PCCs are nothing other than a range toy

Daily reminder PCC's are nothing more than a range toy. Based Yeager says so himself.


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literally who

All your guns are nothing but range toys

Didn't he run away from a firefight?

Why should I take the opinions of a ditch diver who can't drive stick and who's daughter got BLACKED seriously?

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Yeah? Well my internet celebrity can beat up your internet celebrity and he says a surpressed 9mm carbine is the best home defense rifle there is.

Seriously though, why do people act like people are going to shrug off somebody filling their ass in with God knows how many 147gr .35 bullets? 30+ round pistol mags are common as hell now.

He's right though. A pistol caliber hits like a pistol even when fired from a carbine. A rifle caliber hits like a rifle.
Why should I take seriously internet rumors from an anonymous imageboard notoriously frequented by ignorant losers?

Hi james

>liberates your iranian embassy

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>A pistol caliber hits like a pistol even when fired from a carbine.
I hear you, but the biggest issue holding pistols back isn't the bullet. It's how fucking difficult it is to shoot them accurately and quickly.

If the losers running PCC in pistol matches are any indication, that's not a problem out of a carbine.

As if James Yeager would waste his time on Jow Forums. Yeager is a businessman. He knows that Jow Forums is too poor to afford his classes, so he doesn't care about us.

Lmao okay Mr Yeager

OH that guy that runs away

A PCC in semi auto is a range toy
A PCC in full auto is not

This. PCC fans are getting their panties in a bunch over the worthless opinions of some retard whose only job is to sell himself when the reality is that even .22lr will fuck somebody up.

Short of birdshot, just about anybody you shoo go down. Shot placement is king, remember, folks.

>you will never clear a building with a stack of lads armed with suppressed American 180's

Hey .22's aren't so bad when you hit someone 19 times with one trigger pull..

Oh shit everyone should stop using pistols since they hit like pistols.


James Yeager is a cuck, Paul Harrell rules.

> mfw a fed showed up to play Brrrt & Gurney with a UMP on a alleged Cartel house nearby on behalf of the Dallas sheriff's department last year.

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And that's a fucking shame if you ask me, user. Plus, .22 bounces around so you're basically hitting someone with however many rounds land, multiplied by the average amount of times small rounds tend to glance off of shit like bone.

>A pistol caliber hits like a pistol even when fired from a carbine
I mean if you don't understand the basics of ballistics just say so.

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19 .22 caliber bullets is practically a shotgun load, so that makes sense.

>ditch bitch disapproves
That makes me like it even more

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Did he forget handgun calibers loss less energy from shorter barrels than rifle rounds?

>people still fall for obvious bait

>belt fed tattoos

Paul knows an expert when he sees one, do you?

>This cartridge isnt lethal because i dont like it
Ok, Chuck

Nobody is talking about rimmed magnum rounds, Cleetus. Although an 8" .357 Sig or 10mm would be kind of cool.

>Buck Angel bitching about PCC
Who cares

God damnit, Buck not Chuck
Im fucking dumb


I'm secretly hoping that KelTec does. Sub 2k in 10mm

.44 mag out of a 16 inch barrel is more than enough to kill brown bear, don't see why it won't kill a person.

>.40 s&w models literally explode
>okay now lets make it hotter

Everything everyone on this board uses is a range toy. It's literally devoted to LARPing

Rdb mini in 10mm

Read what longer barrels do to muzzle velocity.
Also shoulderable long gun beats handgun in accuracy every day.

>9x19 doesn't keep scaling until 16" and then drops
Amazing brain you have there.

I'm aware, Cleetus. But the measly 150fps isn't worth it. 8" or bust, and 1500fps ain't going to blow you away compared to 1350fps.

>I don't know how ballistics work
>I don't understand the usefulness of a quieter controllable carbine
>I don't understand how handgun rounds can deform and defeat a fair amount of armor
>I think everyone is wearing AR500 plates

theyre fun

Dude stop taking the bait
How have you guys not realised this yet

>who's daughter got BLACKED seriously?

With actual mutt babies? Why are American men so cucked?

>daughter got BLACKED

remember to safeguard your virginity everywhere you go

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Pretty much this
As much as id like to see civil war 2.0, the chances are slim. Im 100% going to go to the range, so I'll make my purchases accordingly.

So we should ditch PCCs?

We use pistols because they are convenient to carry, not because they are the most effective weapons.
You reach a point of diminishing marginal returns with barrel length and velocity. That is why rifle cartridges exist.
>Also shoulderable long gun beats handgun in accuracy every day.
Yeah, that's why rifles exist.
If you're using a rifle, there is no reason not to chamber it in a rifle caliber.

He's largely right. Most loadings see a ~10% fps gain going from 5 inch to 16 inch barrels.

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This. And the moment they're not a range toy, even a .22LR will do what bullets do.

Whereas with 5.56 you get about 60% increase going from 5 inch to 16 inch.

Yes, and?
That's what I bought them for.

1. A 16" barrel makes sense for magnum loads because they have the case capacity to make use of it.
2. Shoving a supressor on a 8" MPX gives you the equivalent of an mk 18. Shoving a supressor on a 16" AR9 gives you a musket.
3. I don't even know how to address the armor argument because JHP makes that job even harder, you don't care about soft armor pen because you aren't a cartel guy murdering la policia in their patrol cars, and the ATF is showing up in plate carriers when they come to seize your solvent trap.

