Found this in the middle of no where, pretty fresh find, hasn't been fucked with and still has many components on the inside. What should I do with it? headed back out tomorrow with some tools possibly and see what we can gather.
Found this in the middle of no where, pretty fresh find...
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how the fuck did you even find that and you should get some of the shit out
I cant say but its pretty fucking lit huh
Woah man I’d move quick before someone else snags the goodies. How’s the weather in Kandahar?
Believe it or not this is actually in the US lol.
Thats a fucking M1117, those are pretty new. How did it end up there and how the fuck hasnt anyone recovered it? Did platoon lead just randomly forget how many vehicles they had?
what is it and what country? car and terrain look american
US M1117, usually used by MP units etc
Idk man I was out this my boys in bfe shooting guns and we just kinda found it, ill be posting more pictures tomorrow of it. after we flip it over with timestamps.
Based. Get a truck and recover it, or at least take the turret. Those turrets are rad as fuck.
Anyone know if these things are a roll hazard?
Else, how the fuck did it get on it's side?
We are going to try and see what we can do!
Umm. Did that thing get dropped out of the sky?
Not really, sure you can roll it if you really try to, but its not worse then any other vehicle. IIRC their center of gravity is pretty low.
Holy shit, Jow Forums finds an abandoned American APC. Put me in the screencap.
we don't know how it got there but we believe it was put there for a reason since its tipped over over on a very slight grade and it has no motor.
Looks like it probably had a major breakdown, wasnt deemed to be worth repairing and instead got towed out to be used as a target
>flip it
>get it on trailer bed
>put many thick tarps over it all secured to trailer
>take it to your bum fuck no where barn
>fit it up
this is a big igloo gold mine right here. you are green lite to be a dominating warlord with one of those things.
or just the coolest kid in town.
make sure to write down serial/mod numbers, and then utterly remove them from it. also really look at all electronics for trackers. glowing ones will be looking for it.
Did OP just stumble on a live ordinance training range?
Practice strafing runs?
never mind on all that. unless you want some scrap metal/a cool multi ten thousand dollar fixer-upper. that thing is covered in bullet holes/marks. it's for target practice like said
Could be that it's like a demo truck for a recovery crew. They slash the tires and tip it over on it's side then give some team a rough description of where it is. Then motor T or whoever has to find it, flip it, and prep it for a tow.
Cant tell by the bullet impacts, but looked to be smallarms mostly.
Get it home and return it to working order. Say nothing to anyone. Delete this thread.
The military will come back for their truck.
If you sit on it they'll come back with better things you can boog from them.
Fucking nice find OP
>Some motor pool trainee is going to get chewed out by his superior because some Jow Forumsommando jawas beat him to the punch.
If it were a SMAW range or something similar then wouldn't it be up right?
If OP is on a live range then I want to be put in the screen cap.
>glowing ones will be looking for it.
No engine, sounds like it was already stripped of anything essential
Happen to be somewhere near a training facility? I've seen broken down trucks and even a few dead helos scattered within a reasonable distance of training areas like NTC, YTC, etc. Lemme see if I can pull them up.
You can buy equipment like this salvaged all the time. Some civilian could have bought it and left it out there or some shit
Aha based, get paid user
I don't think you should take the whole thing. The components will be easier to keep a secret.
Regardless of if you take the whole thing or not drag some chains behind you to mask your tire tracks. Your treads could used to help figure out who took it and where it currently is.
Honestly, you brought your phone with you when you found it. If the military wants it back, they already know you were at the location it was left. You probably should just leave it alone.
Alternatively you could try to blow that fucker up. That would be pretty awesome.
Aside from the engine isn't there anything in there that you wouldn't want some cannibal outside of 29 Palms to get there hands on?
Like isn't the glass incredibly expensive and mostly off limits to civilians?
I dont think some dipshit would spend that ungodly amount of money just to leave it in the middle of fucking no where.
richfags do weird shit
>military returns to tow away their property
>finds some squatting wide-eyed 130lb man with a rifle and a big ass dildo has taken up residence inside it
>they ponder what to do while he autistically screeches about big igloos from inside
the glass on the side where its flipped is still intact
Hey OP is the motor still in the turret?
Take that shit!!
That sounds like a MOUT town prop
Better armored vehicle shenanigans than coke, hookers, and blackmail
No, unfortunately.
