UFO Area 51 Raid SO Jow Forums here is for fun my theory on how the faggy UFO-fag raid on area 51 would look like.
Because this is a long post I split it up into chapters who will be their own posts.
If you are not interested you can skip to the next chapters
Storming a military base is one of the single most stupid things you can do in your life so enjoy. /// 0-0 introduction /////////////////
UFO-fags are the single most stupid idiots you can find. Not only are they so stupid to believe anything they read they also seriously think that the government is not actively spreading misinformation and is the source of all the area 51 UFO theories.
What better way to mislead people from the actually important areas like 63 if you point the civilian idiots to a unimportant military base?
//// 0-1 Logistics ///////////////// You can skip this chapter if you don’t like to read nothing important.
I will not concentrate on the logistics how these clueless idiots will get to their meting zone next to area 51. Because this is not a post about UFO-idiots don’t understand the logistics of getting to X place.
Needless to say they overwhelm the roads or airports will get them stuck and a lot of them will die because its the fucken desert and they will cry about it.
In all likelihood they will not even get to their Meeting point and have casualties, shit their pants and be traumatized for life.
Lets assume they get magicked there to actually see the results.
Jonathan Hill
//// 1 The walk /////////////////
So they are at their fag cafey and its a ass raping 26 miles (the spot they picked is 52 miles away!!!!) to area 51; in the desert!
So if these idiots start walking to area 51 they drop dead in the desert after max 10 miles.
Someone gets a heat stroke, not enough water UFO-fags start panicking because they have never seen anyone die maybe some will survive their trip back. I bet they neither did think about the water they will need or at what times to travel in the mother fucking desert.
These UFO-idiots will be nothing more then a local curiosity and news event without even getting near the military base.
And we are still in UFO-idiots die before even arriving near area 51.
So if the UFO-idiots did think this over(I assure you they did not so they end up dead and traumatized before they get to their target) they would use cars to travel the 26 miles. Here is the think did these idiots think about the fuel needed or the amount of water they need to travel this distance?
We still have the possibility of someone getting dehydrated or a stroke and all the little UFO-fags scattering around and aborting their demonstration or whatever.
Ayden Green
//// 3 Arriving at area 51 ///////////////// So we have unarmed civilians getting near a military base.
What do UFO-fags think will happen? Because the most light think that will happen is a guards showing up and firing shots into the air and all the UFO-fags will shit their pants and run away I bet over 99% of all UFO-fags where never in combat situations or have the mental strength to not panic and run away.
This of course magically ignores the fact that the military would have noticed a convoy of cars moving towards their military base and send out some helicopters to intercept them. Best case scenario chopper shows up, UFO-fags get a warning over the megaphone, extra shit their pants because they where never next to a actual chopper and run away.
Bad scenario the chopper actually opens fire on the cars and asks questions later.
Its a fucken military base what do you think they have there? No military grade combat choppers?
Worst case scenario the military orders a air strike (once again you are charging a military base) to destroy the threat of 100s of cars charging at their base. Or they use artillery to deal with these “terrorists”. And the UFO-fags did not even get to see the actual base at this point.
I mean its not like the UFO-fags have RPGs (and I’m not talking about their Roll Playing Games here) for all we know the military might decide to get one of their tanks out to intercept if they want to scare civilians away.
Ryan Smith
//// 4 The way back /////////////////
These are not the 1700s(radio existed in the 1950s even) the military would have alerted the police and the UFO-fags who will be running away from the military base will be intercepted by police and SWAT teams ready to arrest these criminals (trespassing on military property is a crime you criminal!) get some tear gas fire some shots and get all UFO-fags traumatized, hurt and into jail.
Also did the UFO-fags think that the area 51 guards or the police can simply use riot gas to scare them away? Did these idiots think of having gas masks with them to protect themselves ? The funny think about riot gas is that you can use it all you want and ask questions later since its considered a non lethal weapon.
Zachary Adams
//// 5 your suggestions /////////////////
So Jow Forums what do you think? Any objections to the scenario I have presented?
you expected my to try to save you from killing yourself?
Joseph Cruz
I hope that they succeed, just so they can find nothing whatsoever.
