
>The main reason Russian Special Forces like the M4 firing a 5.56 X 45 NATO round, versus the Kalashnikov AK-47 firing a 7.62X39, is that the weapon is more lightweight, ergonomic, and more accurate.

>AK cucks btfo

Attached: ak.jpg (499x378, 24K)

Other urls found in this thread:


5.45 AKs.

M4 is a better weapon for a well trained (read first world) military.

AK platform is better for third world shit holes and conscript militaries.

>Russian Special Forces have been exercising with American M4 carbines this month,

Those are shitty Busmaster M4 that unit captured in Gruzia in 2008, saying they got those "this month" is absolute fake news.

Attached: 30077_34594.jpg (1873x1405, 507K)

They captured fuck ton of busmaster M4 in 2008 and did not know what to do with them, some was transported to Russia and keep in the unit ever since.

This shitty fake news article was translated via google, that make it even worse.

Attached: 2441r9x.jpg (604x453, 77K)

Next time read a few book before posting another fake news here, fucking summer.

Attached: 1401526733229.jpg (1432x807, 215K)

Nailed it. Shit skins don't take care of their gear like humans do


Attached: file.png (1440x957, 1.63M)

No such thing.


M4 is still more ergonomic and accurate.

You think the Russian special forces hasn't heard of or tried out 5.45 AKs yet?

Cope harder.

>first world
>third world
Not what it means, retard.

Attached: third world rifle.png (1191x293, 151K)

How did a bunch of shrubmasters get over there?

Russia has been using AK74s and variants in the caliber 5.45x39mm, since the 1970s, this cartridge is extremely similar to the 5.56x45mm NATO round.
The only places 7.62x39mm remains in Russian service is limited reserves and rear echelon stuff at most generous of estimates, and the occasional specops use where they use it a little bit because the cartridge is still a beast at closer ranges and eats through light cover very quickly.

Do Russian specops use AR15 variants? Yeah, probably to some degree, most specops do as it's genuinely a very good weapon, but the AK has its own strengths and Russia already sees widespread use of a cartridge with similar performance, nevermind that general infantry doctrine isn't comparable 1 to 1 with typical NATO doctrine, Russia still looks at assault rifles as submachineguns, and mostly employ them for full auto bursts and rapid fire, the switch to 5.45x39mm just gave them longer range and more ammo for the same weight.

On OP's supposition, Russia are having their cake and eating it too.
If anything, it's mostly the poorer former East Bloc armies which are still sticking to 7.62x39mm, because the cartridge is still decent enough to work if you can't afford to upgrade your entire army, and as said, has some strengths compared to 5.56mm and 5.45mm.

Finland still rocks the cartridge, but they load it much more consistently and use a variant of the Kalashnikov which is better than the AKM ,and thus enjoy much better precision than some people imagine. It would also still be fully suitable for the kind of defensive combat they're expecting would be most likely.

Attached: AK74 Wood.jpg (1365x1024, 579K)

>M4 is still more ergonomic and accurate.
I mean yeah, but for one thing this won't make that much of a difference for a conscript army, for another Russian infantry doctrine is different in a way where the AK, being much more suitable for a higher volume of fire, makes more sense.

Conscription means you're gonna get a lot of dumbasses in among your troops, and the AK, being idiot proof and also very easy to unfuck on the fly if it does get fucked, is a pretty logical choice for this kind of army. If you ever thought US boots did dumb shit with their M4s and M16s, you haven't seen what Russian conscripts would do with them.
The AR15 is an excellent rifle, but it's not nearly as perfectly hardened for lowest common denominator grunts as the AK is.

user, the old definition is dead, just accept it. Do you valiantly champion the original meaning of the word gay, too?

>Russian SF
>using AK-47 / 7.62X39mm

Might as well link to The National Interest

I mean I imagine they might have some tacticooled and raced out AKMS rebuilds here and there, it's definitely not the standard kit anymore.

the AK-47 was never adopted

Im excited if they actually act on the "make more weapons like it" part
Anyone want to guess what it would be?
Im guessing a long piston 5.45 freefloat with the ergonomics and disassembly of the AR but with a folding stock. It will probably look something like a sig MCX but may be a bit more robust. 5.45 actually has the potential to be a great long range intermediate with its long skinny bullets and the cartridge shape alone is a lot more similar to modern precision cartridges than 5.56.

