I am considering purchasing a Ruger 9mm Carbine...

I am considering purchasing a Ruger 9mm Carbine. I really enjoyed this firearm when I rented it at the range a few months ago. I am a bit concerned with how much it costs ($500ish) considering how competitive ARs are priced these days. Any thoughts?

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> chose between two good and useful guns
oh no i'm gonna fuck this up

Beretta makes a much better PCC.

What’s it called and y

Not him but it’s the CX storm I believe, I’m also wanting a PC carbine and it’s either the ruger or the beretta for me

Don't be a square daddy-O, buy it!

it's called the Cx4, and it is way more handy and ergonomic than the Ruger.

look for a used on on armslist. got mine with 6 30rd mags and a red dot for $500. gun is fun as hell

If anyone goes for Beretta make sure to get the one with the 92 magwell just makes free life easier. For over here in NY Ruger all the way (legal and all)

Beretta magwell inserts are an easy swap.

Did they fix the reliability issue? I haven't messed with them since the non 92 magwell and conversion came out

Unless having a rifle round matters to you, I probably would let logistics drive it. Do you shoot 9mm handguns a lot? Are they Glocks? Not a bad idea if so. If you don't, or .223 lets you do things you wmight want to do that 9mm doesn't (i.e. hunt, shoot at longer distances) an AR might make more sense.

I'm a Beretta guy and if it came down to AR vs CX4 for range fuckery and home defense I would go CX4 just based on the number of 92-series mags I have alone.

expensive and bulky, it was designed to sell aftermarket parts for
also a poor choice of caliber for a long barreled weapon

why would you choose this over an ar9 from palmetto state armory

It's a great buy. Good trigger and overall a very well thought out design. A little heavy but the recoil is light for a direct blowback because the weight is in a tungsten buffer and the beefy receiver/barrel/lockup. The comb height is also low but I anticipate the Magpul stocks to come out at some point- there's already other aftermarket stocks available.

The only real issue is the ejector can come out of spec which is true of a lot of guns without an overinsertion stop (STI 2011's are notorious for this) but Ruger customer service is great and will send you a new one without any issues. You can also use the one from the magwell you don't use as a backup.

50 state legal
Compact when taken down rather than relying on "pistol brace" for compactness
Reliable LRBHO
Ambi swappable controls
Low felt recoil for direct blow back
Ruger warranty
Simplicity (even some parts compatibility with 10/22)

The cx4 is neat but the trigger is definitely worse and I don't like the ergos. It does look neat in a weird sci-fi way but I don't think it makes that much sense unless you're heavily invested in 92 mags. It also lacks a threaded barrel. Don't forget that it is a few hundred dollars more than the Ruger as well.

Big nope
>50 state legal
Nope, can accept high capacity magazines
>Compact when taken down rather than relying on "pistol brace" for compactness
AR's basically invented this??
>Reliable LRBHO
You really don't need this.
>Ambi swappable controls
You're taking a Ruger PCC over an AR platform for ergonomic reasons?!?!
>Low felt recoil for direct blow back
Wut makes you think this is better than an AR9?
>Ruger warranty
>Simplicity (even some parts compatibility with 10/22)
Compared to an AR?!?

Have you owned one let alone shot one? If your ejector is in spec then it is absolutely reliable.

A taken down AR takes more space than a taken down Ruger PCC because of how the AR receivers overlap in length.

LRBHO is extremely useful but if you don't want it then whatever

Most AR9's don't have ambi charging handles nor swappable mag release.

The felt recoil is lower than a basic AR9 or CZ scorp.

Yes it is super freaking simple, compared to an AR9 which has no parts standardization so you play "who dunnit" with parts until it works.