What state? I'm curious
What truck is this? I want to build an overlander
Well it's long rifle's fault for not posting up a fire watch, feel free to pocket any wheat snack breads and 1/3 full cans of winter green that you find.
looks like a lifted ford focus
Of course the same military that can't steer a boat will just kind of forget about a rolled armored car. Thank you diversity.
>Jow Forumsommando jaw as
Kekked and checked
>the sperg cries ree while loudly honking his tacksack clown horn foregrip
Don't bring your phone with you if you decide to start taking stuff from it
Get the fuck out of their user. This is the start of some cryptid shit. Get out now before some engine eating 4 legged skinwalker rapes you are night.
>Alternatively you could try to blow that fucker up. That would be pretty awesome.
If it is a live fire target, pack it with tannerite and set up trail cameras in the bushes.
Were you exploring in a live fire range?
What did you find that’s actually loot worthy?
no this is on public land believe it or not.
nothing, we don't have the tools and don't want to bother catching mad felonies.
>this is on public land
What the actual fuck. I'd probably call your nearest army base just out of curiosity if nothing else.
Fuckers, littering with my tax money.
Maybe they were filming a music video or some shit. Just got a shell, rolled it over and shot it up. Left it because they didn't need it anymore and lazy fuckers.
>Reusing shit as rangetargets suck!
Least Jow Forums post ITT
If I did the same thing with a broken down Corolla I'd get fined for dumping. I hate double standards.
On your own property too? That sounds retarded, but Im not a burger, so fuck do I know.
They will probably tow it away once they are done tho. I doubth they will just leave it as it is.
It is on public land, not a military installation. Unless you're saying they can dump their shit anywhere they want, which again, is a double standard.
Are you OP? Just because it's in the middle of nowhere doesn't mean it's on public land. Most U.S. desert bases are hundreds of miles of nothing that's more often than not open to the public.
dude armor plate isn't cheap, go back there with an angle grinder and take that shit
that entire turret is worth a couple thousand dollars gunshow/market value if you can pop it off
They're littering on public land. Get some wrenches and take a few panels for shits and giggles, you're just cleaning up litter.
Grab as many hatches and doors as you can. They good for fixed armor.
>he doesn't snort blow off of hookers' tits in the back of his APC
never gonna make it lad
Take the apc as a early tax return.
Lol this is YTC isn't it?
OP said it was on public land.
Spraypaint Jow Forums on the side
>weeaboo bonus round
Spraypaint Ooarai's logos on the sides and front, then glue a popped-up white flag on the side
Looks like it could be, yeah. The range is slightly larger than the entire land area of Rhode Island, so it's entirely possible the OP could've wandered into it without knowing.
Leave a note on it saying "Jow Forums was here uWu"
inb4 OP is arrested for attempting to steal government property
Property belongs to the tax payers. If the goverment isn't going to salvage the apc OP should have it.
swap your mom's Camry hybrid motor into it
so what, did OP stumble onto a live military range?
>Those tires
What the fuck happened?
Legally the government is free to sift through or seize our property once we've "abandoned" it, even if it's just garbage we put in front of our curb, so I don't see why we can't do the same to their garbage.
OP also sucks all the dicks.
>Us and them
This is the problem with the US.
The problem with the US is that the fed wants to know what my cock smells like.
No it isn't. The problem is that there is no us. Just them. There are plenty of individuals in the United States, but any time you try to form a group that you call 'us,' you are called a gang or a hate group (depending on ethnicity). You will never be able to fight for 'your people/peeps.'
The only problem with the US is that there is no US.
OP may be on a .mil base and not know. Theres thousands of miles of public land on .mill bases across the U.S.
Yeah, Im not saying this is the citizens fault. Govt pulls retarded shit and glowniggers are everywhere, naturally this produces a us and them mentality.
>Spraypaint Jow Forums on the side
Oh hey I think my unit has one of these in for repairs.
Kill yourself
Are you retarded?
I'm gonna say that's a toyota 4runner 4th gen, so made somewhere between 02 and 09. Looks on the earlier side to me.
Are you retarded
record yourself walking up to it, hotglue it, then post it in the /gif/ thread.
And yet another reason why I love Jow Forums it's usually the same bullshit reposts but every once and a while you get gold like this
This desu Fampai
Is it operational? Would it be feasible to take it back home to repair it? Having a personal Armored Se/k/urity vehicle would be beyond awesome.
>inb4 OP gets anally raped for trying to run off with an abandoned APC
>got towed out to be used as a target
And now OP is cruising around in a live fire range. Enjoy finding some UXO.
hahaha finders keepers
get fucked spooks