Rate the shoot Jow Forums

Rate the shoot Jow Forums

The City of San Diego released Friday body-worn camera video and hundreds of pages of documents related to a 2018 officer-involved shooting. Raul Rivera was shot and killed by police on Hollister Street and Tocayo Avenue in May 2018 after police say he came at them with a knife. The new documents show police collected 28 9mm cartridge casings, nine bean bag cartridge casings, and four Taser cartridges from the scene. At one point, the video shows police tasing Rivera. He appears to rip off the barbs and continued to struggle. After several minutes, the violent scene comes to an end when police shoot and kill Rivera. They say he charged them with a knife. The San Diego County District Attorney's office did not bring charges against any of the three officers who fired. The report noted, "law enforcement officers were confronted by an agitated subject who was armed with a knife and was under the influence of narcotics. Mr. Rivera urged officers to shoot him as he advanced toward them." At the time of the shooting, family members told that Rivera was in a bad mental state and wished the police had helped him, not hurt him. On Friday Rivera's sister told that she was too shaken to talk about the loss of her brother. She would only say that she loves him and is disappointed in the way police have handled things to this point.

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My bad :^)

start at 1:30.

They fucking try. So uh. Good shoot.

So I'm guessing he slept it off and was fine by the next day when they released him?

Why is it when there's a shooting with the police, that when one cop starts shooting, the rest start to shoot as well. Is it a training thing or just
>Well he's shooting so fuck it I might as well too lol

>influence of narcotics
So hell no, very good shoot.

I'd prefer if we all could get the help we need, but barring that, suicide by cop is horseshit. Do that shit yourself. Don't put it on someone else.

Yeah, it now gets counted as as a gun homicide statistic too even though it was justified.

I think it's pretty good evidence that you can do everything in the world, but a hopped up Junkie will be nearly unstoppable with anything short of lethal. I think it's also evident that 10 round mags are not good enough. If someone like that comes into my home, I want to be able to actually stop that threat, not have him bleed out 3 hours later after he steals my Wife and rapes my TV.

Maybe I should watch a recount, but that was several tazers and some bean bag rounds right? Man these cops gave him every chance they could.

Look at the fucking contrast on that thermal camera they are using on the helicopter. That is insane

I feel like with guys hopped up on drugs, cops needs some kind of physically immobilized device and not something that's supposed to convince someone to give up.
Like a net or some shit that'll physically restrain them.
It's clear that tazers and beanbags didn't do shit.
An 8x8 kevlar net that can wrap around a perp would probably work much better.

Dunno if it's bullshit.
But I heard that when budget reporting comes around, they'll buy any random shit, from espresso machines to HMVs, cuz if they report in their budget that they didn't spend all of it, they'll get their budget the next year cut cuz "they don't need it"

More like human nature. No one wants to be the first guy to throw a punch, but everyone else will join in afterwards.

Not that I like recommending Chinese police tactics, but maybe those steel forks are worth a look.

I work for a city department in a city with a large police force and yes. Nearly every department including the police have "use it or lose it" stuff as part of their budget. We definitely spend it on not necessarily useless shit, but stuff we wouldn't have purchased otherwise if we didn't have an excuse.

Training/instinct thing. Part of it is training as in you don’t know if the perp was hiding a gun and started shooting so if you hear shooting you’re best of shooting too. Part instinct that you know there’s a threat and your mind is in overdrive telling you to react.

It's called a sympathetic shot. They are very common.

If the pigs shoot their guns they get a free vacation. It is that simple
T. A pig told me this

>you must be 18 years or older to post on this site

they gave him every chance and tried to neutralize him with less lethal multiple times
furthermore the guy kept advancing on them forcing them to back up, it's a miracle he wasn't shot sooner. It would have been a good shoot 15 seconds in.
>rivera was in a bad mental state
no shit, that's what drugs do to you
>and wished police had helped him, not hurt him
I'd say they gave it the old college try, but there's only so many times you can back up from a drug addled knife wielding guy before he gets too close for comfort
>she is disappointed in the way police have handled things
that's the way police encounters go. Charge someone (or five people) wielding a gun(s) with a knife and this is what you get.

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If I was in a lead position in that department I would have everyone in that shoot driving a desk for the rest of their career. Jesus Christ.

Also, it was a bad shoot not because it was unjustified, but because of the above, and it also should have happened immediately after the first taser, if not before that.

They were cognizant of crossfire. If you just stack on one size you leave the suspect a way to run free. You have to keep him contained.

Its a dance.

Ok faggot that’s the truth though. Did you not know?

Police should have more beanbag scattergats tazers are shitty and kill people all the time despite being less than lethal.

its called less-lethal for a reason, retard. Otherwise they would call it non-lethal. tons of shit kills people all the time when its not supposed to

But they didnt this time so thats a moot point

It’s really not though, didn’t you know that :^)

The Japanese has those long pole arm too, it's called a sasumata: youtube.com/watch?v=7xUGHEAhvRk.

