Revolver General /rg/

Model 10 Spam Autist is Undeniably Based Edition

Get in here /wheeli/ boys and keep this thing rollin

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Other urls found in this thread: You Handle The 44 Magnum.htm


Is there an rg discord?

No not that I know of. There isn't even usually a dedicated /rg/, but figured I'd keep it going from the last thread

good form, user
bumping with a stock pic of my most recent acquisition and first wheelie

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Probably won't be your last

fuck discord



>Definitely won't be your last

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Here's some hobo-tier weaponry my dad had back in the day. I fear if I put a magnum through it, that'd be my hand.

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Gold gun fags are eternal.

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Bought a 4 inch blued security-six last Friday lads, hopefully it'll be in to pick up today. Will be my first wheel gat. Anybody own one? From my research it seems really similar to a K-frame Smith but stronger since no side plate, way easier to take apart, worse trigger but half the price of a 19 or 10.

>way easier to take apart

The trigger pack can be a bit fiddly. Lots of little springs and shit. That's not the kind of thing you'll be doing every day though. Some polishing, lube and hammer/trigger shims are easy DIY things that can greatly improve the trigger.

Doesn't need to be. I find generals like these work best when they're sporadic and disjointed.

Discord is what you make it. There's channels free of communist trannies out there.

What am I fucking looking at? I can barely make out the text on the barrel, and where's the cylinder latch?

Ruger triggers can usually be improved with a bit of polish and some shimming.
Don't polish too much if you do go that route.

>buy Colt Detective Special
>only had generic shit like Beretta 92S before this
>trigger pull on the DS feels like pure sex
Shit son, revolver triggers are nice compared to a regular semi-auto pistol. Anyone got recommendations for a 4" in 38sp/357?


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Will those finger molded kind of grips not fit me because I'm a lefty? Having the cylinder release on the wrong side for me is already annoying.

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idunno. I had hogue make them for me, they're not off the shelf. the rubber stocks were fine, but I wanted to be fancy
left hand can be easily trained. can't recall exactly, but it might be something about pushing the release with your right thumb and using the right index finger to swing the cylinder out
ask a real instructor I guess

oh shit, bad news hogue doesn't do custom fit anymore, at least there's nothing on their website
good news, they have some kind of aftermarket cylinder release

>nothing for Colt

Model 10

My wheelieboi. Getting a minty SW Model 37 soon.

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does king tubby know you're using his pic

How does that skip checkering feel? How grippy is it?

plz somebody post that... was it a model 3 schofield, or a webley? That really gorgeous top break snubby that some cunt put together from the images found in my wildest dreams.

It's only moderately grippy. If you have extra sweaty mitts it may not be enough.

He was shot and killed in 1989 so I doubt he's concerned about royalties.

Muh belt buddy.

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Holy fuck please tell me you didn't pay those scam artists to slap some aftermarket grips and their logo on a gun and up-charge you 50% for the privilege?

how good did I do? Got this the model 28 for a norinco sks with a dragunov stock.

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Very good user. Very good.

thanks. I kinda felt bad, the dude told me it was his grandpa’s and how he’d been after an sks lately, but I figured it’d be better off in good hands.

Don't feel bad he was obviously too stupid to be able to retain possession of such a fine revolver. It was Darwin at work.

Be careful with doing a shitload of miculek-style fast DA with that gun. There's more mass in the cylinder due to it being in .357 than if it were bored for .44s or .45s so it hits the bolt stop with more oomph. At high round counts it can peen the bolt notches to the point you will need a new cylinder.

Most people don't shoot like competition shooters but I thought I'd mention it before you get some snap caps and do 87,000 lighting fast DA pulls with it.

True. I couldnt believe it when he offered that lol. It’ll definitley be one Ill keep forever.

Thanks for the heads up. I havent shot it yet, but ill keep that in mind when I do. Im mainly planning on keeping it with my collection and sometimes taking it with me to pull money at my businesses.

whoah man you saved me from fuking up my model 19

Model 19 doesn't have this issue because it's a K frame. the 28 is an N frame so it's cylinder is much larger to accommodate .44 and 45 caliber rounds when you only bore it for 38s there is a lot of metal left over. K frames were designed for .38s so it's all good.

I guess I should clarify a bit more. You can wear any gun out with normal use. The issue with .38cal in an N frame cylinder is that the wear is accelerated over N frames chambered in bigger cartridges.

I like the lightweight of the polymer, but I'd love a blued boy

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Pic related. Also, I'm a little retarded when it comes to posting on my mobile.

well thats good to know. i would hate to have anything happen to it, i have 27 guns and its my favorite

Great guns. Look alot better than the GP 100 too IMO. I believe some LEO used to use them and were popular with private sector security, IE armored car guards, bank guards etc

Seems fair to me. He got what he wanted and you his grandpa's gun found a decent home
Model 19 or Model 10

Get a Model 36 Smith

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Every Jow Forums discord is rg discord if you are a big enough revolver nerd.

Where's the cheap 38sp plinking ammo at? I'm only seeing 22cpr and higher.

>ribbed for his pleasure

I have an old police trade-in Model 10 as my only revolver. I'd like to get a genuine magnum one day. Should I:

>get a 686

>get a GP100

>get a .357 Magnum Blackhawk for maximum cowboy

>skip a Blackhawk and get a Super Blackhawk in .44 Magnum for major magnum power

Not WIDE ENOUGH after the green weenie

I'll checkem, thanks

Alright, I can see myself buying that

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I say skip straight to .44 Mag, and consider a DA gun like a 629 or Redhawk.
.357 has more in common with common service calibers than with real hand cannon rounds and wouldn't give you the "genuine magnum" experience you're looking for.

