What would happen if Brazil tried to invade French Guyana...

What would happen if Brazil tried to invade French Guyana? Would such an attack warrant a nuclear response in the French nuclear doctrine?

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will France even notice something like this?


Yes, French Guyana is Europe's spaceport
ESA launches from there because it's the EU territory closest to the equator

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Nothing will happen. They'll just take it back in less than a week, without nukes.

Also, Trump wanted to use nukes on tornadoes/cyclones. Maybe nukes can also be used on forest fires too?

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If the Brazilian wanna to play with hard-core 3rd REI and permanent GiGN unit stationed there, go. Soit mon invité

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>In 2017, the GDP per capita of French Guiana at market exchange rates, not at PPP, was US$18,313 (€16,218),[2] the highest in South America,[28] but only 46.7% of metropolitan France's average GDP per capita that year, and 55.5% of the metropolitan French regions outside the Paris Region.[2]

Brazil army sucks ass and french wouldn't be worried and invasion from it
But no needs for a war, frogs will just resolve this case by a diplomatic maneer

>Also, Trump wanted to use nukes on tornadoes/cyclones. Maybe nukes can also be used on forest fires too?
No, FAE are the way to go for fires. Sucks the oxygen out of a huge volume of air. Kills pretty much everything too.

the baggete jungle forces are literally trained by brazilians

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You've been posting this for YEARS on Jow Forums. How butthurt can you be?

I think unless we were talking about a mineshaft fire more air would just rush in

They can try but Guyane is french clay

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i start using Jow Forums this year faggot


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>mfw France is the best country in South America
>mfw Guyane is actually a shithole
What are they doing on this fucking continent ?

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literal newfag

we should nuke this fucking shitole already

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Per capita is a retarded measure for dum dums like you

t. literal dogshit brain

NATO response actually.

>Couldn't spell right..
>Didn't even know the envy of Brazilian Military, The French 3rd REI CEFE exist.
>Calling other's fag.

Jesus. Comment pouvez-vous être aussi stupide!?

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Article 5 doesn't apply south of the Tropic of Cancer.

Imagine if Haiti was still included in that.

Illegal gold diggers do it all the time