I never argued as such, I was just saying.

I really like aks. I've built 6 of them. I've never even shot an AR before but I have to admit the aks rock and lock is flat out beaten by the ars stab and smack.

Give it a try sometime.

I have a few 80% lowers I've scooped up but have never had the ambition to get the rest of it. I keep telling myself I need a mill and that the drill press isn't good enough. Maybe some day

Just like a Glock.

Consider an M16A1 clone, they're pretty different from what you get with a typical modern AR15, very lightweight since it doesn't have the obligatory quad-rail with 8 attachments on it like on Arfcom.

Attached: M16A1, Vietnam Issued.jpg (737x1062, 486K)

>doesn't fire every time
Maybe don't use dogshit magazines, PMags do exist.

Check out the 5D tactical jig. All you need is a handheld router and it makes lowers as nice as any mill setup. Having done both I can say making ARs is far, far easier than making an AK. All the parts just poke into place and it headspaces out of the box. Making an AR takes me a few hours, making an AK is a multi weekend project.

Not a bad plan at all, especially if he likes doing demilled parts kit projects. I've done one of those too. There are a bunch on the market right now so it would be a good time to snag one before they dry up again.

Attached: 20190531_155710.jpg (2560x1440, 2.11M)

Building AKs is its own kind of fun, I imagine.
Also, one could build something like a CAR15 or one of the other pre-M4 carbine variants, those would be even lighter and handier still.

Attached: CAR15 variant.jpg (1280x730, 199K)

>should have bought BCM and mags with magpul guts

Oh, wow! Remember how we spent 30 years convincing everyone that the AK is the most evil and deadly weapon to ever exist? Well, it turns out that the AR-15 is EVEN MORE EVIL AND DEADLY!

Attached: 0effortglobo.png (640x406, 604K)

That would be neat, would have to be all new parts though as there are no surplus parts kits I am aware of. Not hard to source though as the only really special pieces are the A1 upper and old style stock both of which there are repros of.
Building AKs is a lot of fun, expect to spend a lot of time troubleshooting and crafting custom tools out of scrap metal if you're new at it. You do need a hydraulic press but those are cheap at harbl freight. youtu.be/YKbkqgHhVSY

Attached: 20190824_183401(0).jpg (2560x1440, 2.94M)

GG coming to finland and shooting that shitty litte 5.56 through thiccc forest

Attached: what.png (1185x1030, 661K)

If a NATO force would be shooting through forest with infantry weapons they'd probably be employing a bunch of 7.62x51mm machineguns.

A1's are garbage, get a A2

>don't use garbage mags
>use Pmags


CIA supplying Georgian rebels in 2008

Limp wristed fag detected. You know if you gripped the damn thing like your boyfriend's cock you'd never see a glock fail right?


Fighting in Finland requires a round which can penetrate bushes without tumbling.
5.56 is great for range and accuracy, but a squad marksman with a 7.62 Tkiv 85 can deal with targets at increased range.

the comments on that article are complete cancer.

Kill yourself

Not surprising. The M4 was designed in '94 whike the AK-47 was designed in...'47.

The 5.56 is just more accurate which makes it appealing to expert shooters.

I'm not surprised.
My cousin serves in fsb special forces that dealing with domestic wahhabist terrorism. He told me that they have a decent diversity of guns, domestic and foreign. M4, mp5, mp7 can't recall names of other guns(I'm not gun nut). They use it depending of the situation, when you need accuracy, density of fire, penetration, stopping power. Specialist should have wide selection of instruments.
(but usually they just use the BTR turret main gun:)

A1s are lighter and have better sights for combat.
A2s don't really offer much but better handguards, a brass deflector, and target sights.
In terms of reliability they're both equally good, because the actions still operate the exact same, and both of them are as well sealed against dirt, but the A2 is kind of just heavier for not very good reasons, and the three-round burst is kind of pointless.

