What do you guys know of the Angolan Bush War?

What do you guys know of the Angolan Bush War?
Is it as fun as I remember it?
rekkie's 1 here
What do you guys think of the Vektor r4?

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We had a boomer from South America posting threads, pics and stories on here every evening for almost a week. He said he was about to kill himself after he fucked up his life and the relationship to his daughter, and he told a lot of stories of his service in Namibia and Angola. Then he suddenly stopped posting completely.

Anyone remember him? I think his name was David. Best threads we had in years.

I have a David in my unit, had three actually. We called them the three Deez. Can you tell me anything else?

Had - sorry I'm a bit drunk

Yeah, he was always drunk when he was posting, too. Cheap vodka and tomato juice. I'm gonna link the archives, give me a minute.


this was one of his threads, i think the first one

I hate ti admit it, but that's me.
I wussed out like usual.

Yeah I suspected it was you when I just read the three deez thing again, lol. Good to know you're still around, we thought you really killed yourself or something. Always been thinking about those threads every now and then, this board doesn't have too much good content these days.

Can't really give any input on content. I'm only ever around if I get really down and lonely or if I have flashback. Are bad dreams flashbacks? I feel like "I had a nightmare" is a bit gaylord.

I'm not sure, when I got back home from the sandbox there were certain triggers, like a sound, or other stuff, and then my mind was suddenly filled with memories about certain situations. Sometimes I could smell or taste things from that situation, like the taste of blood in my mouth or the smell of a rifle after a few mags, which is oddly similar. Especially the first weeks it was intense, after that it was just that, thoughts. Lots of thoughts, lots of "could have"s. And dreams of course, but usually not real nightmares. There were some coincidences in situations that saved my ass and if some small things would have been different, things could have turned out very bad. Those are the worst thoughts and "could have"s. Told that shit to a doctor and he said those are "flashbacks", even though it's not like in the movies with the vietnam veteran in the wheelchair you know, and I wouldn't have called it that, but apparently that stuff is a form of PTSD.

Some dude on here once told us about his PTSD, he said it's like he left part of his soul in the desert, and it's like he'll never get that part back. That felt pretty accurate.

This sounds miffy to me. Doesn't add up to my reality.

What's your reality?

It's ok man. Everything will be ok

Fine mostly. But that whole "soul" shit sounds more american than I'd accept. Also this "in the movies"
You know it's not like the movies. Movies are fun, they can't make you feel the emotion of shooting a kid.
"thongs could have turned out bad"
You knew that from the start. Every time you engaged oyu knew you might take a stray bullet to the head, you're just sayng this to make it dramatic.
Quit your shit

of course
I'm a man, you don't need to try plactate me

placate - sorry

I'm not saying it to sound dramatic, I mean it literally. One step to the side a second later and I would have been hit by a bullet. Twice. One morning I was taking a shit in an Arab outhouse, about an hour later that outhouse was surrounded by a bunch of jihadis and half my platoon retreated through the village towards the rest of our guys. A few months later when I was lying in bed I realized that if I would have taken that shit an hour later, I might have been trapped inside some Arab dude's toilet. Almost had a fucking panic attack when I realized that. That kind of stuff is dramatic by default, I don't have to add more pathos for dramatic effect.

We didn't use outhouses when we were operating. We raced.
We weren't platoons, we were a unit.
You're obviously not genuine.

I was with the Kurdish YPG in Syria in 2015, they are organized in Tabûrs, which equal platoons in size and function. In the village we were in, it was half my Tabûr, and half of a different one that had "heavy weapons" attached, which means technical mounted Dhsks. The rest of both our Tabûrs was in a different village to our rear, that shit is usual practice with the Kurds.

And inside the abandonded villages that are usually the positions at the frontlines, Kurd usually just shit everywhere. In the houses, between the houses, everywhere. Western volunteers like me mostly prefered to use existing outhouses because it felt mean to shit in someone's living room.

If you don't believe me, I can dig up my thread from the archives that I made in 2015. Unfortunately I don't have the photos on my harddrive, but a lot of them are in that thread. Back then I got back home broke and Jow Forums send me some money to start things over at home.

I'm still sceptical but you seem more onto it than most.
I'm a bit rash when I think peopel are claiming to be a rhodie but I misunderstood.
I understand what you mean by close calls, I once ran through a doorway after I set a claymore in it.
back then we set them ourselves with a tripline and it had a really finiky trigger.
I hate things that require small hands and patience. Fucking jap cars are the worst for that.

