Is this the best camo pattern ever?

Is this the best camo pattern ever?
It works nearly everywhere.

Attached: Multicam_pattern.jpg (1944x2592, 2.37M)

Looks kinda shitty though lol

Absolutely, but its frowned upon around these parts because its mainstream and wasn't the standard issue when Jow Forums were children, so doesn't trigger nostalgia like M81 and UCP.

I used to play paintball with a bunch of guys who wore it they would fucking vanish when they entered the woods. So I ended up buying a set and I could sit and watch idiots walk right past me without seeing me shit was crazy. Might not work everywhere but it deff works densely wooded areas.

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Multikek is really not bad, I don't really get the hate it gets here. It's not really that great in colder-eastern-central European-Scandinavia-style forests, but it still serves well-enough even there.

if you 'dense wood' area is nothing but dried grass and a few stick with leaves on it yeah, sure, but take a step into a real forest like in germany or anywhere north and you'll stick out like a sore thumb, i live in south france and multicam only work correctly 2 month a year

Czech here, can sorta confirm. MC is not the worst you could take to forest here, but also really not the best, since it's too bright. But it still does the job. Our military usually uses MC gear along with local VZ95 cammies.

I mean you have to pick your camo based on the environment where you will be but here in the midwest the shit works great almost year-round unless it snows or something and even then I bet it would still work better than dark camo.

Attached: MC-Prone.jpg (700x467, 237K)

MTP is the bane of my life with 'advance into combat' training in woodland, particularly british summertime. Very easy to conceal yourself. I've literally been firing at what i thought was a person, and it wasn't until I moved forward in bounds and got 10m away i spotted them by chance. Either that or I'm a blind brainlet

>Best compromise of colors
>Best pattern
He’ll no

Thing has lost before in trials against other translational patterns before. The US Military has a history of choosing losing contenders and then shilling them to oblivion to the point where it can be considered gaslighting history

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Should I pick up some pants and combat shirt in this from propper?

>step into a real forest

>Chinese garbage
Just buy Crye

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Slathered turds are the universal camo; that's why people always step on obvious ones and keep legitimately responding to threads like this one

No this camo is.

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What is this stuff called i figure it’s called multicam but would like to know the specifics

Master race

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Fuck yeah, best camo on woodland!

The fuck are you talking about, UCP is universally regarded as garbage. Even by the parroting shills who promoted it back in the day.

seriously though, where can I get a field jacket with this? and no, I dont want that trashy plate carrier ive seen shilled here with the fucking squares

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Why can't I get OCP colors on tigerstripe? Shit would be nice as fuck

I don't see why they can't just print temperate/transitional/desert multicam OCPs, it's not like have multiple M81 patterns bankrupted the army back in the 80s. Transitional multicam looks just as much out of place in a coniferous forest as ACUPAT did

Was just thinking about that the other night. No idea why the AF didn't adopt OCPs printed with the digital tigerstripe pattern with multicam colors. I'm getting hard just thinking about it, at least it would have some soul

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Oh, yeah. Check this shit out

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While Multicam is a great all rounder camo, there are others that do better in specific environments. SS-Autumn makes me practically invisible in fallen dead leaves which is common where I am.

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I'm partial to Multicam Tropic myself.

Attached: multicam tropic.png (1600x1440, 649K)

It's more to do with the era and what was cool back in the day. Especially when playing army man. Super fucking iconic too.

>I don't see why they can't just print temperate/transitional/desert multicam OCP
Because the entire purpose of OCP is that you can have 1 "universal" uniform instead of having to issue different uniforms for different climates.

No, the OCP was explicitly delegated as a provisional, "operational" pattern, exclusively to be used in A-stan. Multicam was never intended or authorized to be a universal pattern, that idea is a holdover from the UCP days, no idea how people forgot this

Iconic? The fuck are you smoking zoomer?

We have a bad habit of wanting of using shit outside their designated parameters. OCP did suck compared to NATO desert patterns in west Iraq, but that’s a given if you’re not on the kool aid

>jack of all trades
>master of none
Pick the right tool for the job.
>inb4 red flag on camo

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I'd rather spend that money on ammo because I'm not an airsofter

>not an airsofter
>buys propper

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Great if you're equipping a massive, moving army. Terrible if you're a civilian with land to defend. Buy camo for the seasons in your specific area or you're needlessly handicapping yourself by not specializing your concealment.

iirc the only one selling it is some Indonesian Normiebook page, the owner even shills his stuff here every now and then

All you need is rit dye


Sumpftarn is fucking awesome. You're basically invisible in tall grass, still works really good in normal forests and somewhat okay in deserts.

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It's dogshit, no one likes it, fucking bongistanis made fun of me

It's not bad but everyone is making the same mistake that was made with UCP, no camo is universal.

Seething cryefag lmao, add a wannabe point

>Hates ucp
Not gonna make it

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Kek nice reference

Beautiful user.

Indeed, it truly looks like shit

That Leaf Patch makes an excellent aiming point

>Is this the best camo pattern ever?
It works nearly everywhere.

Are you blind? A mentally defective nigger? A shill? Or all three?

MultiScam is utter garbage virtually everywhere

lolwut? Literally no one likes UCP. The United States can’t even offload them onto Third World countries, they’re that shitty. Most are rotting away in military surpluses stores and warehouses, waiting for buyers who will never come.

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M44 Pea dot and its descendants are all pretty solid camos desu if you live in a woodland enviornment. Izlom, Flektarn, M05, etc. Not too big on their ideology, but damn near everything up until digital and multicam was inspired by a Nazi camo in one way or another. Even woodland through the EDRL program.

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all colour is removed from our uniforms on actual deployments

I like your opinion

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I like every multicam variant but the original

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Is that arid? It looks different, darker browns.

Attached: multicam_arid_home_swatch.jpg (345x185, 8K)

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