Ok in all seriousness what is the "Shoulder thing that goes up"? I want to know what this antigun cock sucker is talking about
>inb4 "xdxd its a barrel shroud!"
Ok in all seriousness what is the "Shoulder thing that goes up"...
i dont know nothin cucksucka
Tip top magoo
she got it right, actually. It's a piece of metal with holes in it that goes around the barrel and keeps mass shooters from burning their hands
> but it also makes them easier to disarm
mane sheeit its that mufuggin thang that uin uhh mufuggin goes bop bop knowwamean?
it's been theorized that she was thinking of a shoulder rest
I always figured she was talking about a folding stock.
pic related
She had no idea what she was talking about and strung some words together, hoping she'd actually come up with something. Same thing with "ghost guns" and "thirty clips per second," there's a bunch of stupid phrases out there from antis.
Actual trueposting
I always thought a sling made the most sense.
honest to god i thought she meant this thing
>folds up and down
it has to be pic related
This thing. Like on the M14
Robbie Parker and Gene Rosen are crisis actors.
I think maybe she thought semi-autos were break-actions? Or maybe the ammo covers on belt-feds? Close enough to the shoulder that a no-guns mechanically-ignorant retard might call it a "shoulder thing that goes up."
>people assuming this ultimate noguns has ever seen a shoulder rest when I've been here for 6 years and am only just now finding out they exist
Nah, I'm gonna go with in that she probably doesn't even know what a gun looks like.
Underfolding stock
the first thing i always thought of was the SPAS12
>Being so ashamed of noting less than a nogun about guns that you just decide lie to yourself
>knowing less
Kids, this is what happens when you're a filthy phone poster
Nigger, in what situation would this woman be exposed to a firearm that has one? Certainly not any major action movie, which is the only place these people get their firearms knowledge.
lol you could be on Jow Forums a hundred years and still not know shit, dumb ass. You really think this place is a reliable source of info?