Poorfag / newfag here, wanted to see what Jow Forums recommends for home defense for a guy who is new to guns and broke as fuck
Poorfag thread
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You buy a shitty Tula for cheap
Not quite an ak, but you're poor
How poor are you? You can often find complete AR kits for under $400. If that is still too expensive for you try looking at mossberg 500 pump shotguns used at pawnshops, don't pay more than $200. If that is STILL too expensive for you than you are too poor to afford a decent firearm.
Every pawnshop in America has a $150 hi point
What is your budget, what type of gun are you considerring, and how gay are you?
>budget is around $300
>type of gun, i had no real specifics, just something to protect the home, maybe the type is more important than i realize
>homosexuality level, i have no idea
What? Get the fuck out back to 2011
Maverick 88 shotgun
Some boxes of #4 buckshot
It's best to figure out want kind of firearm you wish to use for home defense. Go to a gun store, talk to them and handle guns until you find something you like. Then start looking for deals. Here's a couple going on right now, if you have an academy sports nearby.
Maybe not the best, if all you have is $300, you will be limited on options. Also look for deals in pawnshops and similar places.
As many people would recommend, just order a cheap PSA kit and be done with it. If you ever plan on carrying than just get a cheap CZ or something similar.
I'm personally not a fan of shotguns for home defence. They're cheap but you get less capacity, aren't necesarrily more lethal, and are very concussive, especially indoors. Also a rifle is better to take to the range for training purposes.
Maverick 88.
Cheap as shit, made by Mossberg. And you can get 25 round box of buckshot for like 5 dollars.
This, get some practice and learn how to not short stroke the action and you're good. Handguns and rifles can come later.
This was my first gun as a poorfag
Jack of all trades master of none
Except birds, shotguns are a master of birds
If you're paying 3 figures for a pawn shop hi-point, you're paying too much
A number of anons indicated that a Maverick 88 would be ideal and I agree, I think it would be a good fallback option if you can't find anything better. It's a reasonably solid shotgun that is $200 new..
If you splurge a little more on the combo model you give up 2 rounds of tube capacity for an extra 28" barrel which you can use for hunting or recreational skeet shooting so the shotgun will always be useful no matter what else you end up buying down the road.
This user has very good advice too.
Before you buy any of those look around all the gun stores in your area that sell used guns (big corporate chains usually don't, some smaller ones don't due to zoning restrictions) and make a list of everything they have that you can afford. Pistols, rifles and shotguns.
You might just score a used pump-action shotgun in decent shape and have enough left over for a pistol as well. Or maybe you can get a very decent pistol.
maverick 88 in 12 gauge with any 2 3/4" buckshot you find at walmart. buy one box of cheap shit birdshot 25shell/5$ and take to range to familiarize yourself with the gun so you dont fuck up when you need it
If your young or mega dirt poor, just buy a used single shot 12 or 20 gauge from a pawnshop for a 100 bucks or from your 80 year old geezer of a neighbor, they usually have some old shotty laying around that they haven’t touched In decades.
Now all you need Is a hacksaw, some files, and a bit of elbow grease and your golden.
Even at the legal length of
26” and 18-1/2” you’ll still have a fairly compact boomstick.
You can get a single shot shotgun for around $100
Go to all of your local gun stores and find whatever used handgun you prefer for under $300. Just google the model beforehand and make sure it isn't a POS known for being defective.
this trash is so fucking outdated, stop posting it, almost none of it is right
almost any gun is fine.
you want a taurus pt111 g2
That's the worst shop I've ever seen... I love it