Knife Fighting

Anyone have experience with knife/dagger fighting? Live somewhere where firearms are strictly controlled; where should I start in learning how to use a knife/dagger?

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I have always been told the best way to win a knife fight is to run away as fast as you can but if you are cornered the loser goes to the morgue and the winner to the hospital.
I wish i knew were my infographs were to help user I am sure someone will post them. Unironicly taking a defensive martial arts class would help once you know how to deflect attacks then depending on the type of class you take you can learn how to attack.

>knife/dagger fighting
No such thing. You either bumrush somebody or get bumrushed. A proper fight will likely result in heavy injuries to both parties.

That's a meme, a knife is fine but one must understand that close combat is inhearently dangerous. Fencing isnt going to happen and you need to get a good way of getting to your knife in time or creating opportunities to bring it to bear, otherwise your better off trying to grapple with your opponent for his blade and thats a whole different bag of shit.
>TL;DR: a knife can work but one needs to train with and without it

Unless you've got experience in a martial art that's rigorous and uses knives, you're honestly better off with a bludgeon that gives you a range advantage like a bat.

Invest in rubber training knives and washable magic markers. I guarantee you and a couple of friends will very quickly see how most CQC knife training and martial arts training on the market is complete bullshit. Study some of the older, WW1-WW2 guys approaches and philosophies.
It is 90% time practicing and 10% study.

Nah that's just some shit autists say in here a lot. If you use a knife as a defensive weapon that doesn't mean the other party has a knife, most people don't mean a 1v1 when both people have knives when they say knife fight.

If you decide to try knife fighting, make sure your tetanus shots are up to date.

idk try to get the first poke in a vital and hope its shocking enough to stun them letting you get a killpoke before backing out of range

Lol just pepper spray the shit outta him and you get the job done

>Anyone have experience with knife/dagger fighting
As the guy who is somewhat educated about knife fighting, I have to say couple of things:
-Knife vs knife fighting almost never happens IRL outside of South America and spanish gypsy communes, in other countries it's mostly just shanking/bumrushing.You don't have to study much to shank a person.
-Most of the countries don't recognise knife self defence as legal self defense, so you're fucked unless there are no evidence of you being the killer, or unless you can get a good lawyer or bribe a judge.
-Nevermind how much of a pro you are on the ring, you'll get cut against another knife guy for sure. Can't say about fighting against a guy with a stick, for I've never been in a sparring against one, but most of Jow Forumsunts seem to overrate the chances of a stick guy against the knife guy.
>where should I start in learning how to use a knife/dagger
I recommend you following options
1. Get a bottle of good tear gas. So you would feel no need in other self-defence weapon. It's not hard to use one, it's affordable and concealable.
2. Don't think of knife fighting as an actual useful self-defence skill. This is a good exercise, it can be a form of historical exercise as well (spanish knife fighting, HEMA dagger fighting, tanto-jutsu).
There are several recommendations on how to choose a knife fighting school, such as "sparrings are free for all the participants nevermind their experience" or "if school does participate in the competition with other schools, it might be a good place to attend to".
I've heard a statement once, one guy said "If you have successfully defended yourself with a baton, probably you could defend yourself without baton as well". I don't agree with it, but what's your opinion?

>MoSt PeOpLe

Holy fuck I can't even kerp typing like that thinking of how absolutely infuriatingly retarded you must be, user! Kys

>I guarantee you and a couple of friends will very quickly see how most CQC knife training and martial arts training on the market is complete bullshit
I agree on this.
>Study some of the older, WW1-WW2 guys approaches
I disagreee. Military knife fighting schools were never meant to be knife fencing schools. They were teaching people how to use knives either to remove a centry, or to put down a soldier that can hardly protect himself from an attack (for example, a soldier in a trench armed with a long Gewehr 98 is nowhere as good at trench hand-to-hand fighting as an arditi with a dagger).
So, for historical approach you would either have to study eastern MA, or search for enthousiasts of HEMA and spanish knife fighting. Most of the Philippino knife schools are complete crap.

Great argument retard

took a class regarding defending against knife wielders

as you can probably guess, the advice mostly amounted to running away

but if you are gonna tangle with the guy you gonna get cut, and probably bad. try to beat the bleedout timer you know?

