Armslist Thread

Any real trump men here? You can't miss this! A gold real fucking .22 long rifle with (((ourguy))) engraved. God Bless Trump. Only a little over 3k to become king of the boomers.

Attached: trumpman.png (1180x1064, 627K)

fuck off

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Time to go back my dark skinned friend

Fuck lol I see that all the time, I'm in ETN as well.

Haven't sold your Henry yet, huh?


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I have found that if you search for “beast” on armslist, it usually brings a few chuckles
Same thing for “custom” then filter by milsurp calibers

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cringing hard rn

Custom is fun but most of the time
>buy $500 Glock
>stipple the grip yourself
>sell for $600

I love it when people itemize all their bubbafications by retail cost, then want a premium for their time like they are some kinda world class gun smith

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