>Have you owned one let alone shot one? If your ejector is in spec then it is absolutely reliable.
its a closed bolt blowback, the fact that you have to add "except for the problems" proves my point
>A taken down AR takes more space than a taken down Ruger PCC because of how the AR receivers overlap in length.
what are you doing, zap carrying?
>LRBHO is extremely useful but if you don't want it then whatever
Is it, really? You're going to bust out your ruger PC for suppressive fire? kick some doors with it? seriously why is this a priority for you in a pcc? you should be able to take stick mags, and you should be tactical reloading if you're tactical.
>Most AR9's don't have ambi charging handles nor swappable mag release.
what the fuck are you talking about. you put any charging handle you want in it, and you use the mag release like any ar15.
>The felt recoil is lower than a basic AR9 or CZ scorp.
So short stroke your ar-9 if you want? That's what most competitive PCC shooters do. They sure don't use ruger PCs!
>Yes it is super freaking simple, compared to an AR9 which has no parts standardization so you play "who dunnit" with parts until it works.
What do you mean no parts standardization? A PSA AR9 uses 95% normal AR parts, the only meaningful differences being the receiver pair, barrel, and bcg, and those parts are more or less standardized, although just like in the AR-15 market, you can get different options.

>its a closed bolt blowback, the fact that you have to add "except for the problems" proves my point
Are you somehow implying AR9's are reliable? They suffer from the same issues with out of spec ejectors along with numerous other issues

>what are you doing, zap carrying?
I explain how you are wrong so you now devalue the argument?

>Is it, really? You're going to bust out your ruger PC for suppressive fire? kick some doors with it? seriously why is this a priority for you in a pcc? you should be able to take stick mags, and you should be tactical reloading if you're tactical.
Yes it is, because it is a desirable feature otherwise AR9 companies wouldn't bother coming up with all kinds of solutions to achieve the same thing. You don't need to make a strawman up about doorkicking, any new production mag fed gun in 2019 that isn't open bolt should have a LRBHO. Plus for AR9's it's even more important since you are left using a charging handle to re rack the gun each time.

>what the fuck are you talking about. you put any charging handle you want in it, and you use the mag release like any ar15.
So you're saying out of the box you need to pay $70 more for a radian raptor to get ambi charging handle capability. And ambi aftermarket AR mag releases are shit if they even work, let alone even exist for Glock mags.

>So short stroke your ar-9 if you want? That's what most competitive PCC shooters do. They sure don't use ruger PCs!
There are ones that do and they are quite competitive with them. Short stroking is finicky and costs additional money.

>What do you mean no parts standardization? A PSA AR9 uses 95% normal AR parts, the only meaningful differences being the receiver pair, barrel, and bcg, and those parts are more or less standardized, although just like in the AR-15 market, you can get different options.
So basically it uses no common parts other than furniture, buffer tube, charging handle, handguard, and part of the lower parts kit.

Just get the ruger. It’s a great value and very reliable. There is a growing aftermarket. Mine shoots softer and better than friend’s expensive ar style carbines.

>Nope, can accept high capacity magazines
I can't think of a single state that has the Ruger PC9 is banned. Any gun that can take a detachable magazine can take high cap magazines.

Have a CX4 personally and a modded out 10-22 takedown
>Both designs are good
Cx4 trigger is just ok, probably 8-10lb break with a short reset. 50 yards standing is no problem with irons or a red Dot.
10-22 takedown, the baby brother of the pc9, is neat as hell with a folding stock and fiber optic irons. The takedown mechanism they designed actually holds zero. I'm itching to get a pc9 to complement my 9mm arsenal.

Pros CX4:
>Flex on plebs who can't get a semi rare 700-900 dollarydoo gat
>Good ergos, mag commonality with the 92fs or px4, ridiculously stable follow-up shots once you get used to recoil due to it's thicc bolt
>Looks cool
>Kills cylons
>Expensive if you don't find a deal
>No aftermarket besides one guy who makes hyper expensive flat top and steel hammer/trigger group conversion kits/mods

>Affordably priced
>Can take glock mags, American mags, or security9 mags
>Railed upper
>Drop in Ruger trigger groups
>Threaded factory barrel
>Kinda fugly
Wood never ever
>limited non Ruger aftermarket for stocks and foregrips
>About the same price as a Ruger AR556

>limited non Ruger aftermarket for stocks and foregrips
This is already changing

I like mine.

But to answer your question, I guess it really depends on what you want. The PC9 is a good gun that you won't be disappointed with if you're just looking for something for plinking/home defense. But the AR will let you do just about whatever you want due to its inherent modularity.

Best solution is to get both, but if you can only have one, get the AR.