If you're upset because you think I'm hating on PCC, go argue with someone else. Just be honest with yourself and realize that if SBR laws weren't a thing, we'd all be rolling 8" PCCs and you'd never see a 16" barrel outside rimmed magnums.

>its another Jow Forums gets into an argument about incremental numeric differences that started over a bait post episode
Wow again?

>If the losers running PCC in pistol matches are any indication,
Wow, people actually do that? That's like pretending to be a tranny so you can compete against women.

Caliber debates are the only thing I have left here since DotM died. Let me have this.

>.22 bounces around
And remember to cut "x"s in the tip to make dumb-dumb rounds.

I don't want to talk about it. It's a sore spot in the sport right now for anyone that isn't a serious competitor.

Me too user
Me too

What fucking clubs are you a member of that allow pcc in any sort of legitimate pistol match?!

No, nobody does that. You cant fit a Zenith in the box.

There are none. No club allows PCCs in any kind of pistol match, legitimate or not. He's talking out of his ass and has never been to a match in his life.

It's not that their fucking up the scores in Open or CO, it's because it's fucking up the stages on smaller local matches.

Yes, user. Stage planning certainly hasn't suffered because of the fucking 30 rounders. And certainly Production, which was already the red-headed step child, hasn't gotten even worse.

>implying anyone cares about what buck angel thinks

buck angels a fucked retard. does he want to meet on a paintball field and have a gunfight on go, ar vs suomi?


wow, this cowardly nigger still exists?

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>Brings AR9 to IDPA match
>Get laughed out the door by everyone

But John Browning himself told me they're allowed on Jow Forums.

Is that still going?

Barely, Since youtube nuked his channel he hasn't been able to rebuild.

>James Yeager is a cuck, Paul Harrell rules.

Paul Harrell's wife's son is black

Is this "every gun should be a Glock" guy? Imagine still having the call to make videos after having your cheeks split open and your spaghetti spilled all over by Paul "The Executioner" Harrell.

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Birdshot at very close ranges will put a bigger hole in your chest than any pistol bullet

His son is white and has appeared in videos. So has a friend's adopted kid, who is black.

Post guns

>A bad thing
>On Jow Forums

Ask me how I know you're nogunz

I thought he was gay and adopted some African kids with his partner?

>Birdshot at very close ranges will put a bigger bruise on your chest than any pistol bullet

pretty sure he mentioned in a video that hes not racist and his grandkid is mixed. also that he’d rather move to mexico than canada because latinas are hotter than whites.

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>taking advice from a grown man that cant drive stick


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Name the range that's hosting IPSC/USPSA matches with PCCs running under Production class. You wont, because you cant.

Wow. That's racist as fuck against Canadians.

There's a lot of reasons. You can argue about the validity and I'll be more than happy to listen to those points, but there plenty for it.


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If NFA laws weren't a thing every house in America would have an SMG in their home for defense because that's what they are perfect for.

God damn it dude... They are not in Production class. I'm saying PCC division, despite being seperate from everybody else, has fucked the stages for everbody who can't use 170mm or whatever the fuck Gucci magazine length it is.

Hard leans to test single strong or support hand shooting? Why are you trying to screw PCC players? Prone? Fuck you, favoritism.

As for Production itself, it was supposed to be the everyman division where you could come out and conpete with what you carried. But now, thanks to Captain 30 rounder, they give even less of a fuck about how many reloads you'll be making. Open made it bad, but PCC now means Production is damn near exclusively stage planning division. Now the poors are forced into Limited.

>remember to safeguard your virginity everywhere you go

What does that have to do with mudsharking?

>pretty sure he mentioned in a video that hes not racist and his grandkid is mixed

I guess he can't be racist now or he would have to put down his whore daughter, the abomination and them himself. It's better to keep on cucking on than face the cruel reality.

Handgun rounds are handgun rounds, Buck, and it's an example of barrel length making a difference, .44 Magnum will gain a good 300fps or more from a barrel like that compared to your standard fare handgun in the same caliber, not to talk about being far easier to aim and shoot from the shoulder.

10x25mm Auto would see some boosting from a longer barrel as well.

I have literally never heard of an actual PCC division. Period. In my state, they are shot exclusively at 2gun matches and are almost always shot in Rifle, Optic class.

>You reach a point of diminishing marginal returns with barrel length and velocity
Yes, and it varies from caliber to caliber, .45ACP gets little boosting from a much longer barrel than with a 1911, while .357 Magnum and .44 Magnum get some pretty nice extra velocity given the lack of cylinder gap and the addition of much more barrel.
Part of this issue is the NFA, where you have things like 9mm carbines having much longer barrels than they have any practical need for, just because of the law.

On older guns like Winchesters there's also how length affects capacity, so you could have a much shorter gun for ease of carrying and maneuvering, but you'd be sacrificing firepower in more ways than one.

Appendix D8, coming to ruin a match near you.

Counterpoint: 10mm carbine

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Canadians aren't people. They're parasites living on US clay.

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Chuck Yeager is dead and does not look like that.

There is nothing wrong with a PCC for urban and suburban warfare.

Yeager is 100% correct.


>Those mental gymnastics he has to use to disregard the pros of PCCs
>That level of dick sucking in the comments
That entire little video series is him shitting on pccs because they don't have the same ballistics as rifles. That should be a no brainer sort of thing, like yea no shit pistol calibers don't have quite the same lethality at 300 yards compared to 556 but he expects us to act like he's enlightening us with his occult wisdom. Were all his followers seconds away from buying a pcc for the purpose of penetrating body armor at 500 yards or something?

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Yes you did.