OK heres my idea for a gun

OK heres my idea for a gun
its a 9mm subgun that uses an ar design with short stroke gas piston
In full auto it fires from the blowback without the gas piston at 600 rpm and when you switch it to fuller auto the gas piston turns on and the bolt goes faster so it fires 2000 rpm

Attached: coltar2.jpg (575x301, 41K)

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Look man...there's autism and then theres what the fuck you just wrote. This shit is straight up retarded.

you need to be 18 to post here

Your idea is bad and you should feel bad

bruh i came in here to make fun of you but i can't lie that shit is hilarious
> fuller auto

If your bolt is heavy enough to produce a 600 rpm cyclic rate in blowback, when you divert gas to run a piston it will be even lower.
And what about your spring and locking?

all I see is seething, try and acutally prove that this wouldnt work

Your job is not only to prove that it would work, but that there's even a reason necessitating your proposal.

shut up biiitch

That's brilliant, do it!

Checked, time for to nut up and make it happen. Do it.

I cant do it but I can draw something

The dubs will it, draw your dreams

no one needs 2000rpm on a smg your idea is bad


Pretty sure piston is slower than blowback
Blowback uses the weight of the bolt and strength of the spring to regulate firing rate, piston is triggered further down the barrel plus still needs to contend with the weight of the bolt and the spring.

Would make more sense to do blowback and have a selector switch which locks or unlocks an additional weight to the bolt.

Anyway it's all stupid because you don't want to use up ammo that quickly in a handheld weapon

Because you cannot shot off the gas system with the fire control selector.

>I had the economy/sport mode switch installed at the dealer

how many times in your life have you told people you want to be a weapons designer when you grow up

Nah, unless you have some weird thing reaching up to the gas port to switch it, or maybe an electronic switch but that's kinda dumb.

Is there a fullest auto? Like all the rounds go off at once

>when you switch it to fuller auto
Also lol way to show how you have no idea how guns work. Direct blowback is going to have a much higher cyclic rate than gas op.

Attached: YourHome.jpg (1000x750, 1015K)

This is retarded but would also be easier/ lighter with a system that switches from delayed to direct blowback

It's possible with an electric switch and solenoid, but a) electricity is no fun because it's like cheating and needs batteries and b) it doesn't make it any less retarded.
So how do you plan to change the recoil spring pressure so that the gun doesn't blow the bolt carrier out the back of the stock when you overgas your 9mm in piston mode?

>fuller auto

Attached: 10941868_954472737911234_5751971311298397125_n.jpg (960x531, 36K)

>He doesn't know about fuller auto

Attached: 457679870.jpg (740x458, 31K)

>full auto

What kind of locking system would this monstrosity use?

Attached: 1542218541926.jpg (427x427, 21K)

He doesn't know that's a real thing.

Look up the C9 LMG. The adverse condition setting fires at 1000rpm, and the standard condition setting fires at 750.

Yeah but that's a gas port adjustment isn't it?

That's more retarded than my idea for a AR-18 taking AR-15 parts and using Stoner's gas impingement operation instead of short stroke.

You are a huge jian and I'll break your fucking legs for making waves.

Yes, but my point was there are ways to increase the rof with a switch.

Here's a better, less retarded idea
open bolt guns like the uzi tended to have, in my opinion, long/unnecessary travel due to the design, intended and control rof
however, if so desired, this effect can be used advantageously with other recoil designs as well
if you used a version of the "constant recoil" demonstrated in the Ultimax and AA-12, and then designed levers on the sides of the upper receiver that you could manually actuate to shorten the bolts travel distance, you could increase or decrease the rate of fire at the expense of recoil mitigation
an adjustable gas block should be used in conjunction with this system to optimize cycling and feeding reliability


Attached: 1563900855831.jpg (1050x1200, 125K)

Roller locking, of course.

>all these newfags that never played EYE
not a Jow Forums game but still worth it

OK heres how it works: its a normal full auto ar 9mm on full auto so like 800 rpm and then switch it to fuller, first you have to crank the selecter lever a bunch of times which compresses the buffer spring a lot so when you fire the bolt goes back faster but you need to use hot ammo or it wont work (the bolt is lighter that a normal ar 9mm bolt)

Attached: ar2000.jpg (1314x1182, 272K)

>when you divert gas to run a piston it will be even lower.
No. Straight blowback essentially uses the cartridge case as a gas piston; the piston surface area is roughly the same as the bore area, and the thrust is the current chamber pressure times that.
When you add an additional gas piston also pushing the bolt backward, you increase the area by that piston's area -- even though the pressure may decrease slightly, with a 2x or more increase in area means more force, and thus more bolt acceleration.
It would effectively work like a grown-up autistic version of the gas-augmented blowback system in this .22 conversion: youtube.com/watch?v=Rof0T1Qt_h8

The only question is how to make the bolt rebound in the same distance, despite (let's say) about 3x higher velocity, to actually achieve 3x cyclic rate. Either you add an additional recoil spring operating only when the gas piston is engaged, to capture the 9x greater energy from 3x the bolt velocity, or you do it the lazy way -- just let the bolt rebound off a fixed stop so the stroke length is the same, with the small downside of incredibly abusive felt recoil. Since it's a dumb idea to start with, why not go with the dumbest implementation possible?

That's the most retarded shit I've ever read.

Somebody tweet this image at yang for the fuck of it and see if he responds.

I'm drunk and tired so I can't recall exactly myself, but look up how the BAR's variable fire rate worked. I'm sure it was more practical than cranking the selector to compress the buffer spring. Also if you just drew that, check the front take down pin and the mag looks a little off. Still, breddy gud otherwise,

Meant to say that the mag would be straight, it wouldn't get skinnier at the top like that.

Its a quadstack mag

>a gun that jams 1200 times per minute
im ok with this

Okay Lads, here's my idea for a gun:
>Octuple barrel shotgun.
>Chambered in 2 gauge
>Each trigger fires 4 the barrels.
>Why make this?
Fuck you, that's why.

Imagine having to clear all that.

>and the bolt goes faster so it fires 2000 rpm

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nice quads, now OP has to do it