I hear people who try PMags for AKs find them lacking (I don't know personally, but I assume they're upset they can't use them like a hammer or do pushups with them like you can surplus steel mags), but normal AR PMags are better than most issued aluminum AR mags.

5.45mm is damn near the same thing, whatever you can do with a 5.56mm rifle you can do with a 5.45mm rifle, and they can both be loaded to pretty much the same specs, and assuming all 5.56mm projectiles existed in 5.45mm form and vice versa, you could replicate whatever good results both are capable of near interchangeably.
Russia looked at the M16 and thought "Y'know, this smallbore high velocity cartridge, is good, yes, but we still like Kalashnikov better, I have an idea... "

>imagine posting a boomer pro u.s propaganda site like zerohedge

ak is far superior to the american nigger rifle



the whole article just states use for weapons familiarity just like u.s military does with ak's you retarded baby boomer

Attached: 1565156071991.jpg (812x1024, 61K)


>A1s are lighter and have better sights for combat.
>sights are exactly the same but better and with more settings on the A2

fail, the A1 front post is trash as well.

>Russians training for a land invasion scenario of the US where they need to be proficient in seized firearms
>Russians going to eventually ally with USA against "________"
>Jewish interests are crippling Russia's love of the AK47 model on purpose because AK47's are too reliable and M4's with all their parts assembly that combine plastic polymers with steel are not and fit with planned obsolescence

A2 rear sights are more adjustable than a grunt actually needs, and I've more than once seen them shift out of their alignment when the rifle gets knocked around.

A1 has a windage dial with a ball detent, and two different sized apertures, it is all it needs to be, they're designed for fighting, not for shooting the National Match as the A2 sights are.

>have to wade through muddy water
>if holding m4 have to hold above the water or it's going to jam and not fire
>the glint of the sun off the weapon is a visual target for the enemy
>if holding Ak47 can fucking swim with the damn thing on and it still fires reliably afterwards

>have to hold above the water
You don't, you just have to pull back the bolt slightly to let the water drain out first for one second (and this can be made faster if you drill a little drain hole in the bottom of the buffer-tube), then you're good to go.

Not that either Russian or American infantry are going to find themselves in that situation, both have specialists for amphibious assaults like those, they're generally regarded as a form of spec ops.
The idea that you would use either rifle like a frogman in a specialist operation is just commando larping, YOU are gonna be fighting on land and in urban environments.

What’s wrong with the shape of his head? He looks like a hills have eyes mutant.

>He looks like a hills have eyes mutant.
He a Slav. Being a literal mutant a big possibility.

Oh no... Russia has caught the gay!

I shoot both, let me tell you something.
Trying to rapid fire an AK is like riding a pissed off bull without a saddle, not to mention the magazines are so fuck huge you can just forget about a non-awkward prone firing position.
I can carry 3 times as mush ammo for my AR then my ak and still have more room in my chest rig if you want it to work every time don't use shitty mags.

>Not that either Russian or American infantry are going to find themselves in that situation
American went through an entire war where that situation was every god damn day.

>Implying Eastern Europeans are shit skins
Okay Muhammad

We won that a long time ago.

AK confirmed for retards.

Meanwhile US special forces training iraqis pushed for them to get M21.

I think special forces are just special snowflakes.

Attached: M21SRB.jpg (2048x1536, 481K)

Russia confirmed for training with ARs because they're going to falseflag something to blame US troops.






Crossing a river on patrol =/= actually submerging beneath the surface and then emerging, immediately opening fire.

Normal infantry is REALLY unlikely to be finding themselves in a situation where they need to be shooting their gun the immediate second they emerge from a body of water, partially because they're incredibly unlikely to be fully submerged into a body of water during a firefight. The AK does have the edge in that context, but it's such a rare context it's not a comparison worth making.

