What would happen if Brazil tried to invade French Guyana? Would such an attack warrant a nuclear response in the French nuclear doctrine?
What would happen if Brazil tried to invade French Guyana...
will France even notice something like this?
Yes, French Guyana is Europe's spaceport
ESA launches from there because it's the EU territory closest to the equator
Nothing will happen. They'll just take it back in less than a week, without nukes.
Also, Trump wanted to use nukes on tornadoes/cyclones. Maybe nukes can also be used on forest fires too?
If the Brazilian wanna to play with hard-core 3rd REI and permanent GiGN unit stationed there, go. Soit mon invité
>In 2017, the GDP per capita of French Guiana at market exchange rates, not at PPP, was US$18,313 (€16,218),[2] the highest in South America,[28] but only 46.7% of metropolitan France's average GDP per capita that year, and 55.5% of the metropolitan French regions outside the Paris Region.[2]
Brazil army sucks ass and french wouldn't be worried and invasion from it
But no needs for a war, frogs will just resolve this case by a diplomatic maneer
>Also, Trump wanted to use nukes on tornadoes/cyclones. Maybe nukes can also be used on forest fires too?
No, FAE are the way to go for fires. Sucks the oxygen out of a huge volume of air. Kills pretty much everything too.
the baggete jungle forces are literally trained by brazilians
You've been posting this for YEARS on Jow Forums. How butthurt can you be?
I think unless we were talking about a mineshaft fire more air would just rush in
They can try but Guyane is french clay
i start using Jow Forums this year faggot
>mfw France is the best country in South America
>mfw Guyane is actually a shithole
What are they doing on this fucking continent ?
literal newfag
we should nuke this fucking shitole already
Per capita is a retarded measure for dum dums like you
t. literal dogshit brain
NATO response actually.
>Couldn't spell right..
>Didn't even know the envy of Brazilian Military, The French 3rd REI CEFE exist.
>Calling other's fag.
Jesus. Comment pouvez-vous être aussi stupide!?
Article 5 doesn't apply south of the Tropic of Cancer.
Imagine if Haiti was still included in that.
Illegal gold diggers do it all the time