There is literally nothing wrong with NDing your firearms. If you claim you haven't had one you're undeniably noguns

There is literally nothing wrong with NDing your firearms. If you claim you haven't had one you're undeniably noguns.

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I've never had an ND

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Stop posting your dads guns, kid.

>having mindset that an ND is inevitable
>this much justification
If you want someone to pat you on the back and give you some form of cathartic treatment for your fuck up, don’t try and twist it into bringing everyone down to your level.

So true. Also there's nothing wrong with texting while driving and getting into a car accident. If you haven't done it before, you don't own a car

Stop eating sticks of butter while manipulating your firearms, you sped.

>fishing this hard for (you)s
I'll give you one, buddy. Try a little harder and you might learn how to stop NDing like the rest of gun owners.

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Same here fren!

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How many ND's has Sootch had on camera now anyway? 3-4?

There is something wrong with NDing a firearms faggot. That being said. If it happens and you don't learn how then, you're big dumb.

Never, but then again I am a cute vulnerable 12 year old girl
Owl bro!

Oh hey what's up owl fren

if you haven't NDed, you haven't been around guns a lot.

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trying this hard

The only acceptable NDs are into your head

My dad told me he had an ND a couple weeks back. Shot a .22WMR into his carpet. Said he can't even find the hole it made. I've never really been a proponent of taking someone's guns away but he's getting old and this kind of worries me.

Sort of related, but what's with people just squeezing the trigger like ? It's obvious that this is how the vast majority of NDs, including my dad's, occur. I know some striker guns need it for disassembly but still.

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Tex Grebner detected.

i never ND because i never store my guns with one in the chamber.

only cucks ND

Hey owlbro, hows it been?

He was trying to demo why things in the trigger guard are bad, and was talknig about how it causes ND's, and tried to demonstrate, and had a real ND because of that very same thing. I lol'd heartily.

ND is a small brain move.

That's pretty funny and all but why did he feel the need to demonstrate this? If you put something in the trigger guard (fingers included) then of course your potential for ND goes way up. That's what the trigger guard is there for and a simple explanation as to his point would have sufficed.

Hi frens! I have been doing well, how are you all?

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>go to range
>shooting single shot .22 with a safety that automatically engages after cycling the bolt
>chamber next round
>goes off in to the floor down range
>legitimately confused as if there was a mechanical failure or if I accidentally had indexed my finger too low and the tip touched the trigger because I was cycling and disengaging the safety fast

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>There is literally nothing wrong with negligence

No, you are actually a drooling retard. You should ND into your fucking eyesocket.

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Not as good as you, from the looks of it lol.

I have never done it since I'm not retard but I did get ND'd at constantly by Iraqi soldiers and every time we thought we were about to get murdered and were about half a second away from blowing his brains out before we see him staring slack jawed at his rifle wondering why it went off like a brainlet.

They've happened a few times

>At friends apartment at college. Just bought my first pistol from a gun show (I was 18)
>Drinking with friends
>Show them my new Jericho
>Try to manually decock
>Thumb slips on hammer, ND into celling
>Upstairs neighbors too high and drunk (underage and illegal drugs) to call the police.

Second time
>At range
>Showing friend pistol
>Think gun is unloaded
>Point at ground show him how to wrack and pull the trigger.
>Forgot loaded mag in
>Shoot between his feet

Third time
>At parents house.
>Just bought a sig from a guy
>Get home
>Try swapping slides with another sig I had
>Forgot the other sig slide was chambered.
>Pull trigger
>Shoot parents wall

Fourth time
>At my new house
>Playing with a friend's 5.56 AK
>Release bolt
Slam fires round into ground

Fith time
>Showing a friend how to use it
>No idea how but a round got chambered
>Show him how the trigger works,
>Pull trigger
>Shoots round into floor in the same place as before

Sixth time
>Thought maybe my house was haunted
>heard a noise
>guns scare ghosts
>took oit the magazine
>could have sworn I racked it and it was clear
>pull trigger
>blow a hole through my wardrobe

Seventh time
>friend brings over transferrable mac 11
>lol .380 is meme
>think it fires from closed bolt
>try to close bolt with loaded mag inserted
>shoots 3 rounds of .380 into my wall

Eighth time
>got a replica navy black powder single action revolver
>loaded a couple of cylinders
>forgot I had percussion caps on
>trying aout the cool single action trigger pull
>blow nice hole into my oven

Ninth time
>be me inna woods
>assembling for plink session with the boys
>explaining how to load to my autistic friend
>forgot I had a loaded mag in
>blow a little bird off a tree completely
>mfw lucky shot

Tenth time
>house sitting home alone
>just put a new ghost trigger bar connector in my glock 22
>forgot its loaded
>pull trigger
>put 2 in aunt's wall

Stale pasta

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They are just G3 magazines fren :)

Stfu faggot

I disagree.

Both times I ND'd I was way too drunk to be operating a firearm. If you do it sober you're undeniably a retard.


Jesus Christ how fucking retarded do you have to be to nd

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owlbro is fren
owlbro is life


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> samefagging this hard

You shut your bitch, xir.

Stop playing with your dads guns you furry faggot

I wish I had a HK91 and a big stack of magazines.

This is now an Owlbro thread. Suck my dick OP.

>literal neckbeard

I've ND'd my antique revolver once and I'm forever shameful. Get your stupid ass outta here.

God that thread was fucking peak autism
Do you have nothing else to do?

>Fucks up and does X
>H-h-hey guys, nothing wrong with doing X
Take responsibility for your action for once, you fucking child

I want to die.

Just say you were checking to see if gun was loaded with a Tigger pull test

>t. Dirty tranny

It's literally ancient pasta that half the board has seen already

I don't completely recall but he was going over some old hat ak technique.

>There is literally nothing wrong with totaling your car. If you claim you haven't done that you're undeniably nocar.

>get absolutely shitfaced on bottom shelf Vodka
>want to fingerfuck one of my guns
>stumble over to my AR
>almost fall several times
>pick up AR
>observe proper TD even though I can't walk straight
>drop the mag
>clear the chamber
>do a visual and physical check just to be sure
>grab an empty mag and verify it's empty
>do the same thing with my AK
>go back to where I was sitting and fuck with both of them for an hour before falling asleep on the couch
How do people even fucking ND? Even shitfaced I was super aware of what I was doing.

somebody post the gif's of sootch NDing into his table and car hood

spotted the hairless soiboi

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Always remember when talking about averages like the average intelligence of a population, half of said population is below that average. So naturally, there's a lot of dumbasses who will ND.

Because they're fucking stupid and lack any situational awareness.

Is he the guy who shot someone at a pistol course? If I recall there is a house to practice clearing rooms, and a guy was in there cleaning up his targets or something, and like 3 bullets went through the plasterboard walls and hit the dude.

I’ve never pulled a trigger inside of my house unless it was a reassembly function check. ND’s should be number one priority for red flag laws. You don’t have the maturity required to own a firearm.

But I'm stupid, how can other people possibly be THAT stupid?

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>red flag laws
You should neck yourself.

>no rail
Owlbro, you truly are the best

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How you are avatarfagging too much, kys


Never had an ND and I do stuff like this daily.

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