Post good carriers Ramps btfo
Carrier thread
This is a weapons board not a boat board.
You fucktard. Die pls
>No ramp
Sacrebleu, feels good user
How will ramplets ever recover.
>no aesa
into the trash they go.
why don't CATOBAR carriers also make use of a ramp, wouldn't that mean they could launch heavier aircraft?
also why isn't the whole catapult mechanism tilted a bit instead?
Brutal mogging
>Gets dabbed on by an LHD
Can carrier planes play along?
only if you post one that isn't de-commed boomer trash.
is that a model?
user, that's an opfor plane
Navy landing gear is strengthened to take vertical stresses, such as when the plane slams down on the deck during a trap. When an aircraft is accelerated by a catapult, it is propelled to flying speed. In the case of the hornet, that number is roughly 170 miles per hour, but will change according to total weight carried by the plane at the time of launch. Now imagine the aircraft being propelled at that speed, then as you said launch from a ramp which quickly changes the aircraft's velocity from one direction to another, putting it into a climb. The higher the speed gets, the more force is exerted on the structure of the plane as it rotates while traveling up the ramp. As for your second question, why the deck isn't angled up for launch, the natural pitch and roll of the sea effectively changes the launch angle without having to change the shape and structure of the deck. Catapult operators are trained to time the launch in correspondence with the ship's pitch, so when the plane is at the end of it's run the bow of the carrier is angled up into the air.
I see, thank you for your answer user