Texas is in trouble borthers

Please lend your energy to step on steppers. If you don't vote your mother will die in her sleep.

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i have infinite immunity cat from 2010 so gfy

It has visibility, that's the part that really matters. I know, it's faceberg, but shutting these people out on their own platforms is important too.

>californians moving into texas
>taking their faggotry with them

only a matter of time before texas falls

>asks for help
>doesn't give link
Fuck you OP. Not your personal army.

Honestly private sales being left as a state duty for this long is already a win. Felons actually do get guns that way.

well they already have all my info from LTC application so it's really moot but I'd vote no just to annoy the grabbers and boomers

on two separate occasions i've heard people admit to being felons when trying to privately purchase guns at flea markets, both times they were shocked when told they wouldn't be sold a gun. one woman assured the man she would check with her parole officer because she was sure that couldn't be correct.

It was nice knowing you while you lasted Texas.

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What do you mean, "only a matter of time"? We don't even have constitutional carry.

Texas ain't as shit a state as some, but it sure as hell ain't as free as others.

Texaco is a cuck state, all it's major cities are hispanic shitholes, and their gun laws are pretty bad as well.

Does this cow know there are already background checks for online purchases?

doubt it, grabbers tend to be extremely ignorant of current laws and regulations.

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>Little know state rep posts poll on her page almost no right wingers follow
>Still dosent even get a majority to vote for her position
Yeah this is a great indictment on the state of the lone star state

Oh no, not a Facebook poll! We're all doomed now!

how about fuck off glowniggers

felons can and SHOULD get their right restored once they complete their sentence.

OP is a faggot but I got you guys

m.facebook com /story.php?story_fbid=2496739060371614&id=937269089651960&anchor_composer=false

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>muh californians boogieman
>totally not spics reclaiming the state because they can just walk across the border and get free shit

>jamal has the RIGHT to buy another hi-point and rob another liquor store right after he gets out of prison for robbing a liquor store

Then have special rules for repeat offenders. Everyone can fuck up at a low point in their life and actually turn it around.

Already happened to Nevada.

Statistically speaking he is just going to shoot more blacks... you trying to stop that?

either keep jamal in jail or don't
we don't need to play it fast and loose when it comes to people's rights .

if you don't trust someone with a gun, why would you let them out of jail, why would you trust them with a vote? or why even let them in our country in the first place?

>muh liberty!
This will just help prevent felons from arming themselves with legal firearms for probably nefarious purposes. Is that such a bad thing?

LIBERTY> security

if you don't like it move to europe.

or maybe don't commit crimes with deadly weapons that puts everyone else at risk if you want to still be able to have the ability to possess deadly weapons
In an ideal world they'd be shot dead by someone else on the spot, plenty of people have dealt with shit and managed to not threaten the lives of others.
It isn't politically expedient to keep a large portion of the black population in jail. We live in reality, we don't have the option to give people life in prison or ideally drop them off onto an island to remove them from society.

If you value your liberty so much why don't you move to Somalia?

If he's not safe back in society then he shouldn't be released into society.
>every felony is a violent felony

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Not him but...

>If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
Samuel Adams

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Because this nation was literally founded on personal liberty > security.


Its spics

This. Texas is merely red California.

I don't have a zuckerbook

No but it's still fun to btfo grabbers

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>It was nice knowing you while you lasted Texas.

40% white OH NO NO NO

It's both.
>t. NY expat living in FL telling everyone I know in NY that wouldn't vote right that it's awful and never to come here

>802 votes


online gun sales follow the same laws a all other sales.

It's now near 5000 votes see

Don't most gun shows have a specific section for running background checks though? Anf you still need to do the 4473 before picking up the gun at an FFL. Do these people unironically believe you can just order fully semi automatic assault machine gun to your door?

Don't we already have this? Are they really that stupid they think you can just order a gun online to your house, or am missing something?

>Buy gun online
>No background check
>lol it's 1930!!!
>Wait, there's no internet in 1930

rather than just saying "in-state private sales", they try to make it sound like you can buy a gun online across state lines or just go to a gun show and not fill out a 4473, which any gun owner knows is bullshit.

What's happened to Nevada?

>If he's not safe back in society then he shouldn't be released into society.
except they are released back into society
There are plenty of things in the world that "should" happen, but don't.
>>every felony is a violent felony
It's almost as if I am specifically using examples of violent felonies because THOSE are the people that shouldn't have guns.

It's not worth mentioning someone who has a motor fuel tax evasion or misuse of bingo receipts because that in itself is not some massive risk to public safety if they have a gun.

Background checks on private sales, red flag law and safe storage law.

I bet you're no guns

2A was never intented to arm Negro slaves

>No true Scotsman

And if things were ideal those laws would keep violent people unarmed. If the only people that will be truly effected by these laws are the law abiding why make more?

If things were ideal the violent people wouldn't be in society because they'd be killed as soon as they attempt to commit a crime.

Nevada is fucked, but all the rural sheriffs said they will not enforce any of these laws so there is a small silver lining. Sisolak, Clark and Washoe County can and should suck the back of my nut sack.

I don't disagree. Why make mire laws only the law abiding will follow though?

Good new everyone! This law is already in place!