>get several rigid bowie type blades that withstand twisting, make the handle more gritty in order not to slip when covered with blood, make sure your hilt/guard is adequate for the hand not to slip up the blade (like on a kitchen knife) stab them in the anus, twist two-three times, retract, move on to next target
Like other anons stated, it isnt a michael jackson music video where the parties meet one on one, suprise and overwhelming of the opponent are key.
I also believe that the "feerbeern sojks fojtn nojf" is a great tool, but not the end-all be-all.
Blood loss from a vital spot is the key. You may hit someone and disable some of their muscle control with a slacking cut, but organ damage is where the real blood loss happens.
t. armchair kommando that watched non-public vids of some asian-american vietnam vet that went down and dirty and took part of several no-shooting raids

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Get a fucking baseball bat instead.

>feerbeern sojks fojtn nojf
Made me giggle in vikingish, well done.

>baseball bat
This is neither a good weapon, nor a suspicion-free item

Get a bat
>Longer range
>Doesn't need training or technique

> having the little gay one

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What? I don't see the issue my friend. The general meaning of knife fight in a self defense context means you have a knife for self defense.

>Doesn't need training or technique
It takes training to react fast and swing fast and precise. You miss a swing, you get a hole.
>you have a knife for self defense
There is no such thing as self-defense knife unless this is some novelty "designed by notable martial arts guru specifically for his MA system"

knife fighting should be a last resort, both you and the other guy will likely die

Get yourself a small concealable knife and stab the fucker when he gets close.

This, buy some trainers from Cold Steel and mark the "blades" with non permanent bingo daubers or waterbased hobby paint.
Then put on cheap white tshirts or get shirtless and have a go in your back yard with friends.
You will quickly learn a lot.

If you keep a glove and ball in the car with it it's fine.

Bullshit. I've heard stories like that for several times, and pigs never bought for glove and balls. Not in my country at least, we don't have many baseballers.

Jesus that's disgusting

>buy some trainers from Cold
They're very stiff. Softer training daggers are safer.

True. I actually prefer the stiffness, makes it a little more real since there is some actual apprehension of potential pain.

That's why they are better in my opinion. You feel the jabs much more, unlike softer daggers which don't really let you feel it. Plus they also make good blades, so you can simply switch over to their real blades.

>makes it a little more real
>You feel the jabs much more
Eh. I don't like ultra-soft training knives, like the ones I've seen in the sports store. I prefer rubber knives which are softer than Cold Steel trainers. They can deliver as much pain with a good thrust, and they're less prone to breaking. I've seen several people breaking their knives during trainings.

No such thing as a knife “fight”. A knife is something that should be pulled the moment before it’s used. The idea that 2 people will be squaring off, knife in hand, is Hollywood bullshit. Most of the time only one person, the first person to draw it, will have it out and the encounter lasts seconds. Use of a knife mostly comes down to the knowledge on when to pull it out to retain either surprise or tactical advantage depending on your situation.

The best use of a knife is to charge them knock them to the ground and stab them repeatedly untill they stop moving
If they have a weapon you want to block it and pin it with your free arm
If thier weapon is a knife and you do t manage to pin it down there is a good chance you will both die
The only way to fuck this up is if you run like a fat guy and they dodge or you drop your knife like spaghetti from your pockets

>The idea that 2 people will be squaring off, knife in hand, is Hollywood bullshit
You're wrong. Even though knife standoffs don't happen anymore due to objective reasons like invention of metal cased ammunition and failsafe firearms, knife fights were real at certain point in history.

this man is right get a baton or other device like that you can club the person with. knives as weapons from a tactical perspective are really only good for assasinations, not really defense. unless you are an assassin, in which case you are going to fucking jail, that knife only serves as a last ditch effort. both people can die in a knife fight. this is another example of why English people are stupid for wanting gun control.

>The only way to fuck this up is if you run like a fat guy and they dodge or you drop your knife like spaghetti from your pockets
Or if you run and they suddenly extend their hand with a knife, so you're getting sticked by your own fault.

Historically yes but in the modern day it’s a very exceptional exception.

Yeah I mentioned failing to block and pin thier knife would cost you, but if you're running the the momentum should carry you and your knife into them for the double ko

If you live somewhere where they’re not letting you carry a firearm, what the fuck makes you think you’re going to be allowed to carry a fixed blade concealed? Both options are resulting in prison for lengthy amounts of time, why even compromises at that point carrying a mall ninja toy? If you’re in fear of your life move, moron.

>get a baton or other device like that you can club the person with
It's not easy to club a person who is constantly moving. Especially the smallest parts like head, hand and wiener.
>knives as weapons from a tactical perspective are really only good for assasinations
That's why people used their second hand and different items like capes and hats for protection.

