Seals btfo

Well lads its finally happening they are cracking down on these retards

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This is the tits. Time to pack up your stetson you fucking socios, cowboy time is over.

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Police that mustache

I wonder how the NAVY is going to keep recruitment numbers up for buds is they cant be cool guy operator bros anymore?

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>Delta's face when

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>According to the Navy Times, which received a leaked version of the document, going forward, SEAL enlisted and officer leaders will organize regular uniform inspections, general quarters, unit-wide physical training, and zone inspections. Additionally, SEAL operators will adhere to Navy grooming standards and forego their relaxed grooming standards.

>Moreover, SEAL leaders will be held accountable for any issues caused by their men on and off duty.

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>no more tacticool meme patches

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Here's more

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why bother? i thought steals and other top-tier dudes were basically just glorified hashishans

I don't know why this makes me so happy.

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Have you not been paying attention to the shit show that the NAVY seals has become?

Because they deserve it

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The long green weenie fucks everyone eventually. RIP

i know a bunch of them have been getting killed or getting into trouble

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Been quite bite more than that

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>rape, blue on blue murder, embezzlement, drug abuse, etc. etc.

How many people do you think are going to die over this?

Sounds like the admiral is still pissed he couldn’t pass BUDS and spent his early days unclogging shitters that better men than he clogged.

Sounds like someone who will retire soon

>exual misconduct and drinking in the war zone. There were also reports of cocaine use in one SEAL team and allegations that a member of another tricked a woman into sending nude photos.
This seriously sounds like a wacky hijinx from a screwball 80's movie.

Its more than just get a haircut read the articles you illiterate cuck

Who knows

Chris Kyle plz go

Good riddance

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>Cleaning toilets ever
You tried

>Physical training
That's about the only negative. Navy led PT will inevitably be a joke. Otherwise, it looks like judging from the list they'll be treated like the rest of the Navy.

>Otherwise, it looks like judging from the list they'll be treated like the rest of the Navy.

Which is a good thing it will humble these faggots and give them an ego check

Was the medal of honor scandal the last straw for this?

>Rear Admiral Collin (((Green)))

I think it was the whole unit that just got shipped back early from deployment from massively fucking up

>"In his earlier days"
You didn't

SEALS are like the Landsknechts. They have brutal lives of constant combat and physical training. Letting them be a little flamboyant is part of their mental health.

Watch how quick this shit backfires.


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>no more morale patches
>tfw Air Force pogs have more relaxed uniform standards than fucking seals

junior officers would never clean toilets either

>Police that mustache
>No more beards and cool-guy patches
It would have been perfect time to whip this out, though.

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Maybe if he was at the Academy he might have swabbed a few toilets, but by and large JO's don't do shit like that.

Stop doing this you fucktard. You know you can easily visit a URL without telling google?

Who cares? It's just a fucking news story

What are other SOC units that dont fuck up?

>big bad admiral tells me to do something from the safety of the Pentagon
>i'm on a boat/ in Afghanistan
>no one gives a fuck and nothing changes
>admiral sees me and yells at me
>"what are you going to do? Fire me and waste hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars in training? "

And then everyone clapped?

I'm sure the admiral would be pissed, yell and write letters of reprimand, but ultimately it isn't worth it.

The seal would write a book about it

>Pull faggit ass back to BAF / KIA
>SEA orders you to CJSOTF-A / NASOC-A
>Duty uniform, 12 shift as LNO to your old unit
>Fuck around and find out

Given that even pilots get roasted and fired for poor discipline no seal is getting away with anything.

So then one guy is there. It's not like they can send everyone.
Maybe the one guy for mouthing off, but more realistically everyone will say "rgr sir " then never do shit and it continues. Fuck, regular joes do that all the time during deployments when the flag pole isn't centrally located.

Yeah but
>muh seal
Congressional complaint. Good chance congressman slaps the admiral's dick just for approval ratings. Sad but true.

>being a condescending cunt over nothing
Stop doing this you fucktard. You know you can easily see a post without sperging out that he’s using google when he likely just google searched the fucking topic

>t. guy never saw a whole team stood down for playing fuck around

>If you want to behave like spoiled children, you will enooy having baby-smooth cheeks. Your beard privledges are now evoked until you can prove you can act like adults.

>They have brutal lives of constant combat and physical training
They do PT all the fucking time as a hobby, and any time not spent in combat getting other people killed and writing shit down for a book deal is almost always spent raping, murdering, or doing other degenerate shit.
There needs to be heads rolling on top on new discipline standards, but this is a start.

