Only an absolute nutter would edc a 629

only an absolute nutter would edc a 629

Attached: 629_deluxe.jpg (2125x1600, 238K)

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The 629 snubnose was only invented because you can’t conceal a 105mm howitzer.

>an absolute nutter
or a really cool guy

Winchester 210 grain Silvertips
Speer 200 grain Short Barrel Gold Dots
you can thank me later

call me a nutter then

Attached: 1560894191226.jpg (390x476, 17K)

Dude, it's just an N-frame.

unless youre wearing turbo saggy oversized clothes youre not going to avoid printing. it looks compact but that is just because it was designed to look proportional

even the j frames arent that small unless youre a giant

>even the j frames arent that small
post your wee little babby hands, micromanlet

I bet you are under 6 feet small.