Daily reminder that wheelgats will never be relevant again and we need to let it go
>tfw no practical reason to buy a model 19 classic.
Daily reminder that wheelgats will never be relevant again and we need to let it go
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your thread is bad and you'll be a cuck until you repent of your cuck ways
Revolvers are still useful, although the 1911 is certainly better.
It's plenty practical to buy something to sate a desire. It's only impractical if you buy something for literally no reason.
That doesn't explain why anybody would want a wheelgun over any of a variety of semiautos in comparable or the same calibers with superior capacity
If you only acquire things because of how practical they are, you are a bugman
Honestly if you just on the street its fine, your average mugger or drugie only needs to be double taps, pistols are just belly guns anyway
That's literally the opposite of what bugmen do.
They just mindlessly consume with no regard for practicality or any real need for what they buy.
They just go along with what's advertised to them.
Skip to 31:50. The new model 19s jam. Enjoy getting sodomized by a gang of ruthless criminals because you bought a sorry excuse for a revolver.
There are different types of bugpeople.
Revolvers are good for HD and backup because they almost never malfunction to the point where they don't fire.
Clearing FTFs is as simple as pulling the trigger again and stovepipes/double-feeds/FTEs are physically impossible.
This means that you don't need a ton of training to use them at least semi-effectively under stress which is what counts in those cases.
The only real issue is that the lower-quality ones are much less safe to shoo then shitty semis and often have much more violent KBs when they do fail.
Newer models like
are the ones you need to be wary of more often than not because they're trying to cash in on nostalgiafags who never take them outside the range and don't shoot them much so the QC is garbo.
Most older LE/govvie models are very, very solid if they've made it to $CURRENT_YEAR while still functioning.
that's good enough, unless you cuck yourself into a joy-free existence of s-Oylent meal-replacement powder
not to mention the following:
> adequate for a daily carry
> funner
> consistent manual of arms facilitates high quality dry fire
> if you want real energy, revolvers are going to give more
> they're going to do it with less hassle, expense and reliability
> revolvers are easy to use and store for years with no problem.
> also shoot low power bullets when teaching new shooters.
there are many honest reasons people might choose a revolver.
I give it as my opinion that the comfiest gun to shoot on a first date is a 327 single action with 32ACP
Peak cope.
The original bugman meme was the stereotypical s0yb0i who forks out exorbitant sums of money on useless crap like Funko Pops and gets all their opinions off of clickbait and shitty Facebook videos made by a Russian botnet,
This guy gets it
Well shit. I thought they were pretty
Because semi autos get stale. And everytime I buy a firearm it isn't for some high speed practical application. Sometimes it's for history, mechanical appreciation, aesthetics, etc...I've been shooting for quite a few years and the longer I've been in the sport, the more appreciation and love I have for wheelies
Revolvers can jam and they jam up worse than semis, generally impossible to clear and continue shooting. Most common problem would be extractor rod backing out, locking the gun up
Once you get the basics covered, their practicality and efficiency gets boring.
That's fair. Only issue is I'm married and theres a house rule where every firearms purchase with little exception has to fill some kind of niche. Like golfclubs for every shot
That blows. If i were in that situation, id go with competitive shooting that only allows specific "styles" of firearms (think cowboy-action competition that only allow revolver, lever, etc.... types of firearms)
On the other hand its the oy house rule regarding firearms, other than obvious shit like "the two year old is not a clearing bucket" and other such stuff
There are 2 modern applications for revolvers at extreme opposites of the spectrum.
1) Concealed carry.
I know, sounds ridiculous but think about it. In order to successfully fire an automatic pistol needs to be in battery, then it needs to extract, eject and feed the next cartridge. A revolver only has to advance the cylinder and drop the hammer (on a CC gun usually shrouded).
If you have an pistol and you get jumped, you are in a hand to hand fight that you need to win before you can engage in the ensuing (presumably one-sided) gunfight.
An automatic pistol can be pushed out of battery when pressed against the target, no bang.
The attacker can grab the slide, one bang but no more, because either it won't go back or won't come back forward.
The gun could be fired from a shrouded position, causing the slide to be obstructed or the spent case can't eject. Again, one bang and no more.
In fact this happened with the Zimmerman/Martin shooting, Zimzam's P11 jammed after one shot not because it was shitty but because it was pressed directly against Travon. If that one bullet hadn't done the job he would have been fucked.
A revolver gives you 5-6 shots, but much more assurance that in a hand to hand fight they will all fire. Is it worth the trade-off in capacity and reload time? You could make a legitimate argument either way. More magazine capacity gives you more options, especially when dealing with more people, but that is rare and so is firing more than a couple of shots.
