Why were they so savage?
Why were they so savage?
I watched hours of old people talking about the war, it's so great. Just think of all the thousands or millions of stories that got lost because nobody recorded them telling them.
Unironically, Arabs. The same shit they are doing in war today. Not sure why they have this thing for cutting off heads, has to be something cultural or religious or something.
Let's talk about Kalmyks in the Wehrmacht instead, they were scouting thousands of miles on horseback for the Germans.
Cutting of heads is merciful and honorable death for soldiers in many cultures. It's messy for the spectators but instant death for the executed. Don't give me that winking eyes decapitated shit story. Anyone who have killed animals know they twitch involuntarily.
i couldnt agree more with this
>Don't give me that winking eyes decapitated shit story
I won't, but from watching ISIS vids I know that it's at least two or three very painful seconds, or a lot more if the knife isn't sharp
These guys are based
In the Muslim world war is not watered down as in the West. It's viewed as savage, and thus acting in such manner during it is not met with shock or disgust, but rather indifference. "That's just how war is". The kettle of all the hate and anger put into a span of time; a way to unleash your rage on someone and be called a hero for it, used by the politicians as a tool for their greed of money and power. Such sentiment was present in Europe as well, until the world wars.
>Such sentiment was present in Europe as well, until the world wars
More like until the 18th century
Well, maybe for the royalty. Common soldiers still murdered the wounded, raped women, pillaged and burned villages.
And when exactly did they stop doing that?
another good reason to glass arabia and africa with nukes and gas every single emigrated arab. ceterum censeo mekkam delendam esse.
Around the 80s. At least the more civillized armies.
So wars should be fought, but not fought in a way to win them as quickly as possible? Do you really think that drawing out wars into generational affairs due to murky regulations is more "humane"?
Useless endevour. Will just either radicalize the rest or make whole Earth inhabitable.
>they are savages
>we should glass all countries they live in and kill all of them that migrated to us
Because arabs are subhuman and they were lead by the fr*nch
Dude, being a white supreme is 2018. It ain't edgy and controversional anymore. Try pedophilia or radical libertarianism. That's hotter today
Only in the Jow Forums echochamber and the other places you guys use to frequent. The rest of us still knows that racism is fucking retarded.
>Dude, being a white supreme is 2018. It ain't edgy and controversional anymore
Because people took all this fucking shit on here too serious. I'm still calling people fag on here, sometimes even nigger, or spic, or roach, or bugman, or filthy polack, slavnigger, snownigger, currynigger, or whatever, but like most people on here that did that since like forever, I only do it on here. In real life, or even any other place on the internet, the least thing I would ever do is judge someone by his religion, or race, or the fact that he's a buttpirate, and I would fight anyone who does it, because it's fucking retarded. If we learned anything from history, it's that racism is fucking wrong.
But why? I mean, I call people fags and shit if they act like a fuckin faggot. But why would you say something on Jow Forums that you wouldn't say irl? That sounds pretty gay
Lot of people do it like that on here, it's just how we talk. Been here a decade and that's just how it is. But I would never call someone a fag in real life, that's just not an insult. There's nothing wrong with being gay.