Attached: My PC9.png (1412x792, 2.05M)

"$500ish" isn't expensive for a gun, user. Stop thinking like a poorfag.
Literally everything in this post is wrong. The PC Carbine is perfectly reliable, Ruger's warranty is top-notch, it's a very simple gun, ARs are generally not "takedown" guns in the sense that the PCC and the 10/22 TD are, and there is no state in the union that bans any firearm because it has the *ability* to accept high-cap magazines.

>ARs aren't takedown

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Well, any gun is "takedown" if you're willing to disassemble it far enough. I could take apart a Mosin, throw the pieces in a bag, and call it a "takedown" if I wanted. The point is that the Ruger is designed to be taken down, and the AR isn't - you can knock out the hinge pin and disassemble it if you want, but that's not a takedown design.

Every mans essential minimalist arsenal in order of importance

Absolute highest priority full stop. Not a subcompact, or a fuckhuge offensive handgun. A middle of the ground size gun chambered in a common cartridge(read 9mm or 45 ACP(also read, just buy a fucking 9mm)) Can be used for concealed carry or duty use. The glock 19 is the generic gold standard here, but there are many outstanding options.

>intermediate caliber, semi automatic rifle
This can be used for nearly everything. Self defense, home defense, national defense, hunting game (up to and including very large game). Common choice here is obviously the AR15, however an AKM variant, or 7.62 NATO battle rifle (PTR91, FAL, AR308 ect...) will serve you fine as well. For a one gun do all, the AR15 offers ungodly modularity. Get one with a 14.5 1/7 twist barrel in 5.56 (NOT .223!) and call it done.

Mossberg 590. Period. Great for defense, great for hunting small game and waterfowl. Yes, this comes before a .22 rifle in order of importance.

At this point you have basically all the essentials. From here you can decide if you need niche weapons that fill a very particular role. I would recommend a .30 precision rifle. A tikka T3 in 30-06 or 300 winmag is a fantastic choice, but there are many. Avoid new production remington like the fucking plague. Other considerations, like pistol caliber carbines, squad automatic weapons, NFA items, ect... should be purchased in the order you think applies to you.

OP to directly answer your question, buy a CZ scorpion.

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Screencap worthy

I’ve had a good experience with mine. Didn’t care for the sights though. Put a red dot on it and it’s 10x more fun

>Responding to your own post
Ok fag

Basic marksmanship is also a must, and that comes from a 10-22 or similar. It's something just about any gun owner has in spades.

>Pinned muzzle break
Y tho
Get a 16" and add your loudenboomer custom flash hider.

16 is the better choice as it allows easy change of muzzle device should you so choose.

The based option is 13" with a pinned and welded massive muzzle brake

>Don't forget that it is a few hundred dollars more than the Ruger as well.

the MSRP is a whole $50 more

>Comparing msrp's and not actual prices
The Ruger sells for $500 or sometimes low $400's, the cx4 sells for $700-$800

>The point is that the Ruger is designed to be taken down, and the AR isn't

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If you don't have an AR15, get one first because these prices won't last, if you already have an AR then go ahead and get what you want

A 9mm Ruger carbine....

>Not takedown model
>Looks like the 10/22, but isnt


kys, with words of course.
Tereible fucking idea. Like the way the carbine looks? Get a damn 10/22.

Like 9mm carbines? Get literally anything else. Fuck, get a conversion kit for a handgun you have. Dont fund this down syndrome bullshit.

Attached: 37ca4472-f99c-46d4-b917-78789eeb449b.png (500x475, 217K)

A 9mm Ruger carbine....

>Looks like the 10/22, but even more disgusting


kys, with words of course.

Tereible fucking idea.

Like the way the carbine looks? Get a damn 10/22. Ammo is cheaper for the most part unless youre some unlucky cuck in a place where Chad and Fudd bought every ounce of the stuff last year.

Like 9mm carbines? Get literally anything else. Fuck, get a conversion kit for a handgun you have.

Dont fund this down syndrome bullshit from Ruger.

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sub-2000 is better and cheaper

I live in NYS where it takes forever to get a handgun license and no other PCC is legal

I honestly prefer rifle grip to pistol grip