Sir would like to hear your tells if you are willing to share them, I wish your relationship with your kids gets better, I hope you are in America..

30 minutes.
Someone on my land

Got any photos mate?

no, sorry
all i kept was my medal and my son has them son


Please share

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Are you still planning to kill yourself at 55?

I turned 55 already.
I couldn't do it.

share what?

I'm back. Some punks were "eeling"
had to tell them there are no eels here.

It's my daughters 23rd tomorrow.
She talked to me for the first time in a long time today.
It felt really good
My son has always been good. Bit faggy growing up but now he's grown up.
I'm in new zealand

>I wussed out like usual.

that means you still have something to live for bud

>I couldn't do it.
yeah, better so. you got kids man. from what i remember you have some issues with them, but let me tell you that they love you dude, even if they don't know it right now. i had issues with my father, sometimes i even hated him, and he killed himself at 56. he had a fucked up life and that was the reason for our issues and his, but he wasn't bad as in a sexually abusive way or something, and as long as you aren't, your kids love you. believe me. suicide is a very egoistical thing, just try to work things out. or just keep drinking and shitposting, why the fuck not. but stay the fuck alive, spare your kids the pain of having to deal with the unnatural death of their father. even if they hate you right now, even just keeping it like that is better for them than you killing yourself.

not wanna step over any lines, i don't know you, just thought i'd share my experience

Of course I do, I just don't want to.
I've thought this all over a thousand times. I appreciate the sentiment but as far as I can tell, suicide is an overwhelming of emotion that pushs someone to that extent. I have good kids, even if my daughter is a little mental. My son would be all good. He'd take over the role of the family man, Im sure of it.

and dont be a fukcing pussy
step over lines and fuck anyone who says you're not allowed

>She talked to me for the first time in a long time today.
>It felt really good

Well, good thing you didn't kill yourself. Now me and your daughter are glad you didn't.

you have no stake in this
Can you explan please? I'm a bit too drn=nk to follow

Didn't want to tell you you're not allowed, everyone should have the right to end his life. Just thought I could give you the perspective of a child that was in a similar position as your children might be in. If I could travel back in time, I would beg my father to not do it.

>not recces
Larping Burger or wannabe security guard

we had this months ago in his first threads, i didn't believe him too. but this boomer is legit.

I don't believe anyone online who says they're a "recce" unless he's Wynand dutoit

Tell me about 1RR and 4RR

recces looks too much like recess to me and i don't like it
Neither of those units were my job and I wasn't thevery likeable because I got people into trouble a lot
I did my job then I left with honorable discharge and tried to forget the things i'd done

I dunno, reading your posts you clearly embellished a lot of shit and despite what everyone else thinks, you reek of bullshit and I'm standing by my Larper theory

You're right, I did embelish a lot. I have to make it exciting somehow. stand by whatever you want gaylord

Not him. But I think he means that since you still live, he and your daughter can have talk with you.

Lots of guys want to slip off early. Maybe it will feel better than having to feel at all. But some things are always lost. Things you saw, stories you were in that noone knows first or barely second hand any more. And the only one who can tell them, keep the stories alive as motivation or warnings, are you.

That's what everyone does. I'm trying to stay as close to reality as possible, and I like to believe I'm successful at that, but I see people on facebook straight up making up shit or just taking over stories from other people. Weird to read someone boasting about stuff you were actually present at while they weren't.

apprecote it
Happt to hear that you're doing well for yourself.

im fuckedup and gogint o sleep

sleep tight

Might be awake again for a bit.

Father served in Angola.

He does not talk about it at all.

Only thing he mentions is the Cubans everywhere and how he met his first American setting up an airfield and unmarked white aircraft dropping off gear and trading Marlboros for Local cigs.

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>the Cubans everywhere
I like that story. Castro sent Che Guevara with a bunch of soldiers to help the guerilla. After a few months they were fed up with the general incompetence and the disinterest in politics and left.

Sounds pretty acurate.
Lots of cubans. I remember naming squeaky "squeaky" on our way somehwere and meeting some cubans on the way.
They were on the other side of the river, directly opposite our planned camp. We shot them, I feel bad about that sometimes, although I knew they were the enemy, they didn't seem hostile. It hurts somtimes
anybody have advice for that?