2) Innawoods.
Revolvers are the natural choice for a mountain gun. Something to carry innawoods in a sufficiently powerful cartridge to fend off or kill the deadliest thing out there. It won't be as effective as a long gun, but gives you something that you can practically carry all the time when out and about hiking or on your own rural property.
Glocks in 10mm have been moving into this role, but a .44 or .454 revolver is generally the accepted standard.
And of course there's the "Just Because" reason. I love revolvers and own several which I generally use to shoot paper. Are they my go-to HD guns? No. I just like them.
People like all sorts of guns that aren't the latest/greatest thing but a gun never gets any less deadly just by virtue of being an old design. People use old revolvers and lever-guns either recreationally or innawoods all the time and manage just fine. Sure, a Glock and AR-15 may be better on paper but if what they have has worked so far it probably won't get them killed with the level of threat they are facing.
I dont know that sounds like gun grabber talk. Sloppy job mossad
dis nibba doesn't pocket carry a j frame loaded with +P wad cutters
>x gun is suboptimal and we need to stop pretending it isnt
>needs b&
I dont see how they're connected
Imagine being this pussywhipped.
I sure hope YOU aren't the owner of that house, because that could give you some leverage, but for real if you're the owner buy whatever fucking gun you want quit being a pussy and letting your wife dictate how you go about your hobbies in your own home. That's some real fucking control freak shit there man
Revovlers are cool and a lot of people like them. They are a proven and simple design are easier to use than semi autos. Also If you want a more powerful round you can either choose some boutique overpriced semi auto or a standard revovler which is cheaper and more reliable. You have a bad case of tunnel vision in that you only see handguns in a military setting. They are still relevant for hunting, big bore stuff, self defense if you can't sufficiatly operate a semi auto and they are just really cool, good looking and fun to shoot.
tl;dr op is a fag
OP doesn't know you can easily fire several sized rounds in typical magnum revolvers.
Muh cowboy larp and big caliber
I can't fire a big dick cartridge like .357 out of a semi without the gun being gigantic.
That's easy.
>Wheel guns have no safety features
>Pick it up off your nightstand
>Blast intruder
>No pumps like a shotgun
>No racking the slide
>Just pick it up
>Pull the trigger
>If that fails, pull the trigger again
>the wife won't let me
Grow a pair you fucking spineless boomer.
>No safeties to worry about in an intense situation
>Won't jam due to limp-wristing
>Can't be pushed out of battery in hand-to-hand combat
>Will work even in unorthodox shooting positions
>Can be chambered in more powerful ammunition in case the enemy has body armor or targets are big bears
>Modern metallurgy means you can have thinner cylinder walls, and therefore higher capacity than 6 shots
>You can twirl it around your finger (or two if you're pretty good) to intimate your enemy and assert battlefield dominance
Sure, there's plenty of disadvantages to a revolver in regards to outright volume of fire, but to say it's completely irrelevant is pushing it
You could have just brought up you last point and be done with it.
Absolute chad
Wasn't there a 1911 chambered in .357? I also remember the Grizzly having a conversion kit for .357
Besides, aren't 10mm loads getting close to 357 territory anyway?
op is a faggot
38 special still kills people
Were not letting go of anything. Revolvers are for confident shooters, not mall ninjas who think self defense situations require spraying 20 rounds per magazine. Different guns have different applications, and revolvers still have viability, to down play that, IS gun grabber rhetoric.
op is a faggot
They’re useful for old people, little women and people who would otherwise limp wrist the fuck out of a semi-auto
Literally just buy a semi auto without a safety, there are dozens of them. And keep one in the chamber, and learn how to safely store a loaded gun. There, your wheelgat is irrelevant now.
>he doesn't understand the word obsolete
And vacuum tube computers can still do basic math, but there's a reason we moved on and started using small-form calculators.
Not also mentioning that killing someone in self defense using a SW Mod 32 in 38SPL looks better in front of the judge than a glock 19 Gen 4 with night sights and a custom trigger. It looks in court, I know from first hand experience.
op is a faggot
That’s a false equivalency. Vacuum tube computers are downright worse than newer computers, however revolvers are just as good at self defense as semi-autos and can be better at some things.
Coonan 1911
Based and revolver ocelot-pilled
>This pussy never goes hiking in bear country
>spits casings everywhere
>can't fire inside your coat pocket
revolvers "can" jam but not in any way a semi auto will.
All I'm reading is 'I'm a faggot, and I love cock.' Are you related the the user that hates lever guns, or are you the same person?