Cold weather

School I’m at regularly has winters where it reaches -60 degrees, what do you guys reccomend for jackets/parka that will keep me toasty and won’t cost +300$.

Milsurp is cool too as long as I won’t be getting “omg r u an army mans” from ppl. Thanks

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why are you asking Jow Forums

Milsurp gear
Also I’m gay

Just get some Levi's and boots.

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8+ flannels of increasing sizes.

>asking Jow Forums about anything
ask the locals you complete fuckwit

Just wear a warm jacket, it's not that hard to find my man. Also go to /fa/

You mean like, dick sucking gay?

Where at?


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Where the fuck do you go to school that it hits -60? God damn. And yeah, ask the locals, that's a level of cold most people have never dealt with. I have no idea.

My father worked construction building bridges in Minnesota and New Hampshire and some other cold as fuck places and didn't wear much. His advice was always to keep moving and then eat something absurdly calorie dense after like clam chowder. I don't think this is very useful advice if you aren't both absurdly cold tolerant and also performing heavy labor.

buy a full body insulated suit, like a realtree hunting suit, Snowmobile suit or Carhartt suit, they are super warm. -and military Bunny Boots or Sorels

extreme cold weather parka plus extra layers.

Wear a wolf fur suit. Will keep you warm and score you some ass

You okay dude? Some fresh air would do you wonders.

The retard proof way to keep warm is to wear multiple layers (number depending on how cold it is) with the outermost being windproof. Modern cold weather clothing can do this better than a lot of milsurp while being lighter and not as cringy looking. Seriously just get a good quality parka at your favorite clothing store then start adding layers until you aren't cold anymore. But if you MUST use milsurp then my personal suggestion the Czech M85 parka. Not sure how available they are nowadays but they come with a comfy flannel liner and mine is the warmest parka I own by far, the fur collar is removable and replaceable with a hood.

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It's more about layers than just "a really good coat"
Buy some long johns and thermal shirts, wear a shirt and pants over that, a sweater and snow pants over that, and pretty much any wind proof/water proof jacket that prevents airflow over that, if you start getting hot you can take off some of the layers, sweating is a bad thing in the cold so never over do it with how warm you are.

Surplus ECWCS level 7. Downsize 1. But it's not great looking.

I'd rather buy an Arc'teryx Jacket or Fjallraven. Also: get a Merino Wool baselayer.

Just wear layers
>Wife beater
>Cotton t shirt
>One of those wool pull over shirt things
>Carhartt or other similar thick jacket
Same thing for pants
>Tighty whities
>Boxer briefs
>Basketball shorts
And feet
>Programming socks
>Tall socks
>Crew cuts
>Shoes or boots or whatever
Worked for me but I never had -60f° the lowest I have had is -5.

Don’t but Levi’s

Winter is coming...

>I'm a huge faggot. I no

A gorka 4 mountain suit, it’s probably unrecognizable to people that are not into milsurp, and will just look like a snow suit to them. Also make sure you aren’t getting the summer version of a gorka suit.

So by school you mean you are looking for clothing to keep you warm while you are walking between vehicles and buildings. Not clothing for strenous activities in the cold? Huge difference.

Skip the milsurp for cold weather like that. I live in northern minnesota where we hit -50 every year and honestly outside of getting cars and trucks running it does feel that much different than -35. I recommend jackets with thinsulate and a pair of snow pants to match as well as a good sweatshirt, a pair of smart wool socks (I wear czech surplus wool socks doubled up and it seems to wick the sweat away easy enough.). Outside of that you will want a block heater installed in whatever you drive, even if you have a heated garage get the fucking heater, and if your at school without a plug in make sure to start it like every 2 hours and let it run 15 minutes to get the block heated back up.

>wearing cotton in extreme cold

just no user, that's how people die

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>t.retard larper

Gorka's are windbreakers moron.

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I'm a big fan of Duluth as well as Carhartt. It's not "military" but that shit works.

Carhart jacket is about all I wear
I'm from Montana so I know what cold is

Just wear a synthetic long sleeve undershirt, a sweater with maybe a sweatshirt over it, and some carhartt fleece lined jacket. Most of your heat will be lost from your breath, also breathing in cold air fucking hurts, so wear a mask of some type. A lot of people think that glove liners are a meme but I really like them, so try some out and see how they work on top of some kinko mittens. Get a good pair of long underwear and heavy pants, maybe some coveralls if you wanna be a fuckin spaceman. And yeah just some nice wool socks and some boots to top it all off

It's really not that hard if you're used to it, and if you're just going to school there you're probably not gonna be at that much risk. However, like self defense, a lot of it is awareness. If its -50 to -60 and blizzarding outside, dont fucking go outside if you can avoid it. You don't want to end up frozen in a ditch because you wanted to prove how hard you were

I, too, am gay

Leaf here, I picked up a Canadian Extreme Cold weather parka for $50 cad last year. I have worn just it and a tshirt in -40 for 8+ hours just fine. Fuck huge pockets and built in mag pouches.

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I would second this. That color green seems to be making a comeback. My wife can’t get enough stuff that color.

That’s your problem son
Get wool/insulated fibers
Cotton kills via absorbing sweat

>cotton shirt
>4 layers of cotton socks
>for Arctic circle-tier temps
Follow this man's advice at your peril.

SE Alaska doesn't drop below 0°f that often. You've gotten lucky wearing jeans and tuffs thus far.
>t. Fairbanks by way of Homer.

a down filled parka with fur hood. wear a wool sweater underneath and a synthetic base shirt. get some wigwams and proper winter boots. insulated coveralls for your bottom layer.
I live in Saskatchewan. it gets very hot, and very cold here.

Hey, you're that faggot from /out/