Please stop me from buying this

please stop me from buying this

Attached: pls stop me.png (1356x882, 795K)

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Buying old guns is pointless. There are better ones at lower prices and with less bullets put through em. The only reason why you wanna buy it is nostalgia, and that's unprofessional and gay.

buy it man, it's a classic timeless piece.

>Beretta cheetah
I can't user, that's an excellent pistol
Especially for $210 dollhairs

dude no, drop the extra $100 for the surplus M9's they got, why buy a cheap saab when you can drop another bill on something much easier to maintain?

>surplus m9's
i think you are mistaken for those butt fuck ugly 1951's that nobody wants cause they're trash

Disgusting, user. Truly repugnant.

nah i fucked up and looks like they finally sold out on classic arms, they had a batch of police trade-in M9s going for ~280 for the past two years at least. oh well

A cartridge from a more civilized time

There is no valid reason not to buy a metal Spaghetta.

I have one in .380, they're pretty nice. Ordered one, Hopefully Ben doesn't send me a turd

The 92S model will pop up occasionally on different surplus sites if you are looking particularly hard. Although last time I saw some it was about 300$ at this point on the main sites that do surplus stuff. I was gonna order one from Buds because it was the only one that had some in stock at the time, then they turned it over to members only and so I bought a shit box 96 just to find Classic getting that big first shipment. Be vigilant

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30 luger, perhaps

.32 is a bit pricey, but $200 for a sweet shooting classic like that is a good deal. Wouldn't be my go to carry gun, but $200 for a well made interesting shooter with some history is a good deal any day.

Back from an era of pulling your pants halfway down meant to just below your balls

.32 ACP is expensive and not very practical

It's ok user. I'll just buy them all so you don't have to. Just tell me what site this is.

I bought one. Should be here soon. $210 is a really good price for these.

Yeah, but launched out of an oversized eyetaliano disco dan “compact”

I ordered mine on the second day they were offered. Finally shipped this morning.

Can you even buy .25 and .32 in stores?

Yes. Better to buy it online though. I get Fiocci for 10 bucks a box.

Wanna know how I know you've never set foot in one
>buying ammo in person

>buying anything in person
big box stores like walmart and cabela's can barrely compete with the racket of in person ammo prices on only common cartridges, 9mm, 22lr and 12ga. and even then, you could find better deals online if you search a little.

Do not dryfire, my brothers needs a new firing pin because he did.


It's in the lord's caliber.

A primo caliber for being suppressed and kneecapping commies

yeah senpai you dryfire with a snap cap.

how do you suppose you'd suppress a gun like OP's, senpai?

It supports sweaty ben. That alone is enough reason not to buy it.

I don’t see why not. It’s 200 bucks, if you don’t have a need for that money otherwise it isn’t a catastrophic mistake to make anyway.

It was the 9mm of it's day, though people have gotten a bit larger overall since then.

i doubt it was any more lethal back in the day. its objectively weak as hell.

It was fine in Europe. America needed .38 Special and .357 Magnum revolvers to deal with drug addicts, Mexican banditos and redguards. European police have always had it easy compared to American police.

This is the wrong board for you, noguns.

You should buy one.

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I have a question, if you sell off your guns are you still have guns or go back to being no guns?

Most handgun calibers are weak as hell compared to rifle calibers.

Shot placement and penetration were, and are, the thing.

.32 is definitely on the weak side. The thought is with smaller people back in WWI era less penetration was needed to hit vital organs, break bone, etc.

Counter argument is 9mm parabellum was developed in 1908. Even back then people wanted something better.

>.32 ACP
So, like a Makarov, but worse?

Attached: 22-LR-32-ACP-380-ACP-9mm.jpg (280x226, 22K)

I won’t, it’s a great gun. Mine came in the mail last Thursday.

>t. size queen
stop telling everyone on the internet how much of a faggot you are

You misspelled low recoil and nice to shoot. Assuming you are buying this for a range toy, if you actually need a gun for gun stuff get a bigger one.

>to deal with drug addicts, Mexican banditos and redguards

everyone's organs are equally vulnerable. being on drugs doesn't make you resistant to fatal wounds.

$0.18/round if you buy in bulk

>classic firearms

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>energy in a handgun matters more than shot placement
I can empty the whole mag of this pistol on target in two seconds. There is zero recoil. Have fun with your one shot before Jamal is on top of you.

The point is people on drugs typically don't have the same "Fuck I've been shot" response as sane, rational people when they're shot. When you watch crime videos police can dump multiple rounds into a dude and he'll still keep charging. .32 would be useless for policing America's cities.

>selling off all your guns
You’re beneath even a noguns

Why? It's a decent 32acp.

>need a bigger one
do the pavement apes wear armor where you live or something?

>classic firearms

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shoot them in the head.

>wtf i bought the X-grade gun and its rusty!

oh this thread again

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>not enjoying getting Ben'd over

It's like you haven't learned to appreciate the nuances of the hobby, friendo

they’re gonna restock. websites like that always restock because iconic guns sell like hot cakes

>t. sweaty kike

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>t. sweaty kike

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unironically, yes.

Don't buy from sweaty ben if you can

Literally cant
92s pistols are nice, I like mine. However I doubt they'd go for 300 again

>However I doubt they'd go for 300 again
try not cry, cry anyways

Fucking hell, over $45 to ship.

so .22/rd for full power fmj .32acp, that's pretty cheap, not as cheap as bulk 9mm but cheapish.


at least we have 327 auto now

>327 auto


I always avoided that place for a reason. Glad I did..

What the hell is this post trying to say?


also the more people who keep buying .32, the lower prices for it will go otherwise it'll end up and obscure rare cartridge that's expensive

If you guys don't want to buy from swwaty Ben, then buy from aim Surplus.

If you're a fan of .32, J&G has the M70s for $199. Seems like a cool pocket gun

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I've seen and heard a lot of retardidly flamboyant things throughout the years on Jow Forums. But to be absolutely positive that this is not a troll post I can say without any doubt that you are the faggiest retard to reveal your true power level.

Got one it's fun

are they safe to carry chambered, and is .32 enough to stop a threat? I'm considering getting an LCP or something like these in .32

Has a manual safety and good hollow points exist
Also comfy and smooth to shoot
Might get another becuase why not?

Daaamn that place has good prices. Will save for future use. They even sell it for under $10/bx individually.

SG has .32 in bulk for a little more.
Funny enough the JHP is exactly the same price. Probably not very good JHP though.

You should be fucking honored, you got Sweaty Ben's gooch carry gun. How dare you fucking send that back!

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I got one I keep in my glove box its my favorite gun

That’s a steal for only 2 hundo