
>needlessly heavy for a gun control in its class
>needlessly expensive
>extremely inaccurate if it isn’t fired in controlled, single shots
>low capacity
>almost zero aftermarket
>chambered in an outdated, needlessly large round that has been eclipsed by more modern rounds
>neckbeards and incels fawn over it because it was a popular nigger killer 35 years ago
God, I hate the Desert Eagle. Pic not related.

Attached: B9C02EB0-62D4-4BA3-AA2E-AF453C8EFF4B.jpg (2048x1536, 508K)

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I gotta admit, they had us in the first half

FALs are for Rhodesiafags and weeaboos. AR-10 is better.

Attached: the day santa went crazy.webm (640x360, 2.82M)

Ive had two DEs, the first in .50 AE, bought it for handgun hunting hogs.. it worked but way too much recoil to be practical. Sold it and later decided I wanted another for giggles, got a .357 mag to go along with my Coonan. Lots of fun.


hes a boomer and he bought a daniel defense prebuilt so it malfunctioned a lot

G3 is better. I can bend an AR10 in half with my leg.

Well sometimes you want something to differentiate yourself from literally everyone else at the range. So you buy something that isn't an AR.

Fuck you had me for a second. But I do agree the desert eagle is a fucking meme to anyone who knows literally anything above nigger tier about guns. Also kinda goes for the FAL. It’s a cool novelty but I would never trust my life with one. Inaccurate, fucky gas system that has to be tuned perfectly or it’ll jam like twice a magazine, uncomfortable grip, expensive as fuck for what it is. Goes for them both really (except .308, .308 is probably in my top 5 rounds of all time)

Whats the story here?

Boomer was threatening cops because he was about to be arrested. boomer starts shooting at cops, after the shooting starts the boomer gives up

go back to r/dankmemes

Looks like he rested the mag on the hood and shoved it up into the reciever causing the jams

more context

Bait but
What's the "modern" equivalent?

t. limpdicked limpwrister

Attached: deagle anime.jpg (1000x766, 196K)

>be white
>get to keep your hands in your pockets when talking to cops
>get to shoot them
>get to run inside, grab two rifles and a plate carrier
>run back outside to shoot them more

>be black
>get shot -not- reaching for your drivers license after telling the cop several times you have a CCW

Iirc some niggers were nigging around on bikes and atvs annoying the neighborhood a lot with straight pipes and doing wheelies and rev bombing and shit. You know, #justsubhumanthings. Well mr. Boomerstein had finally had enough and went out to confront the misguided Urban youths. He told them in a nutshell "stop being annoying niggers, don't ever come down the street again, and if I see you I'll shoot you". He may or may not have had a pistol holstered, I don't remember.
Well after some yes sir of course sir sorry sir the niggers left but since dat raysisis wyte boy stepped up to them when deys jus havin fun and damaged their fragile egos, they shifted from 'fuck the police' mode to 'help! Police! Help me police!' mode (as they do) and called the cops. They told the popo that they were riding their bikes down the road training for the tour de France while on the way to give food to the homeless and turn in their PhD homework, when all of the sudden this blonde haired blue-eyed man in KKK attire jumped out of the bushes with an AK in one hand and the necronomicon in the other and threatened to murder them in Cold blood simply for existing within his zip code, and the only reason they got away was by distracting him with a backpack full of Bibles they were going to donate to the church.
Like good little NPCs they dispatched and officer to Boomerstein's home where the officer informed him that he was under arrest. Boomerstein told the officer "no I'm not" at which point the officer reached for him to try and subdue him, but since the officer looked like a Dunkin donuts franchisee, he was pushed off and I think he shot him in the vest on the ground, then ran inside his house while the officer took cover behind his car.
A few moments later boomerstein came out in full kit and set up on the car and lit up the backup. I believe he got 6 hits (but 0 kills, fuckin noob) before his shit fucked up and he surrendered. The most surprising thing is they took him alive.