Literally the movie Stripes.

What the fuck does a SEAL do at general quarters

Not murder green berets


Cry as he shreds his morale patches

Use tears as lube to jerk it to Lone Survivor, 0Dark Thirty, American Sniper

Write angry letters to the JCS then shred them jerk off again to Soldier of Fortune

Shittalk flannel daddy on youtube

Plot his acting career

Tons of stuff really

Show up for work. Prep equipment. Readiness drills. Stay in their team room until released. Basically, they have to join the Navy.

Dubs don't lie
>God I love shit-on-SEALs threads

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fail to finish page 1 of his memoirs, every day

Don't forget attending the creative writing seminar

Is that what GQ is? The Bee’s just call that going to work. Then again, they actually work 9-5 jobs, unlike fleeters when the ship is out at sea under 24 hour ops

Sub electricians would beg to differ. Either way, doing a legit 9-5 in the military is pretty dumb as you're not being paid hourly, so you should just do what needs to be done and bounce.

Big boy rules apply when you act like adults. Want to act like drunk E-3s? Enjoy being treated like a child.

Time to write a book about it

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>so you should just do what needs to be done and bounce
See, thats the smart thing to do, but they’ll hold onto for the entire day, even if there is nothing to do

>SEAL leaders will be held accountable for any issues caused by their men on and off duty

Some people are extremely nervous right now.

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What has caused SEALS to act like such niggers in recent years?

Experimental fried chicken MREs they've been field-testing.

Not be niggers

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Honestly all the praise got to everyone's heads.
It got to the seals heads and they started doing more cowboy shit
It got to their commanders heads, because seals are elite and can do whatever the fuck they want as long as they acomplish the mission
It got to civillian's heads that these are elite, bad-ass warriors and whatever they're doing, it's TACTICOOL and exactly how a professional special operations warrior should behave.

It's damn time someone called them out on it and enforced some discipline in a military unit that sorely needed it.


You forgot ACT OF VALOR the movie with actual Navy fucking Seals.

Then why are there no scandals of this magnitude from the Army, Air Force or Marines

give the beard privileges to the other sf

> marines
Go ask the Okinawans about that.

Praise, movies, etc. Their egos got over inflated and they got put in the limelight as the "best of the best" (even though Delta exists). I honestly think it was only because people joined that wanted to be in the spotlight and get famous for being "bad ass super soldiers" and the status got to their heads

this, I don't think any other unit has this problem special forces or otherwise.

Alright I redact that statement but consider the fact that Marines are retarded

> no scandels of this magnitude
That 2007 Air Force bullshit with the live nukes could have turned into the biggest military scandel in history but thank God it didn't. There was also the time Bill Clinton lost the nuclear codes, but not sure you can lay that at the feet of the Air Force.

That was airforce security forces who are considered discount mps

>What has caused SEALS to act like such niggers in recent years?
Obama gave them a ego because he used and named them to award the navy for being transgender tolerant over the army.

>>"what are you going to do? Fire me and waste hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars in training? "
pretty much that's what happens

A literal show for dweebs instead of something meaningful, like hanging the entire team of retards who thought forcible sodomy is a great joke.

The knowledge that they could act like 1970s serial killers and be tolerated. the knowledge that the ANA is filled with child rapists and that THAT is forced to be tolerated. The propaganda war against the American citizenry. The knowledge that they quite literally CAN get away with outright murder, rape and never be charged.

99% niggers and wiggers who want to be friends with niggers. Also, I think he meant Force Recon.

Hahaha fucking squids

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I was pertaining to sf when I said that, of course the main bulk of the military is filled with bs but sf is meant to be smarter and better disciplined then a bunch of pogs and grunts

>what are you gonna do? Fire me and waste hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars in training?
>proceeds to make the military budget for 2019 $989 billion

There was a scandal where 7th SFG were all fucking some disgusting secretary.
And then there was a "scandal" where an SF dude beat a Afghan policeman who was raping some villager.
Then there was another "scandal" where Marine Raiders were thrown under the bus and ran over several times by command and congress for many years over a Taliban false flag where villagers where being murdered and they were trying to pass it off as the work of Americans.

No one compares to the extreme niggotry that the SEALs exhibit today.

>where an SF dude beat a Afghan policeman who was raping some villager.
doubt. They force the tolerance classes pretty hard nowadays.