> Not having a pneumatic charge in a collapsable shaft so you just run up, pull the trigger, and slam-pin the fucker to the pavement at 45mph.

>For thousands of years people have defended themselves from bladed weapons using pic related.
Today they can use polycarb or armored shield that extend the length of their bodies.
They could deploy an EOD suit or a similarly armored one.
They could deploy nets or net guns along with long two-pronged rods like many civilized countries do when confronted with aggressors armed with melee weapons.

Attached: SH073-Plain_Round_Wooden_Shield.jpg (959x937, 43K)

Fund it, since it sounds exciting you here your ass LE would love to buy and deploy that.

Yes and? I don't care. He was driving while high as well. Extra reason to kill him.

They could just shoot him.

And drug addicts could quit trying to kill people if they don't want to die.


Isn't that kind of dumb in this shooting though? I mean the suspect had no gun.
>inb4 Muh reaching

>he had no gun

these things cost money, take time to get to a scene and are not guaranteed to be available before a situation escalates, and may require specialized training or techniques in order to be at all effective.
>armored shield
easily defeated, deflected, or moved around if you have only one person with a shield. Knife wielder can try to slash around it, and will kick, punch, grab, grapple, or otherwise try to get the shield out of the way. Being occupied holding a shield, outside of just trying to deflect his blows, you're not going to do much to restrain him. Other people helping you without a shield are going to be similarly at risk of being stabbed if he flails his knife their way.
>EOD suit
nobody should need to tell you how stupid it is to have some guy lumbering around in 70+ pounds of kevlar after some guy with a knife. Knife guy either runs, and EOD man is unable to offer any pursuit because he has no endurance, or knife guy takes advantage of armored man's reduced view and mobility and incapacitates him. You still have the issue of other people not being protected and at risk of getting stabbed if they intervene.
>nets/net guns
dubiously useful, probably requires specialized equipment and training to even deploy, and is only useful in edge cases, if it can even get to the scene in time. Furthermore the suspect isn't immobilized like a movie and can still flail around and probably stand under his own power, still making him dangerous and not approachable.

You're talking about an awful lot of resources and money to save someone trying to kill people while on drugs.

So it was kind of redundant when they all started shooting at once. Just one guy could have shot him since he didn't have a gun. But more paperwork is cool I guess.

Someone not having a gun doesn't mean they're not a threat. You also don't want to be the fuckass that didn't shoot if the guy does make it to your buddy and fucks him up.

>just one guy could have
And if he didn't go down, then what? You let someone get stabbed because some guy on the internet thinks your lawful use of lethal force was too much lethal force, you should have only killed him a little bit?

If the shoot is good, then that means the shoot is good. Thus, the man should not live. If the man lives after a good shoot, somebody fucked up.

Him being dead saves the taxpayer a shitload of money.

>You're talking about an awful lot of resources and money to save someone trying to kill people while on drugs.
How big of an annual budget would a PD in a large city need for this? Any rough estimate will do.

Your buddy should've watched out lol
Shoot him more duh
I never got the
>Saves taxpayers money
Thing either, like you still pay the same amount of taxes if he lives or dies right?

They all knew the guy needed to be shot. Someone needed to take the first one.

Depends entirely on how you're going to implement it. Are you gonna do it half ass or make it so everyone has access to it? Do people get training? Are you going to need more personnel to make it effective? Do you need other equipment to make it work (ammunition, etc?) What's maintaining it/overhead like?
For a large PD? Probably several hundred thousands, if not millions. However a very large PD probably has several millions or billions in budget. You'd be harder pressed convincing the brass that it would be cost effective or that it would actually help. That's usually the biggest obstacle to a change, the money is usually secondary.
That's really not how trusting someone with your life works.


This is what the LAPD is capable of with 2 billion.

Looks more just like crappy pursuit policy or coordination to me. I skipped through it but it looks like they had plenty of opportunities to rolling roadblock him at such a low speed instead of repeatedly attempting PIT maneuvers. The fact that civilians started to try and intervene only made things worse.
Unfortunately more money doesn't make a better police department, it's only as good as the people.

>Unfortunately more money doesn't make a better police department, it's only as good as the people.
Tell that to the people who appropriate more and more money every year to a police department that claims they're running on fumes and can't hold back the tide of crime.

What about just putting 2-4 officers in riot gear and stab armor and tackling him?

too complicated for burger police

4 tazers, 9 beanbags, 28 rounds of 9mm according to the article

fucken hell what an absolute unit

Not really. They draw money from the pool that could have gone to someone who really needs it. Over the long run enough leaches either lead to those who need it going without, or a raise in taxes.


Whoever trained these chucklefucks should be fired on the spot, all the officers retrained, and the department pays a large settlement to the family.

Those seem to be quite effective. Does take a fair amount of training though.

More money = better pay, better pay = more retention, more retention = more experienced officers, more experienced officers = better police departments.

