Jow Forumsommandos I don't know who else to turn to and this is off topic but how do you help your Jow Forumsombat pups...

Jow Forumsommandos I don't know who else to turn to and this is off topic but how do you help your Jow Forumsombat pups get rid of fleas without any tools? I found this little one in the street and I'm genuinely worried over him, he's covered in fleas and I can't seem to pick them out at all.

Unrelated note to keep this Jow Forums post battle buddies and your hearing protection for them for the boogaloo!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Also, your house probably has fleas now.

Give him a bath.
You fucked our carpet. Get some diatomaceous earth.

I heard baking soda and vinegar will kill them in the carpet?

Also you fuxked up by bringing him inside instead of straight to the vet.

Flea meds

Advantage II is what I'd recommend. Frontline Plus is a little cheaper. Pretty sure Advantage is sold at Costco though. Dosage is should be packaging. I strongly recommend you contact a vet and get him checked out, or least call up a local animal shelter for some advice on care since animal care seems like a new for you.

t. animal shelter volunteer

Tools? You mean like a $3 comb? If you cant be bothered to go pick one up then you have no business owning a dog.
He is too young for flea treatment, but baby shampoo or dawn dish soap will go a long way.

Frontline and 24 hours later doggy shampoo and a hose'in.

Not gonna be good enough because his house now has fleas. He needs meds.

Forgot to mention that you need to weigh him and make sure he is at least 3lbs for treatment.

Puppies have to be at least 8 weeks for meds.
Old school methods work better anyways.
Whatbis he supposed to do, feed the meds and then just deal with fleas until it kicks in? You sound like a kike.

Do you not understand what these posts are talking about?

You don't "feed" flea meds you mouthbreathing shitbrain. They are applied topically.

Puppy needs to be 3lbs for flea treatment. I guarantee you that puppy is at least 3lbs. I've treated rabbits for fleas so I know what I'm talking about

Yeah and they aren't going to work. Fleas are tough fuckers and you can spend hours cleaning and not eradicate them.

Advantage + clean and nuke your house because it's now fucked.

What a cute little lad

>bringing a strange animal directly into your home instead of asking a vet to confirm if he's clean or not
what the fuck

He was in my garage just a heads up, I had a section of carpet I was going to dispose of. This puppy was cute as fuck too so I wasn't exactly thinking clearly.

Frontline doesn't work anymore, fleas and ticks have mutated and most are immune now. They're no better than sugar pills now.
>t.also an animal shelter volunteer

Based, I'd do the same thing. Fix him up and make him your battle buddy.

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Flea comb
Baby shampoo/Dish soap bath

Borax on your carpet
Cedar chips around bedding, doorways and in the yard.

Permethrin. Same stuff that's in the gel you put on dogs to tick proof them. Also the same stuff you use on basically every bug problem including lice (sold as Nix).

Frontline absolutely works.

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Maybe in Australia

Yeah I dunno why that image rotated like that.

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Cute little guy but you've just fucked your carpet.

'zat a based white GSD as well?pic related is my boy Bodie showing off his hops for the camera.

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ur dog a cute

It's cool, it was in my garage and me and my pops just gassed the carpet.

And this is what his precursor Bandit looks like as he provides aerial recon from Heaven

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/an/ would know more but give it a bath with flea and tick shampoo and figure out how to get any that are in your carpet out I guess. Good on you for rescuing that dog user.

He's white german shepard & Siberian husky. I dunno why my images are rotating to the left.

Flea Powder

>he's covered in fleas
aaaaannnnd so is you carpet.
But good on you for the rescue.
and this.

>He is too young for flea treatment
probably this too.
>I've treated rabbits for fleas

We want updates over the next few months.
Better take care of him/her/it......or we will find you.

>I found this little one in the street and I'm genuinely....
retarded for not taking it to a shelter/animal clinic straight away. Not only did you invite fleas into your home, there's other shit the gutter snipe could bring in to harm any other dogs you already have. Like rabies, distemper, kennel cough.

And as unlikely as it may be, it might actually belong to someone other than you.

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You don’t. That’s part of being a dog, you get fleas. You get heart worms too, and get to spend the majority of your life outside or sleeping in the cold, because guess what? You’re a dog. The thread of prophecy has been severed many, MANY thousands of years ago.

Get some flea killing doggo shampoo, bomb your carpet with flea killing powder form petsmart, and vacuum each floor in your home three times a day at least and all your drawers and other surfaces too if you've got cats.
My dumb ass cat brought some home once and caused an infestation and she likes to lay in my drawers and all my socks and underwear were covered in larvae.

Not gonna be enough, there's specific powders made for that.

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What a cute little fucker

Wew, that fucking sucks. I gotta remember this if I ever have pets.

Found the Imam.

>get rid of fleas without any tools?
Puppies are expensive and a lot of work. Plus, that looks like a purebred that has been well-groomed so far. When they spend too much time in the woods and mud, they get tangles and matting in their fur. It's unlikely that he just "fell off a truck." He probably has a home and just slipped under the fence. Puppies rarely run far, though. It's probably your neighbor's puppy. Why don't you go ask around?

And even if you think you'll keep him, if all you can afford is a 99 cent flea comb, then you should find a dog rescue organization that can help you out. That looks like a Wheaten terrier, but I could be mistaken. Contact a Wheaten terrier rescue and take him there.

Cute pupper, but take it to a god damn vet and make sure no one already owns it.

Its doubtful that he has flies in his carpet after so short an exposure. Flies dont fly off their food source so readily so if you poison them at their food source they will eventually cycle thru and die.

Yeah and I was using a huge vacuum too that a would typically be used for cleaning a big garage that also doubled as an air hose.
I think there's two common fleas here in the eastern USA and I had to put up with the worst kind.


I isolated muh doggo in a separate room from all the carpeted areas, spread baking soda periodically on the carpet and vacuum up after an hour. Physically picked every single damned flea that dared sit still on her and slapped a flea collar. I've picked at the fleas for nearly a week straight and sprayed a cocktail of apple cider vinegar+Lime juice+Lemon juice after. The cocktail does wonders at stunning the fleas and dries up the eggs quite well. After the week they were gone.

You're better off with diatomaceous earth than baking powder though. Just make sure not to breath that shit in. It's like taking a huff directly from your vacuum bag.

faggot take it to a vet

>image rotated
exif - learn it, love it, live it.

I can confirm that I got lucky like this once. I was not quite as retarded as op. The dog in my incident sneaked into the house through a gap during construction repairs.