Dude? How old are you? I just read the 55.... you wouldn't have been in angola or you would have been at the very very tail end.

I served from the time I was 17 until I was 24
I know.\, I've heard it beofre

More relevant to Angola a Cuban general there named Arnaldo Ochoa was executed on trumped up charges a few years after the conflict ended as yet another figure in Castro's inner circle to be eliminated. It was known he argued with Castro during Cuito Cuanavale because Castro was micromanaging the battle.

tl;dr don't piss off Castro

I know it's a dumb question and you've probably been asked a thousand times, but how many confirmed kills do you have? And how many do you think you might have killed?


That's a lot. What about the 0.5? Anything that really bothers you? I know a guy who never forgave himself for shooting a dude in the back when he threw away his gun and ran away. I never understood that, that dude wasn't surrendering, he was fleeing to continue the fight. Anything like that?

And how often did you guys out on missions? How much time did you spend at home? How long were you in the field? 5 years is a very long time.

My girlfriend's dad participated in the Angolan Bush war. He was a member of the 32nd Battalion. He was one of the few dudes who served with that outfit that turned out sane after the war although he also struggled with what he'd done for a while.

That wasn't me.
Maybe 15. I dropped them hammer on a lot of men, that was my job.
Move up quietly, find the man I thought was In charge and drop him.

Anything that really bothers you?
there are a lot of things thay bother me a lot.
Floppies ran very very often. A sound I recall very clearly is boots flying of and big flat feet hitting the ground as they ran away. A lot of the people we killed were hardly trained. A lot of the time they were poorly equipped and as soon as I dropped someone, they'd hit the ground, shoot all the bullets they had into the air and then run away. In regards to people "running away to continue the fight" I assume they didn't come back if they got away. I like to think they'd have the common snese to stay away.
We went a fair bit, a lot of what we did was considdered off the records. A reconnaissance unit doesn't generally do a lot of dogfighting, or blowing bridges, or raiding camps.
And in regards to being out doing the job, maybe a year?
We're all sane in our own way. Those of us who are alive. A friend of mine got killed in a carjacking a few years ago now. Still hurts tat they didn;t just take his car. They didn't need to kill him. Fuck it hurts.

>Anything that really bothers you?
not being able to help when someone i liked was badly hurt, in the situation i had no idea what to do. turned out later that i did everything right, but the feeling was horrible and burned itself into my memory. not being there when people died. and missing, who knows how many people got killed because i missed. and maybe coming home. but that's it, no regrets.

who the fuck are you? Why are you replying to these questions?

>A friend of mine got killed in a carjacking.
Most Americans don't understand how brutal Kaffirs are and can be.
My girl's dad was one of the only 2 in his platoon that didn't commit suicide or develope such a severe drug habit that they died because of it. He ironically enough became a full time minister in his church. He's dead now though, he died of kidney failure caused by a yellow fever vaccine.

>Who the fuck are you?
Judging by his willingness to divulge his stories, probably some hopeless ass basement dwelling user who thinks he knows enough about the bush war to fool Jow Forums.

You haven't been around for his old threads, he's legit.

I understand. We did some unforgivable things. Even in the eyes of god, we did some awful awful things.
One day our commanding officer asked who had the best handwriting and I was pointed out. I stayed at base and my unit went for reconnaissance. You can figure why he asked for handwriting I'm sure.
I was assigned to cleaing the shithouse. I walked in on somebody with a r4 in their mouth. Neer knew what happened to that guy, never saw him again after our talk.
A lot of my men never came back that day. I wish I'd gone with them.
You're making a mistake.

trying more sleep

>You're making a mistake.
yeah, i mixed up threads and answered my own question.

Where do I invest to help afrikaaners and boers.

Try CBD oil. Also, we still need you

>two different people answering the same questions twice
Fake as shit

Honestly, I don't think anyone here is doing anything more than imitating people who have previously written on this board.

Was Jonas Savimbi actually a brilliant guerrilla leader like he's made out to be or is that state department propaganda?

Attached: Jonas_Savimbi.jpg (567x699, 69K)

Out of curiosity, how do most of the veterans of the bush war actually feel about it in retrospective?

The African rebels were so incompetent that Che Guevara decided to leave? Wow

Stick around user.
The shit show is just getting started here in the US.
After Trump should be crazy.

