you can't fight the government, they gonna drone you

> you can't fight the government, they gonna drone you.

Drone technology helps the citizen soldier waay more than the fed.
10 years ago, not one person could afford CAS.
10 years from now, EVERYBODY will be able to buy it.

This will end government monopoly of airpower.
>prove me wrong

Attached: temp.jpg (960x480, 26K)

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Why else do you think they are trying to regulate them?

i know damn well why they're trying.
Doesn't stop me wondering why people think drones are the end of the rebellion, instead of the beginning

>This will end government monopoly of airpower.

*laughs in SHORAD*

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-26 at 9.03.04 PM.png (1314x942, 2.23M)

explain why all that can't get droned

because the things you are looking at in that image are specifically designed to detect, jam, and shoot down small drones

What is jamming for 1 dollar?

Jam what? Next gen drones will fly from cell phone. Also, can't jam preprogrammed routine

You can jam cellphones
And how the fuck are you going to program a routine while using it for recon? You can't chart a path you don't know.

>drone swarms
How many drones can it track? At what altitude? I am going to argue that I urban areas the drones can mask themselves flying close to buildings.

Send drone to kill transmitter. So you are going to shutdown your own comms to stop drone?
Kids playing soccer will tell insurgents the location of enemy forces.

>shutdown your own comms to stop drone
you fucking better, after my walkie-talkie seeking killbot arrives from alibaba

what is jam-seeking killbot

>Kill transmitter
You know where it is harder w?
What do you think drones are exactly? All the ones I've seen that are fast enough to be a tiny missile wouldn't be able to carry a charge worth shit. The ones that can aren't fast enough to avoid being shot down by any moron with a rifle.

Lastly, why do any of this if you have HUMINT?

It can jam GPS you moron. What do you think it uses to fly it’s routes?

>You can't chart a path you don't know.

even without GPS cameras and onboard flight computers will be able to tell a tank from a minivan in fewer than 3 years.
A camera can identify a soldier by uniform, no problem. 4 grams of explosive will cave his face in, no problem
Drones are going to disrupt and eventually destroy war as we know it and the power structures that support it

it's an eventuality.

Would have to rely on inertial navigation and passive sensors but it's not all that crazy.

Well let’s consider the obvious
>Jamming technologies
If you don’t think the government is already working on jamming everything that’s available both on and off the shelf when it comes to drones you’re as stupid as the rest of us think you are.
>But my GPS guidance that doesn’t need input from me
Yeah, they can already jam GPS with no issues you dumb shit.

Let’s also not get into the fact that any ordinance delivers by a drone can be done cheaper, easier, and more effectively with mortars.

Oh, and finally CAS doesn’t mean what you think it means.

There’s already jamming in place that’ll fuck with internal sensors and IR lights can pretty easily fuck with external cameras used for identification.

If we’re just making shit up now then government forces are going to have a small phalanx system mount on all their vehicles that uses a shotgun instead of a canon.

Also, you’re still going to be limited in what you can do with battery life, payload, and costs.

what you're saying is, is that this is an arms race. You're right
what i'm saying is, in this case, the gun is much easier to make than the armor

and so, we're gonna see more shot people than safe ones, metaphorically speaking

Can't jam inertial. I'll admit they might not need to though.

not him
inertial can be jammed, but weapons tend to be built for the mostl likely threat, so odds are most anti drone systems will be built to deal with radio cell controlled drones and stuff that relies on optical feeds.
>although a dead-reckoning only drone would just be a slower missile

Because the FAA is a jealous, obsessive agency. It'd be the same if someone sold a $300 toy on amazon that broadcast your own tv channels out to half a mile

Gps jamming is extremely easy user

The smaller the drone the less hardened they'll be, and the US happens to be a leader in laser tech. So, in all likelihood, they'll

>be gps jammed so they cant readily find their own position, destination or report their location
>radiojammed to prevent transmission of orders
>control site likely HARM'd if there is a notable source. That may seem unlikely now but such widely spread, smaller antiradio weapons may be available in the future
>drones lased, which due to their small size will overheat faster and cheaper optics burn out immediately

>attach chinkoid laser pointer to drone
>point at sensors
>crash a drone into the vehicle and leave the guys with out air defenses
the future is now old man

Calm the fuck down. Learn some basic E-War.

just because countermeasures exist doesn't mean its complete invalidated as a threat

You anti-drone faggots ITT are forgetting that you can use drones as more than just glorified suicide bombers. Strap a mil grade UV laser to one and you can blind people or vehicles from +1km away without a visible beam. Put a improvised mortar launcher (think IRA style) on one and you got a flying mortar crew that can strike from hundreds of meters away at any angle. Hell you could load a drone down with tons of batteries and a spark gap generator and have it fly for hours on a high altitude preprogrammed flight path over a city and shut down all cell phones, police radios, etc. There are a infinite number of uses of drones for insurgents as force mulitpliers.