Hong Kong Urban Warfare Thread

>tfw the most effective anti-government weapons of 2019 are squash rackets and umbrellas

Attached: hong kong urban warfare.webm (1332x750, 1.96M)

I really wanna go over and cause some damage and start a problem but I don't wanna get picked up by Chinese secret service and have shit shoved in my urethra because I'm under suspicion for being a spook

This is castle crashers tier weapons

Wheres all the airshitters with their gucci gear and max-chron'ed guns?

The Hong Kong rebels should use Molotov's, start burning shit down. Make the PLA pay.

The umbrellas really are genius against the cameras. We’ve also all seen those umbrella swords

Do surplus gas masks work against tear gas, I've got some with ten buck on the internet from a while back couldn't you ship those over there to the protesters

Depends on the gas mask but generally yes. Well...until the filters are used up.

Nice try CIA. The HK riots are just the same as any small town riots but Americans keep trying to make it look big because it fits their agenda. They haven't even set fire to stores like what Americans do when they riot.

So how feasible would it be to send them to protestors in hk