll have to give up my guns

Other tanks
>missile launchers
>jet fighters
Missile launchers
>large drones
Shotgun their operator or their family as hostages.

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Whole lotta rape

>fortifications and manuvering
>anti-tank rockets
>a programmer to create missile interception traps
>stinger missiles, look it up
Also, a public relations/political campaign. A military effort doesn't mean anything if the civilians and international community don't like you.

>their families becoming priority targets
Think about the children!

The gun politics ban is from a few years back when no guns brits regularly shitted up the board trying to defend their retarded gun laws

>"Hickock45 here, now we're currently at a different range than usual, my neighbors are having a bit of trouble with some drooones"
>*Whips a revolver from a holster*
>"Well here's a beautiful piece of iron you'll recognize, Colt Single Action army! These were commonly used during the-"
>"Thanks to our sponsors for setting us up with some ammo"
>"Now the important thing when you load these, is always mind your safety, load it up whilst pointing down and being mindful of the hammer."
>"Aaalright, now that our gun is loaded, we can go look for some targets... How about that Predator over there?"
>*Predator blows up 5km in the distance*
>"Hahah! I got his wing there, let's see if we can take the next one..."
>"Hah, that smokeless powder really makes a difference, but remember never to do this with? An oriiigiiinaaal, that's right!"
>*Predator makes a big fireball as it crashes into the forest in the background*
>"Oh wait, let me put my ears back in. Nothing better than cleaning out your ears with some shots, but we don't want any hearing damage do we?"
>*Shadow passes over Hickock*
>"Now let's see what we can do about those two global hawks that're flying in the stratosphere..."
>"Not sure where to hold this one, I think the sights are good..."
>*Bang* *Bang*
>"Aaah, there she was. I swear those were carryin' two-liters."
>*Explosion as a hellfire missile barely misses Hickock*
>"Oh look, how about we try that other one behind the trees? A revolver isn't really made to be shot at this distance, not sure where to hold, maybe a bit higher..."
>"Oh, look at that other trying to get away in the back there!"
>Sound of gravel and shell casings as Hickock shuffles 5ft to the right
>"Now did he fire five or did he fire six? I always lose count with these..."
>"Haha, six it was! Now, let's go over to the table and I'll tell you a bit more about it-"
>*Global hawk crashes in the background*

Try employing those in an American city and see the backlash from the collateral damage.

Attached: everything will be fire.jpg (600x600, 44K)

>bombing your own citizens

We'll do whatever the vietnamese and the arabs have done. Worked pretty fucking well for them didnt it?

Because if the US military uses tanks, missile launchers, jer fighters, and drones against their own people they would look like absolute fucking monsters and a lot of fence sitters would throw an absolute fit. Other countries would come in to help the rebels. It would be utter chaos.

Go away NSA

You know what? You’re right. I could stand to do with fewer rights. Where can I go to sign this one away?

How many MiGs do you own? Post MiGs

Kill yourself Eurocuck

My guns?
Nothing, I'd just avoid them. Why the fuck would you fight a tank in a straight up battle when you can just catch it refueling and end the crew with supreme ease?
>Missile Launchers
Nothing, why the fuck would I worry about missile launchers as a soft target. If pressed, you can defeat one of them with, quite literally, a $20 tarp.
>Jet fighters
Tree cover and crowds. It's really not rocket science.
Who would win, a $2,000,000 drone or a hackyboi with a 40-year-old radio? A single HAM radio set can quite literally knock one of these things out of the sky.

It's a decent intel thread, ATF, but you're really not trying as hard these days.

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>what weapons and tactics would you, a member of a well regulated militia, employ against:
Punji pits, ambushes, hit-and-run snipers, IED's, tunnel systems, espionage, and civilian human shields
trenches, area denial infrastructure, urban warfare, Tannerite grease socks, supply line attacks, pit traps
>missile launchers
Assuming you mean TOW's
urban warfare, hit-and-run tactics, TOW's are not good for counterinsurgency
>jet fighters
supply line attacks, drone caltrop airdrop on runway, Katyusha runway potholing, dig under the runway and collapse it, buy Stingers and Iglas from foreign governments
Same as fighters, but also broadband jamming

Against all of them:
photographers. flood every foreign and domestic media outlet with pictures, videos, and accounts from anyone about "a civilian mother whos children were killed by a drone attack on their birthday" and "families starving because the military has closed off food shipments." photograph every single gruesome death. Publish every victory, blow enemy casualties out of proportion, while establish that the "freedom fighters" only lost one great soul. The goal, which is easily achievable, is to make the global and local community so disgusted with the actions of the counterinsurgents that they have literally no political capital to achieve any objective.

the Vietcong, Al Qaeda, and ISIS wrote the playbook

Rope. Lots and lots of rope

You're right however all of this is basic bitch shit that people have talked about since 2015. Anything that's new for civ stuff, like EW, is kept under wraps by those in the know lole


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