I mean it's not so much that all conscripts are retards, that it's more that conscription will guarantee you an X amount of retards, and if your rifle is then retard proof, that's a thing you don't have to worry about, the better conscripts will still have a good rifle to use.

>and rear echelon stuff at most generous of estimates, and the occasional specops use where they use it a little bit because the cartridge is still a beast at closer ranges and eats through light cover very quickly
this. subsonic 7.62x39 suppressed is good shit

Why the fuck would they falseflag with rifles they have acknowledged they possess, and which people know they possess?
Are you slow?

>Using JAMmutt-15
Go be fat and not white somewhere else mutt

What AK do you have experience with?

>going prone
I'm sorry, is it 1914?

That’s not a m21


You have autism.

God didn't want slavs to have the AR out of fear that they'd become too powerful

What purpose do europoors even serve on this board?

For us to laugh at

>more accurate

Attached: telllies.jpg (480x360, 25K)

For suppressed, they're probably using 9x39mm actually, in one of those VAL rifles, it suppresses better.
AKs don't tend to actually cycle subsonic loads of 7.62x39mm normally, possibly a custom gasblock or piston could help with that.

Attached: AKMS, Suppressed.png (1001x814, 850K)

>Jam-mutt 15

Every torture test begs to differ Boris. Now go anal chug some vodka.

Attached: 3A2AD1B9-2614-475D-81E4-8E9AA56F814A.jpg (480x360, 35K)


Both are shit.

45th VDV Spetsnaz are specialized air assault light infantry, not high-speed low drag operators who thumb over bore and wear sleeve tattoos.

The reason FSB guys have AR-15s is to compete in civilian IPSC shooting competitions. Only one has a HK417 which he uses in combat, but that's it.

Kill both yourselves, merge the two guns together retards.

Attached: IMG_20190731_124007910.jpg (2006x3566, 852K)

>Every torture test begs to differ Boris.
>My muh mutt propaganda
>Mutt education
Go watched blacked or what ever non whites do

don't be that guy

Why does every Slav pic someone post on Jow Forums recently looked like a Chernobyl mutant or inbreed?

im pretty sure shayetet dont use those anymore

Attached: Shayetet-13-storming-a-beach-Photo-Gadi-Gabalo-e1463313749646.jpg (640x427, 123K)

The 715 is the best of both worlds, but I didn't bring it up since I figured we were just talking US issued rifles.

Post more pics of that rifle by the way, I need them.

I can't get over how cool amphibious specialist teams look.

Attached: 1357606311011.jpg (2200x1366, 268K)

Sure thing boss

Attached: IMG_20190730_134701529.jpg (5344x3006, 2.71M)

That doesn't look like a 715 clone.

Attached: Colt 715.jpg (800x600, 99K)

I now realize it's not a model 715, but oh well. Still one of my favorite guns because of the way it shoots.

Attached: range trip.png (1280x720, 1.27M)

I mean they're still good rifles, but I think the barrel profile was a downgrade, and the sights isn't what a grunt on the field needs.
As a civilian life rifle it's great, particularly because of its target sights.

The funny/cool thing about this rifle, is a couple of things. I ordered the carry handle receiver, and it was made in the 80's in windham maine when they were still bushmaster. The lower is a 2016 made government rifle made under windham weaponry, which is basically bushmaster. The upper and lowers color match and fit eachother like a glove with no wobble, which is nuts.

Another cool bit is when I barreled the upper, the 5 shot group was exactly two inches low.

50% of Russians are mixed with Tatars and other Turkic ethnic groups. That's why Russians are so easy to spot, they're not Slavic in the quintessential sense.

Look at this Amerimutt projecting. Probably fat and have aids

>Leader of Second World collapses
>Said leader becomes effectively on par with third world
>Meanwhile other members of second world grow or maintain

Russia should be considered third world and Poland should be considered the leader of the second world. POLAND STRONG!

How are food prices?

After the Mongols pushed through most Russians are at least part Asian.

Then again, Mongols were pretty baddass so that's not really a bad thing.

>Mongols were pretty baddass so that's not really a bad thing.
>None whites
Found the mutt!