>He may or may not have had a pistol holstered, I don't remember.
he had his pistol in hand and shot at them as they drove away

Lmao .308 isn’t outdated and if you read the fucking rest of it you’ll know he want talking about the FAL. But I guess the modern equivalent of a .308 would be 6.5 Mememoore

Sounds like niggerlore (or just a falsehood). if he stopped them and told them to fuck off or else he'll shoot them, and then they leave, why would he shoot at them? Clearly he wanted them to just fuck off and be done with it otherwise he would have just shot them in the first place. Also the cops would have rolled up ready for a fight swat style if they told them "yeah this dude was shooting at us as we drove by", not one or 2 guys "hey how's it going btw you're under arrest".
I dun beleib you.


>"...Elrod had pointed a gun at a neighbor’s nephews"
>Not shot
But I didn't know he got 2 kills

Well done OP. Well done.

6.5 Creedmoore is vastly superior


I thought I had great external ballistics, but fails to penetrate and damage the way 308 will. pretty much just a target round. am I wrong?

>VASTLY superior
I can smell your nogunz from here. It isn’t “vastly superior” by any fucking stretch of your LCD rotted imagination

More velocity, less energy overall. It’s better for long range engagements, but .308 is better suited for medium range and/or armored targets.

not how it works

I considered buying a desert eagle because of the Californian magazine capacity laws. Glad I left that shithole.

Boomers mad (x24)

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Attached: DSA_SA58_Reddot.jpg (750x320, 84K)

It’s only Israeli-made Desert Eagles allowed in California because they produce a version with an additional firing pin safety.

That being said semi-auto .44 Mag is fun as hell and always gathers a crowd and makes for a great range sesh. Totally worth the money.

Is he unjamming his jam-o-matic shitbox, or reloading his 5 round mags? I cant tell.

>Totally worth the money.
meh. I've had one for 19 years. Havent fired it in 18 years. I should go sell that piece of hebrew shit to some unwitting goy.

Enjoy replacing barrels every thousand rounds retard. 6.5 will never be a battle rifle cartridge. Cope harder.

>semi-auto .44 Mag is fun as hell and always gathers a crowd

Why cuck yourself instead of shooting .50AE like god intended?

If he is the type of psycho to go full Ruby Ridge LARP over something like this, do you really think it's out of the realm of possibility that he overreacted a bit and possibly broke some laws?

.40 and 6.5 are never gonna be adopted keep larping

You sound like a fag, you should try having fun once in awhile

I like being able to shoot more than once a year, every gun shop and range carries .44 Mag, .50AE you need to special order it through a gun shop and pay exorbitant prices.

You took me on a ruse cruise, OP. Well played.

>being this insecure over your meme round that lost to rice farmers

Attached: 36D4A3B3-672B-4B44-90AC-79C84D9F3E5B.jpg (671x522, 52K)

>an AK in one hand and the necronomicon in the other
This line got me.

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because whites dont generally shoot cops you fuzzy wuzzy headed nig

Soinds like you dont know how to use a fal

>shoot at cops because you don't want to go to jail
>give yourself up and go to jail

Lol yes the fuck they do

>cops come to take away your guns and freedom because you told some nigs to stop nogging
>kill the tyrants
>"wow dude what a psycho"
How's the boot taste?

>riding bikes on a public road
>some faggot comes out waving a gun threatening to kill you
>he has done this before, call the cops this time
>he shoots the cops who arrive to arrest him for a crime hes been filmed committing
>wow such a hero he dindu nuffin

Not even a copsucking faggot but youre retarded

>what do you mean I can’t just go around pointing guns at children?!

>I believe he got 6 hits (but 0 kills, fuckin noob
He killed the first two officers, and then had the gall to ask for surrender and aid after he had been shot, something he did not offer the first two deputies.

Which he got.

Just ignore him. Most of the nitwits on here are bored high schoolers acting the fool. The rest will filter themselves out of the gene pool.

>and the Necronomicon in the other

>be black
>13% of the population
>commit over 50% of violent crimes
>get treated differently by cops
>muh racism... reeeeeeeee

do anyone have that antigun poster about desert eagel, .50 AE aka african eliminator was best kek i ever had.