That's not including the plethora of other things like better equipment, and most importantly, more and better training.

The armor isn't a guarente from saftey, and a junkies life simply isn't worth the risk.

>more money = better police departments
kek, LAPD and NYPD would like to have a word with you

Four fucking tasers. Four. I realize some cops are assholes and have the same human failings as anyone but what else were they supposed to do.

OP sucks but i dont

Attached: 1.webm (1280x720, 1.15M)

easily one of the coolest views we've had recently. Danke kumrag

Doesn't need to be a guarantee, just needs to give enough tactical advantage to change the equation. Have enough stab armor to reduce the chance of getting hurt, overpower the guy, stick him in a courtroom or a looney bin as is appropriate. I'm not blaming the cops for not having such a solution on-hand, merely suggesting it as a future solution.

Y'know, backing off probably wasn't the worst idea there, but how in the hell did they not just pin that thing in when they were actually trying to stop it during that first part? They even had it completely immobile a few times. Seems like a weird gap between that and when the same department seems to roll in guns blazing.

They could have all tackled him and held him on the ground, idiot.

>three local news goobers tripping over each other for the opportunity to spout the most inane babble imaginable

>get stabbed, perp lives
>don't get stabbed, perp is ventilated

I think i know which one I'd choose faggot

Classic suicide by cop. They tried everything they could.

Lets pretend we are reddit.

His shoes didn't fall off, he is probably okay.

>Raul Rivera
They should have shot sooner.

They get reprimanded by the department for not backing up your boy. Same mentality when the benches clear during a fight at a baseball game.

Yet you wouldn’t say the same if his last name was Benitez.

They have those. They're called guns.

meant for

This is an 18+ board. Come back when you’ve grown a little more you galloping faggot.

Any sort of governmental agency operates this way. I have family members and friends that work at various levels of public education, state penitentiary, and city accounting. They have all confirmed this is to be standard operating procedure. Especially in higher education.

Take their budget then and watch me be proven right.

I ask you, what reason should a person risk getting AIDs/Hep or death just to let a junkie further crowd jails and then in a few months be set free to start shooting up again.
You literally could not pay me enough to tackle a juiced up junkie with a knife unless you give me steel and kevlar powered armor that is 100% impervious to knives and needles.

He literally explained that if one officer starts shooting he must have a good reason. It might be a gun, grenade, knife whatever but it's not guaranteed that everyone can see the threat but if the only person allowed to shoot is the one who can see it the perp might get a bit too lucky. They basically shoot on the presumption that their colleague has a good reason to shoot.

Net gun gaser

border county

Well, the 9mm rounds does kinda count i guess?

>white person shot
>black people say nothing
>black person shot

They should've just pepper sprayed his foot.

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its just a fucking knife
was this retard capable of knife throwing and killing cops
I don't think so

>"BUT MUH OFFICER SAFETY," the incels screech

user, I...

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>giving value to the life of an h*spanic drug addict
Shiggy goddamn diggy

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head on back to Jow Forums

oh don't you worry, even if they don't shoot they still have to do statements on what they observed. even more fun they'll all collaborate on it to make it sound just right. sergeants/lieutenants will help too because they rubber stamp it before it gets out. i'm convinced police work nowadays is 50% writing practice or at least that's what my department is like. cops will try to get you to fuck off withou arresting you just so they don't have to do the paperwork

1. Another prove that tasers are fuck useless in given scenarios. Police forces need a new, useful, non lethal tool asap.
2. Proves that suicide by cop needs to be recognized and addressed at a national level.

>implying cops aren't dying to kill someone and get away with it

then you tackle the knife-brandishing druggie first, champ.
dubious, that cash doesn't have to go to salary. And just because you get paid more doesn't mean the hiring process or policies are any good. There's way more factors at work to the quality of an officer then just how much they're getting paid. Furthermore nobody is arguing the reverse, here . Of course if a department has terrible funding it will sag. I'm just saying having ample cash lying around doesn't mean it gets spent effectively.

Then instead of questioning budget you need to be addressing what you actually care about. How that budget is used. The fact of the matter is money will make a better department. There is no question to that, however if you don't police how that money is used of course it will inevitably be abused. This applies to literally anything involving a budget including your own personal budget.

>then you tackle the knife-brandishing druggie
And provide to be stabbed 32 times before you break away enough for your partner to shoot them and you to lay on the ground bleeding out with the hopped up druggy still trying to fight because his brain literally can't process the fact they've been shot a dozen times.

I bet you feel big and strong posting that huh?

Originally I was just answering some user's question about how much money it could cost to implement a bunch of questionably effective less-lethal means of taking people down. The reason said means aren't widespread is because they aren't proven or aren't seen as effective means of neutralizing people.
All I'm saying is throwing more money at a problem rarely fixes it, as seen with the biggest agencies in the US.

>dude tanks tasers and beanbags rounds do police shoot him
Yeah I guess that was kinda cool a while back, but it’s worn out.

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