>almost a trillion


lmao get fucked seals

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RIP Chapman fuck seals

this is unironically a good thing, and not the first time it's happened in the SEAL community. read Rogue Warrior, the same guy who made DEVGRU pulled this same shit when he was Team 2 CO. and it was the right thing to do at the time, just like it is now.

not really. regular SOF is more like Varsity Team Infantry, with all the good practice pads. Tier 1 is where it gets spooky.

>They have brutal lives of constant combat and physical training
they seriously don't. they have easily the most luxurious life of any infantry esque unit after BUD/S. they have the chillest regs, or used to, the best gear, the least bullshit, get paid more, can live off base if they want, are trusted to an insane degree, and are stationed in the nicest areas. the average PFC grunt in 29 palms has a harder time their first year in the infantry than a SEAL has it by a factor of fucking 100x

fudging regs isnt a mental health thing, it's a trust thing. the command trusts them to bend the rules because they get results( the case of the SEALs). But when you fuck up a lot, like the SEALs, you lose that trust. then its back to trust building, which only works 1 way in any good military unit

>tfw you deploy to iraq in 2015 and your company guns blasts you with those exact words
shit dont change

>>"what are you going to do? Fire me and waste hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars in training? "
>nope, we'll get our moneys worth out of you scraping rust off the boats for the rest of your 5 year contract.
is pretty much how that goes when you get kicked out of the seals

>It's not like they can send everyone.
yes, they can, and they do. there really aren't as many SEAL units deploying as you think, the majority are training or fucking around on training pumps to south america or southeast asia. units can and do get kicked out of the middle east more often than you would think

too much trust. as much as brainlets hate it, discipline is important in a combat unit, and sometimes maintaining discipline requires oversight. some commands regularly overdo it like the marine corps, which leads to frat like libo incidents and hazing because they're always compensating mentally, some underdo it like the seals, which results in worse shit, war crimes, drug abuse(i dont care what your stance on drugs are, if you signed a paper saying you wouldn't do them for x amount of time, and then do them, you're either an addict or have no integrity), massive abuse of government funding, just general criminal behavior because they just generally know they can get away with it.

ironically, the first incarnation of MARSOC did indeed get kicked out of afghanistan lmao but it was some completely political bullshit that had no founding and was deeply tied to shifts in the war under obama, namely McChrystal's Tactical Directive following Obama's mission to finish afghan by bringing the locals to our side and do with the pashtuns what we did with the sunni revival. which hasn't worked but thats another story

this was awhile ago

i can say, anecdotally, I had a much better time with SEALs from team 1 than I did supporting an ODA. The ODA were a million times worse about being absolute cunts to everyone, expected everyone to suck their dicks, I remember two incidents in particular that made me want to puke

1. A SSGT banging down the FOB mayors door at 3am because his rooms A/C went out, even though it was a winter deployment and he could've just thrown on another layer.

2. Their E-7 screaming at the local cooks about not having eggs, even though it was up to the Army SupplyO to order chow, and he didn't do that because he was going home and didn't give a fuck, so this "counterinsurgent local force expert" was just absolutely laying into this local for no good damn reason, and nobody in the entire chow hall said SHIT because he's SOF.

and that's just two incidents, there are countless others, like an 18B "Weapons sergeant" standing over an M2 to clear it, and almost blowing his balls off with a cook-off. Something a boot fuck 0331 will be trained not to ever, EVER do with a machine gun. it was a disorienting experience seeing them be so retarded, and my buddies with a different team in syria had the same experience, one ND'd a 240 into the Hescos and they all just laughed it off. in the infantry that'll get an ass whooping and some serious shit detail to anyone not wearing some serious stripes

Is that the story were they called the dudes laughing at them pogs?

nah thats someone elses story, but it wouldn't surprise me. the seals maybe i just wasn't around them as much, but atleast the team 1 platoon were based as fuck, let me drive their dune buggies, invited me to play their ps4 and shit. they were spoiled as hell but weren't dicks about it. team 5 was a bit douchier but still atleast kept to themselves pretty much

t. some salty balding SNCO who hasn’t passed tape since 2012

Not always. It’s the type of people they let in is what causes issues. For instance, my company may be lest strict than another undisclosed company in my undisclosed unit. Said company may look prettier in formation and know more FMs and ARs (not the gun), but they CONSISTENTLY underperform in the field and during deployment while causing the majority of the SIRs as well.

Nipping problems at the bud is preferable to promoting non-cohesive personalities and blaming it on a loose leash instead of sacred cows.