I remember those threads

Somewhere in the middle. He was smart but owned his success by using his tribe as his fighting force ie it's easier to mobilize your own people based on being family than any ideological thing.

Makes sense, from what I understand UNITA didn't have much in the way of politics or a vision outside the cult of personality around Savimbi

It’s honestly less wussy to stay alive bro. Glad your still here

Tell us about the eels

Glad you're back.

Didnt you move to NZ?

>turned 55 already
From here, still young user.

>You can figure why he asked for handwriting I'm sure.
Brainlet here desu but I don't.

there is no more wrong in killing homo africanus than any other african wildlife.

Millions, maybe tens of millions of whites have been displaced, or suffered violent death at the hands of the Bantu as a result of the fact whites lost the strategic war in Africa by failing to address its racial nature.

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I honestly would like to provide some kind of help to Afrikaners and boers. Like provide boer militias some military surplus and equipment. I feel concerned for the poor men getting kicked out of their own country they were raised in since their birth. The current boers are getting accused for things their ancestors did. And even then, their ancestors weren't really wrong.

I was gonna start a /general/ on infinity about helping boers and afrikaaners generally. A good reading list is a start:
>British imperialist circle creates fake country to hoard mineral wealth, cover up getting assses handed to them by boers through propaganda, control of press

>Communist Russia whips up campaign against RSA over muh racism via the UN. Again, all they want is mineral wealth, also control of shipping route. (Ships were too large to go through Suez Canal even as of the writing of this book

>British freemasons create Zionism in the image of the Scottish rite temple, Italian Mafia in the image of their Opium-peddling goons in China, the Triads. Notably, the Madia start out as ‘young italy’. (A similar organization in the us is a forerunner of the Confederacy, crown tasks Zionists with forming it via golden circle, first finance guy for confederacy a New York Jew. Notably, the Broederbond boer/fascist organization starts out as ‘young south africa’. Also, deragatoru term for brown afrikaaners ‘kleuring’ appears after second boer war, creating split with key allies of white South Africans. Anecdotally, Saffers complain of freemasonry infiltrating the churches; the Broerbonde relies heavily on church es to exert influence, you can’t go anywhere in politics without being s member of it or the sister churches.

Samefag, look up Suidlanders

Bumping with some quality homebrew prop


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I think I’m in love...

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Potential blackpill incoming.

You aren't the first user who has tried but the truth is connecting to saffers is harder than expected. There were several boards dedicated to it before things went down and many more than have come and gone since infinity started. Mostly murricans trying to get some experience before you know what goes down here.

The boer/english divide causes some issues seeing as though the vast majority of farmers are boers; whereas whites in the cities tend to be english. Beyond that there are few organizations on the ground that are prepared to receive any sort of aid, and certainly none capable of responding in kind. As of a year ago, the leading 'Afrikaner support forum' was lead by a jew by the name of Simon Roche. There are no national socialist organizations of any note I am aware of either. As an outsider there is nothing to be done in this regard aside from calling (((them))) out whenever possible.

The honest reality is saffers have lost without firing a round and the fight before them is as easy as it gets. The army, navy and air force are all badly degenerated, 70% enlisted are black and the officer corps are no better off. The vast majority of all mechanized vehicles are located in a single base, the vast majority of combat effective forces in three others, including all officer candidates. 100 determined men could virtually eliminate all 'modern' aspects of the SA military with a handful of raids. No 'mechanized' formations, no air support, no organized logistical support and of course the assumption of all of those on the part of the raiders.

I think the reality is there are few white africans left who can remember a time when blacks didn't play an unfortunately major role in white african society and therefore have put any sort of white ethnostate well out of mind. As disappointing as this is, I haven't lost hope but it will be a white saffer, not an outsider who leads his people to salvation.

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OP, do you think you could tripfag in order to weed out the fakers?

Letters to their familes.

>south africa apartheid state
entire world unites in sanctions, divestment and south africans are portrayed as villians in movies and television for a decade
>israel apartheid state
>boat is later given to an NGO that transports hundreds of thousands of north africans to europe


Don't kill yourself, you dumb boomer. If you do the jews win.

Meet any Rhodies during this? How were they skill wise ?

I think somebody suggested this once but I don't know what it is.
I'm not the smartest and I'm not an intellectual, if someone is writing poncy shit, it's probably not me.
Appreciate it
I live a while away form a lake and people come to try and catch eels but they're not allowed on my land.
Delta Force was a good game.