Which one should I buy, Jow Forums? Have always admired both, but am not sure which to buy. The Smith looks more appealing, but I hear the Ruger is built more solid. I want one of newer 7 round models, so older versions are out of the question.

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Five inch master race

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where do i get one?

fuck s&w

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The Ruger doesn't have a chick hole.

The Ruger is the better quality for the money with better QC in general, although the S&Ws look better ignoring the hillary hole.
>t. S&W 686 + pro series owner

This could be out of date, but the 7-shot GP100s have had problems with rim lock with certain brands of ammo.
Also both guns are going to be horribly front-heavy with their 6" full-underlug barrels; consider the 4" models instead.

Yeah, I've read about Smith QC concerns all over the net. Real shame. I'll be going with the Ruger most likely.

Yup, I heard the 7-shot GP100 might have issues. Hopefully that is not the case anymore. I'll buy one around the holidays and ask around until then.

They fixed the rim binding.

Just got this in...

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My only spinbois, vaguely looking for a non-shaved Mark VI to add.

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I wouldn't worry about S&W QC too much; both of the new Smiths I've bought have had issues out of the box, but S&W unfucked both of them under warranty in a timely manner entirely on their dime, no questions asked, and I haven't had an issue with them since.
It's inconvenient, but it's not nearly as bad as it realistically could be.

Can personally vouch for my unit having MULTIPLE superficial issues that simply shouldnt be there on a 979$ MSRP firearm. Machine marks in a couple spots, a couple marred screws, weird porosity in the place that the extractor rod lives in(in the frame). Mechanically solid, but i'd have never bought the thing if i wasnt in the market and got a deal on it LNIB.

YMMV, all my future revolver needs will be satisfied by ruger though.

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For that price I'd rather get a Redhawk.

You could always handload, .38 Special is very newbie friendly in that regard and it's fairly easy to make it cheap.

Picked up one of these old girls recently. Surprisingly light for a full sized gun made in 1959. Also interestingly enough the generic pistol holster I got for it from Walmart fits it like a glove.

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Still, better to use irc etc.

Thanks for the tips frens. The boomer I bought it from didn't send my ffl a copy of his driver's license apparently, so I can't pick it up until he does but I'll post some pics next /rg/ worst case. According to barfcom the border patrol used to use them, and definitely agreed they look sexier than big chungus GP100. My mom carries pic related with mother of pearl stocks, pretty sleeze core imo

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I won't say Rugers are bad, but I prefer Smiths. Better triggers, less flimsy adjustable sights. Smith will probably be a bit, just a bit, lighter too; Rugers are chunks.

Not them but why skip to DA? I've heard a lot of pros for DA, but have also heard SBH's are more durable than redhawks and can be easier on the wrists for magnum rounds without losing much if anything in accuracy.


My nigga

You've already got a Model 10 so sticking to DA guns would minimize retraining time and allow you to focus on improving your recoil management.
SBHes are more durable than Redhawks, but 1. Super Redhawks are more durable still because their frame was designed for .454 Casull and 2. the famed durability of Ruger revolvers is only relevant if you're a crazed hadngun hunter or steel silhouette shooter who needs a gun that will happily eat a steady diet of 340-grain bear/platefucker magnums that may not even physically fit in an N-frame.
As to being easier on the wrists, that's again true-but-irrelevant. If you have normal hand function and average-or-better upper body strength, most .44 Mag loads shouldn't be an issue in a full-size steel gun like a 629 or Redhawk. You Handle The 44 Magnum.htm
Shooting a .44 Mag is obviously a lot more dramatic than a minor caliber like 9mm or .38 Spl, but if your handgun fundamentals are on point and you don't let it psych you out, it's not a big deal and you shouldn't need to compromise your equipment selection for recoil management's sake.
Bigger calibers like .454 Casull and .500 Wyoming Express certainly benefit from a plowhandled gun's rolling action, and lightweight .44 Mags like the 329PD and 2.75" 69 are notoriously unpleasant to shoot, but with practice and a set of stocks that covers the revolver's backstrap a full-size steel DA .44 Magnum can be comfortably shot all day (if you can afford to)

whats the closest thing I can find to a blued 4 inch 627?
why does smith and wesson only make stainless steel for boomers?

I just want a decent tactical revolver for carry. not tactical but I mean something functional and mean. but its all 6 inch stainless fudd boomer guns.
fucking smith and wess. is the new cobra gonna get a 4 inch version?

opinions on dan wesson 715? Local cabela's have blems in 6" for sale at 950 and I might be able to get a better deal from them. I was the guy who was considering a first revolver in the other thread and the 610 was recommend since I was thinking of 10mm/40 for sake of common caliber (LGS quoted 855 for one, online is a bit cheaper, but seems to be a wash after shipping and transfer). But I can hand load, and it seems that 38 special and .357 is cheaper to load than 40/10mm. It seems that I can even use certain 9mm bullets as long as they're sized to .358 or .357.

Or should I just get a GP100 or 686?

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586 master race

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A blued 4" 27, I guess.
Is this a trick question?

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good luck finding one in a CA gun shop
I just wanted something I could find online that was on the roster

so go find one online

Guys, it's been two weeks since I've seen Smith & Wesson model 10 user in any threads.

I'm concerned.

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I noticed none of the wheelies itt are loaded. Is there a specific reason?


Anybody shoot .38 S&W?

I got what was advertised as a Colt Police Positive Special for cheap on Gunbroker, but it ended up being a Colt Police Positive.

Am I stuck to handloading? How hard is it to reload? Am I SOL if it needs to be repaired at all? Would it be dumb to get it Fitz'd?

Pic semi related

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Is Model 10 autist kill? Who was phone?