>we're too smart to kill things. Can you help us?
>say no more senpai
Is Stargate SG1 the most Jow Forums scifi show?
>we're too smart to kill things. Can you help us?
>say no more senpai
Is Stargate SG1 the most Jow Forums scifi show?
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It was definitely the best of the Stargate universe. All the shit that came after it was (well) shit.
I thought Atlantis was great until season 5, but yeah sg1 was definatley a bit better. Idk wtf they were thinking with sgu
Psssst kid, wanna do schwoop schwoop?
I thought I liked Atlantis, but thinking back, the only thing I can remember from that show is pic related, so horny teenage me is probably coloring my memories somewhat.
They were thinking: "Let's do DARK AND GRITTY." We want the Battlestar Galactica audience.
Like how DC thought they could get the Nolan Batman audience.
>not remembering the best character out of all 3 shows
She wasn't even the hottest waifu on the set
Jow Forums related; Stargate made me seriously consider joining the air force
>even the most advanced alien weaponry is no match for humanities ability to fling dildo shaped metal at high speeds
kek suck it space niggers.
>Not wanting to be a thrall for pic related
I bet you thing Tau chicks are ugly too, face it horny teenager you was a fag
holy shit i hate everything about this character so much
Look at her costume. Look at that mismatched slapped-together Legendary Adventures of Hercules halloween office party surplus shit. Someone approved that, for a main character.
That's about as much thought as they gave to the rest of her character. Her personality is "I AM AN ALIEN SO I CANNOT USE CONTRACTIONS" and literally nothing more.
Even this press photo. Why is her pose so awkward? Is it supposed to be sexy? She just looks like she's about to fall over. Was this seriously the pick of that photoshoot?
But nobody involved in this production gives a shit so fuck it, why not send this one out.
I got his autograph at some convention I went to as a teen, seemed like a chill dude was saddened to see barely anyone going to his booth, then again Picard and data were there so everyone was in line for them
>t.Confirmed Faggot
PS I've got nothing against the actor; she's competent and not unattractive, but her execution was a fucking abortion on every level in an otherwise good show.
I'm assuming some executive wanted a half-assed 7 of 9 because otherwise this required a whole bunch of people fucking up consistently.
Main character was a retard who left his firearm completely unsecured. No locked doors, no secure case, and it wasnt on his person.
Jow Forums
Other than that? SGC should have been off world after the 2nd time they nearly ended the world on accident. Fuckers.
Hell no. It was post tokra buddy Carter syndrome at its worst.
>badass warrior chick
>some nerd doctor
Bah, what do you know?
Remember that Asgards literally hired sg1 because they thought guns are retarded
Stupid kid's fault, not his fault.
We really do need someexternal enemy to focus on that will get people to put aside petty bulshit
>schwoop schwoop
And a Zat pls. SG was such a good universe.
>Not choosing Jack or Teal'C or Gen. Fucking Hammond
You had so many good choices.
Yup, half the Jow Forumsommandoes that grew up with it probably get wet dreams featuring combined arms assaults against some hapless snekdude's private army
>need to find a planet with nothing but boreal forests so I can get away with the old blobby European Woodland camo
It's been 10 years and she's still my dream girl.
HNNNNNG 12 yr old me could not handle the feelings that woman created.
>good gunfighter
>hot as shot
I would fantaste about that shit all the time. I still want a P90 damn it.
The worldbuilding was top tier, but that shit specifically was absurd. Really would have made for a better story if, by the end of Season 5, nobody on SG-1 was alive.
Firearms were primitive enough to use against the replicators.
Are you nuts? SG-1 should be steamrolling everything in sight
>AB = 4.95m thus AC = slightly over 3.5m
Every armored ground combatant in the US armed forces (including arty, because fuck those guys over the horizon) fits through the portal
>tfw no series about the Russian Stargate team rolling around in leftover Afghanistan-era Soviet BTRs and gear
i've been feeling real fucking lazy lately but i'll get around to it
that season 1 episode where she gets some sort of alien slut virus and is slinking around the base, sweating, in a tank top with hard nipples trying to bang o'niell was okay*
(*some of this may be a false memory)
a good example however of forgetting to let go of my dick and ten+ seasons later suddenly feeling sexually confused as to how i was tricked into googling a milf
Stronk woman always saving the planet. And nobody complained because it was well written. Makes you think.
Ik that feel but for me it was the Hathor episode and the episode with the cult.
>Ywn use snek pheromones to make a private army who will keep the government from stepping on snek
Not that user but always the nerd doctor.
Considering how many refugees Stargate accumulated from other sci-fi shows, it woulda been cool if that had been the entire premise of some spin-off like Atlantis.
...Like, Babylon 5 or Battlestar, but every single character is some kinda random space adventurer from some other show, all thrown together on one vessel (because of stargate problems), and every single actor actually is from some other show (even if they were just painted blue with some goofy shit glued to their face as an extra one time. it's a rule).
Kinda like that anime where they took a bunch of isekai characters from different shows and put them all in the same classroom
I liked the rational for it too. One culture designed their weapons around terrifying and suppressing bronze-to-medieval age people’s, the others were literally too cerebral to consider ‘smash it with a rock’