>what the fuck makes you think you’re going to be allowed to carry a fixed blade concealed
That's how it works in Russia. You're allowed to carry less-than-lethal firearms with a license, "white weapon" knives with a license, all non-weapon knives regardless of their construction but no lethal pistols.

what about a knuckle duster?

>be me 19
>dumbass who got a girl pregnant
>money is tight and live in rough neighbourhood
>walking home from second job
>got money on me whole paycheck because no bank was open that late
>got cashed from boss because i needed to pay off certain things next morning
>a wild nigger junkie out of nowhere armed with a box cutter and i with a baton
>26 stitches later and almost manslaughter charges after hitting the junkie too hard
>scot free cuz self defence
I would never ever engage someone in melee combat with weapons because even if you win you do not win. I got to go home with my pay check that day i needed to pay off debt and feed my family or else i wouldve gave it up and i couldnt outrun the methed out nigger (trust me i tried) he was only armed with a boxcutter and i was lucky. Learning distance and grappling is imperative to surviving close fighting. If I could go through it again with something other than a gun I would have chosen a long baton or some chemical to give me an advantage. Having the jump on someone helps alot too. Now i made ninja eggs filled with caustic soda and i carry a water bottle at all times
>cant open carry or cc (cuckistan)
If i had to choose a knife for fighting that is concealable look for any dagger that has a blood letter or make break away blades (cheap boxcutter blades with tape for a handle so you can stab and break off)

Basically a way to make your punch heavier, gives no distance advantage, no protection, outlawed in many countries.
>Now i made ninja eggs filled with caustic soda and i carry a water bottle at all times
Pepper sprey is not allowed for carry?
> any dagger that has a blood letter
This is called a fuller and it has nothing to do with blood. It is there to make blade lighter.
>cheap boxcutter blades with tape for a handle so you can stab and break off
That's rubbish, imo. It's better to cut the blades out of the steel list and make handle out of ducktape.

A rifle is a large stick son. Large stick beats knife.
There is no closer large scale worldwide real education than that of those in the trenches. No armor. Face to face in hallway and room sized areas. The reason the methods are quick, is because that is the reality of the situation.

I heard someone suggest once on a reddit thread to keep a fake wad of money and if your are robbed, to pass it off to the person robbing you.

"Bowie type blades"
So literally any fucking blade pattern ever.
What a fucking retard comment.

>A rifle is a large stick son. Large stick beats knife.
Not in a trench. In a trench large stick loses its advantage because of narrow space.
>There is no closer large scale worldwide real education than that of those in the trenches
Too bad that you live in a trench. Or live in a Trenchtown.

a bowie blade is way different than a regular folder, k bar, or fairbain sykes. it is different from a boot knife too. I used to sell knives

Your post is retarded.
When common human thinks of bowie pattern, he thinks about somethign like this:
-huge (over 7 inch) clipped thick blade
-coffin handle

exactly. and the blade is usually wide.

>Or live in a Trenchtown.
In a government yard.

Having been trained to fight with my rifle with ammunition, a bayonet and as a melee weapon I can assure you, you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. You fucking 12 year old.

Post up a Bowie knife.
So I can point out tha

That patterns actual name and origin and show you two to he the numbnutz children you are.

>muh original design
We know what it looked like, fuck off. Stereotypical Bowie knife looks different. Perfect example would be Smithsonian Bowie.


??? You carry a knife and use it to fight someone. Fucking autist.

Good thing nobody means fencing when they say knife fight.

That's what I thought. You've got, and you are, nothing.

You lack substance.

And pop goes your ass.
>Fucking autist
Tell that to those who falls for marketing of self-defence knives like Spyderco Civilian. Or try to study the shit we're talking about ITT. Moron.

Those knives don't discredit the use of knives for self defenxe as a whole. You're the one who addressed my shit with your non established standards.

Depends what school.

Kali / eskrima is legit. I mostly do thai boxing and jujitsu. But I have taken seminars from the great FMA instructors. Along with classes with there students.

These two guys in the picture I have learned from the most.

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>Those knives don't discredit the use of knives for self defenxe as a whole
Did I ever said anything against the knife self-defence in general? No, only about marketing shit people often run arnound with.

You mixed my shit into an unrelated conversation with nothing to do with my statement. I demand you apologize.

For *you*! For me civilian life is nothing! In the field we had a code of honor, you watch my back, I watch yours. Back here there's nothing!

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