Hey whats the current US m4 barrel profile?

I keep hearing that that all M4A1s got upgraded to that really thick SOCOM or HBAR barrel profile but surely even the US GOV inst that stupid. Pic unrelated.

Attached: 1560657099330.jpg (1280x960, 359K)

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Looks like Donbass area action.
Poor kid.

Oof guts and head. Hopefully the latter wasn’t post mortem. Spilling your guts like that is a nasty way to go.

Cool pic! Don't know bout the barrel change.

I'm guessing gut shot, went prone, got shot in the head. Exit wound confirms it was a face shot

Either that or it went in the gut and went out the head

Actually it looks like they did him a favor after being gutted.

The Army was looking for ways to improve the M4A1 after it replaced the M16 and M4 and they ended up putting the heavy barrel on. Not sure if there are other changes

>but surely even the US GOV inst that stupid.
Why would you ever think that's not the case? Just look at the Government Profile barrel.

Haven't seen those camo types in the area. Any idea which side the dead kid is on?

I dont know the specifics but my buddy says they came theough the armory and did a bunch of work on all their m4 uppers

So the closest to an m4a1 clone that I could get would be the BCM SOCOM profile barrel? It's kind of annoying that colt and FN "m4s" both have the old gov' profile.

Attached: just google it.jpg (453x604, 72K)

is he ok?

Ukraine shit. Probably a Russian "volunteer"

yeah, he lived


Ukranian or Russian?

The dead bloke is from the Aidar battalion.

The guy is wearing ukrainian Dubok camo, so ukrainian

victim is ukraine. the killer was russian. pic is of the killer

Attached: 776177_original.jpg (700x525, 71K)

His brain looks tasty

Attached: hannibal.jpg (618x412, 53K)


The nazi really should have exterminated those russian subhumans till the last one back in the days.

It's the same thing


the "articles" on that website are written VERY poorly. I could barely understand the random use of of " , "

It's almost like English isn't his native language

he needs some paracetamol

Was he shot by 7.62x39mm or 5.45x39mm?

Just to follow up; I'm asking because I didn't think one caliber or the other was capable of making your intestines burst from your torso...

Man don't start your thread with that shit. Poor kid.

I love weapons but man i wish we could use them just for fun. Killing people is fucking outdated, man.

He could have been running and took a round at an angle, causing his abdominal muscles to tear or something. Think of a massive hernia while you're running, but then someone puts a few holes into the skin that normally just holds your guts like a huge basketball on the front of your torso.

Or you could just get the Colt SOCOM barrel that's readily available and is actually 14.5...

He just fell asleep in his tomato soup, user

Is that real? I mean the blood is comically red and opaque. Maybe my monitor is shit.

Or gut and coup de grace

The cameraman is holding a 74 so 5.45 if he's also the shooter, which seems likely.

Yeah got some ibuprofen from the veterans clinic on the way home

Your intestines are held in place by your abdominal muscles and skin, if something tears your gut open, they will readily spill out.

>dead slav

is he okay

How does he hold an AK with those armlets?

he needs some milk

>Not sure if there are other changes
H2 buffer and full auto

The SOCOM profile barrel is the best barrel profile for the M4. The added weight is between the barrel extension and the gas block, which helps with the extreme heat not bursting the barrel, and improves the harmonics and accuracy of the barrel by quite a large margin

If only he'd worn OCP!

Yes the bullets did that.

you don't deserve to possess freedom. let alone weapons of any kind.
may your inescapable fate be one of slavery after witnessing all your loved ones subjected to the most ghastly death by pain known to to mankind.

It's probably the .22 caliber bullet. Look how scrambled his insides were.


>So the closest to an m4a1 clone that I could get would be the BCM SOCOM profile barrel?

Attached: WP_20170223_012.jpg (1728x3072, 1.21M)

He's on the other side, now. Which side he WAS on, idk.

Dang, that's gonna need stitches.

which is weird, right? I mean... look at it. Something... scrambled the insides.

Attached: 47D05B25-1EEB-4537-AD90-85E9B12ECA3C.jpg (300x169, 12K)

the round clearly entered through the top of the skull and then tumbled its way down through the body, exiting through the abdominal wall. it then became lodged in a wet cardboard box by the side of the road.

Attached: 1559154214564.jpg (644x767, 241K)

dutchko will go on a field day with this

Man shut the fuck up.

I need to see shit like every now and then, lest I forget the reality of combat and human nature.