Personally, I think this is more an issue with sentencing than the law.
The idea with prison is that you reintegrate and are not expected to commit the same or different crimes.
Obviously no one actually expects that in the real world, but I don't appreciate when the government gets to decide who is free and who's not
think that the criminal in question is going to purchase a gun for the purpose of committing more crime?
keep him in there for longer during the sentencing

however, realistically speaking, your compromise is a lot more likely to actually be applied
unfortunately I don't support gun control so you can eat shit anyway

The best way I think to do this is have all of their rights restored after a period of parole, the fuckups will be back in jail soon enough and the truely reformed people will be on with their lives.

>SB143, private sales background checks goes into effect 1/2/20.
Don't know why this was passed, Paddock passed all checks.
>AB291 makes it a misdemeanor to leave guns unsecured around kids.
I have no kids.
>Under the proposed red flag language of AB291, a family member or law enforcement could petition a court for a protection order against a person who they believe is a threat to themselves or to others. If the court signs off, it would prevent that person from being able to buy a gun and would require them to turn their guns into law enforcement.
So a biased glownigger can report your memes and confiscate your guns? Cool.

AKA it's right wingers and partisan politics. Spics don't naturally have anything against gun rights. Most of them are religiously conservative and could be made to vote pro gun if Trump didn't scare most of them away.

Its a two pronged attack. Illegals from the south and hipster liberals from the west. Both leaving shitholes to make their new home a shithole

>populace comes from a nation with extreme gun laws and literally 1 gun store in the entire nation
>no trust us guys they are totally pro gun it's just we haven't sucked their dicks hard enough
kill yourself

>No background checks on online purchases

LOLOLOOLOLOLOL I wish, fuck transfer fees tbqh.

This is pretty bad in comparison to the % levels usually shown nationally for UBC support.

1967 more like, mail-ordering guns was legal until the GCA of 1968; Oswald ordered his Carcano rifle through the mail.

They want free shit like healthcare, medicaid and welfare that the left promises to finance their large families them at taxpayers expense

Nice broken link, retard

>If you don't vote your mother will die in her sleep.

Or just.. Fuckin shoot Jamal for being a dumb nig. Fuck with people, get fucked with right back.

Do retard democrats still think online sales don't require background checks?

The rifle I bought on the 2nd was on hold til the 22nd because of all the bullshit going on. I even filed a FOIA request to find out why.

Okay retard

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So of the minorities they are by far the most reachable.

Here's an idea. Drop the christfaggotry, drop the racism, just focus on guns and hating the government and liberals.

That doesn't mean don't be racist. That just means maybe refrain from talking about beating up mexicans at a rally and calling them rapists.

Gun owners have nothing but themselves to blame for the current wave of gun control advocacy. We had the ball in our court for 3 years and all we had to do was stop being such insular little faggots and spread your message cross culturally and we woudlnt' be in this situation.

Do we not already have universal background checks? Proof these fucking idiots have never purchased a gun. Fucking retards.

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Why yes, we will obviously win by convincing the people that benefit the most from big government and liberals policies that the government and liberals are bad.


They don't care, it doesn't have to make sense to them or you.
Their only desire is to make it as difficult as possible to acquire firearms and related items to the point where they believe you will give up the "hobby". Ultimately they want to abolish the 2nd amendment entirely.

Know who you are dealing with. They are neither sane nor reasonable.

>only a matter of time before texas falls
Good thing this isn't a democracy.

I'm aware. Doesn't make shit like the "protest" by a bunch of middle aged moms near my job in downtown Denver any less infuriating.

Go talk to them and present a factual argument. Bring pic related and a camera so they can't just scream you out.

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Yeah its the stomniggers and Jow Forumsfaggots in the Republican party that support that Orangenigger that push conservative Spics/Chinks/Niggers away from the Republican party and away from the 2A. Fuck me if the Republicans just just promised slightly more gibs with empirical results tied to those gibs improving livelihood and reducing gun deaths at the expense of some dipshit Senators reelection because we arent buying 100000 more Abrams and MRAPs that year we could get so many more people in the party and when it reaches a fucking climax with them appealing to these people maybe an NFA repeal. So incredibly fucking retarded that we are losing 2A rights because dipshit tier Repubs cant appeal to minorities due to sperg.

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/leftypol/ you aren't fitting in by constantly saying nigger. brown people care only for their own race's well being, so naturally they will ALWAYS vote democrat. Making any kinda compromise won't matter cause the democrats will ALWAYS, I repeat, ALWAYS offer more gibs.
>So incredibly fucking retarded that we are losing 2A rights because dipshit tier Repubs cant appeal to minorities due to sperg.
>we're losing "our" rights because we have to give reparations n sheeeeeit!
do you know how moronic you sound? fuck outa here

>if Trump didn't scare most of them away
All the years leading up to Trump say otherwise, In fact Trump was elected for EXACTLY that reason.

Please commit suicide orangenigger, I know plenty of Mexicans and Blacks that like to own guns and are asspained about the insanely retarded laws around firearms. They wont vote Republican because the President and Republican party alienate them with policy and association with faggots like the Klan. Also every race wants the best for their individual race you subhuman nogunz faggot, holy shit as I said at the beginning please slit your wrist vertically.

It is supposed to be broken to get past the filters you retard newfag redditor

>the President and Republican party alienate them with policy and association with faggots like the Klan
Have a source for this? The truth is precisely the opposite of what you claim.

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Nice link, you stupid bitch. And no, I'm not making a ZOGbook account for your thread.

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Honestly, I'd love to dress up as a Klansman and have a white friend wear blackface for Halloween or something.

lmao /leftypol/ do we really have to play this game again? you aren't going to get niggers or spics to vote republican, they haven't done so in decades. offering gibs isn't gonna change that either, cope and seethe

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