Wyatt Martinez
What will happen is they'll let them march right in and discover an empty base that was cleared out months ago when people first made this shit up
Noah Walker
You seriously think UFO-fag chicken shits have the balls to pull this off? youtu.be/ouMBVEpMSEI?t=163 And this excludes the military simply ordering a airstrike on the fuckers. This is not the 1800s. >they can find nothing whatsoever. They will find: A) Military personnel B) Military equipment (not SF tech normal equipment the normal military has) Like on every base.
Blake Lee
I would say more than likely they moved the spooky shit somewhere nobody's ever heard of as soon as people started memeing about it in the 50's
Isaac Gutierrez
>memeing about it in the 50's The gov started these memes to distract from the really important bases. How gullible are these people?
Wyatt Diaz
It's going to be a 5 hour burning man Jr. with 500 people max. They'll drink some beers, smoke some le weed, and post faggy pictures on kikebook and instajew. Then it'll be over. Probably be the best day of business the restaurant in Rachel has ever seen
Cameron Morris
I was expecting something fun, fun for us. Like the government actually shooting the most retarded members of society for walking on restricted areas.
Julian Adams
Its the peoples base not the US military. If the people want in to review it, there is nothing that can be done. If its not legal now it can be made legal later.
Josiah Hughes
Why do you seem excited that american citizens would die to people using my tax money on them? >linking videogames >shrill feminine voiced youtuber >killing americans armed with axes (simulator) You must 18 years of age or older to post here.
Jace Martinez
Imagine you actually believe this. You go and live stream yourself doing this, humanity can not be denied the event of this millennium. Into the folder it will go youtube.com/watch?v=z7zlwGo6YOk youtu.be/Sf7XuIB3ClI
It will be so epic it will be in the top spot in the folder. You go boy! Don't let the gov dictate to you where you can go! only for the love of god live stream yourself the whole time, not the gay recording shit the gov will destroy we need to see it.
>Why do you seem excited that american citizens would die These are UFO-fags, they are literally committing suicide by government base. >>killing americans armed with axes (simulator) I'm sorry this is what google suggested do you have fake actors pretend playing they are charging a garrison and being shot to better illustrate the point?
Is having grown men pretend playing a fictional scenario even more grown up? Then a computer simulation?
How about a cartoon you have a cartoon of fictional cartoon characters charging a armed encampment?
Is having fictional cartoon characters even more grown up? Then a computer simulation?
How about dolls illustrating the scenario? Is having dolls even more grown up? Then a computer simulation?
Isaiah Jackson
reddit posting isnt very grown up either
Ryder Morris
That's why I said "I hope they succeed" not, "I'm looking forward to seeing them succeed."
Juan Myers
That's essentially what i'm saying, the government sure as fuck isn't going to keep all their ayy's in a base you've heard of.
Leo Davis
Hello Jow Forums I'm from the future. The result of the infamous "area 51" raid is actually quite uneventful. Several hundred redditors met about 15 miles out from the base at a local hotel known as the Little A’Le’Inn. On the day of the raid, police arrived... but instead of arresting the redditors, they were invited to "raid" the base by the military officials. While some redditors attempt to stay in character, the vast majority treated the event for what it was - principally a walkthrough of the infamous area 51. The action was hailed as a fantastic p.r. success by buzzfeed, and although pictures were technically forbidden. Several redditors just couldn't resist the sweet karma loot associated with the postings. A subreddit called "area51veterans" was created showcasing the best pics and recounting the various antics of the redditors.
Caleb Johnson
100 max character retard can not understand what paragraphs are; typical.
Joseph Edwards
>the government sure as fuck isn't going to keep all their ayy's in a base you've heard of. I agree with you Only my flavor of disagreement is that I think that the gov deliberately keeps this meme alive to keep all the retards occupied with pointless crap.
If an important base was ever discovered they move all their shit ASAP.
The fact that google can publish satellite images of Area51 speaks volumes of it being a fucken fake UFO idiot magnet look at all the US bases that google simply censors in the satellite pictures, because the US gov tells google showing it is banned.
Evan Green
Did anyone realize the futility of a public even that the gov knows about? Its not like the riot police will not be there waiting for the ufologists to tell them to go back or they get arrested.