Boomer post

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>>Foreign truck
Something doesn't add up here. That's a millennial.

>Foreign Truck
>The Toyota Tacoma is a pickup truck manufactured in the U.S. by the Japanese automobile manufacturer Toyota since 1995.

>Bumper stickers

Do americans really do this?


Boomers don't know or care where it was made user, they simply see the word Toyota then their feeble minds start thinking words like "jap scrap".

>Now, the F100, that was a REAL truck....

The Tacoma and Tundra are Texan, shitdick.
Ford and GM are Chinese.

lol, go outside retard. plenty of boomers drive Toyota trucks.

t. Triggered boomers

yes, does nobody put stickers on vehicles in your country? genuinely curious

They had lives immeasurably better than our own, they got to experience the "pristine" version of America. To bad they turned into the biggest kikes on Earth, corrupted by their greed.

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No. Boomers made honda what it is today.
Boomers hate American cars and trucks.
Every boomer drives a foreign car or truck they love them.

All I see is fouled points and four-wheel drum brakes.

Completely false my father subscribes to the .45 is best stopping power and best cartridge and .22 bounces around the brain, he also bought a Tacoma because it's manufactured in the US.

back then all women were skinny.
now everyone is a huge fat ass.

I work with plenty of boomers. Most of them drive old American trucks.

sure there's a handful like that have a Toyota, Nissan, or a Honda Ridgeline, but those are the exception rather than the rule.

>No. Boomers made honda what it is today.
Indeed they did, but that was buying motorcycles rather than trucks. Ordinary cars too, though that's more of the millennial age group.


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Nope. Dont think I have seen it anywhere in europe infact.

I keep telling you mark that them Toyotas's aint worth a rat's ass.

Buy you a Chevy™ that you will have to get fixed once a year or so. They say that they make em in China now, but my wife's son Sherrod, well his cousin's uncle says he talked to a guy at the stop n go the other day that said they are Made In America™ now.

US Merchant Marine Reserve 1979-1979

Tradesman - you'll always need me

I kneel at the cross, I stand for the Flag and the Golden Corral Buffet

I carry a .45 because they dont make a .46

Dysfunctional Veteran - Leave Me Alone™

>*Reasonably Healthy
Millennials/Zomers will probably end up with shorter life expectancy as well due to this fact.

Interesting. It must be a cultural/1st amendment thing, since people in the US often use bumper stickers as a quick way to express their opinions on everything.

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What the fuck are you on about?

Boomers LOVE the Tacoma

>all that macho bullshit
>'forgive me if I roll or stall'
How about you learn to drive dude, lmao

Zoomers all have the same scrawny goblin body. If anything, they need to eat more.

Nice Land Cruiser in the background.

Get over yourself snowflake. You are dividing people when we need to be standing against the democrats for 2020. What you are doing is straight out of Rules for Radicals. Q user said this would happen.

Could be. Here we just use the Internet for that. Or keep them to ourselfs, but nobody cares anyway.

Seriously though, what is it with every Boomer on every forum ever having some "clever" slogan or catchphrase for a signature?

>they got to experience the "pristine" version of America
Not just that...Imagine you're born in 1960, that means you're 20 in 1980, 30 in 1990 and 40 in 2000. Which means you get to experience the golden era from 1980 to 2000 to the fullest.

I am highly, highly jealous of people born in 1960. Not even kidding.

So boomers have always liked Toyotas?

Sorry, cant hear you over how fucking rekt you got last week.

>now everyone is a huge fat ass.
Leave the city and avoid shit tier communities that have turned the local Mcshits into their modern church.
Here in Amish territory plenty of woman aren't whores, fat degenerates, and pathetic NPC's that find meaning in life via Hollywood trash, '''upgrade culture''', and any other form of shallow consumerism. The men also aren't wannabe thugs wearing shitty over priced faggot attire, don't have a million STD's, and actually want long lasting relationships.
I unironically believe most cities bring out the worst in people, its all just vanity and sloth.

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The 60s-80s seemed pretty kino, why did boomers have to turn this country into Brazil?

LOL you are like little baby

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>everything i know about the city i know from TV
god ruralfags are the worst.

do you really think some amish chick who spends all day cross-stitching or cooking is any more interesting than a thot who spends all day on her phone?

>Millennials/Zomers will probably end up with shorter life expectancy as well due to this fact.
And top that off with being raised to be spineless and expecting everything to be handed too them and WORSE of all they'll probably have to take care of their withering Boomer parents.
I actually pity them quite a bit.

Dont you have a passenger plane toshoot down or something Dimitri?

God bless all cops, dags, veterans, US flags, Christmas trees. Its getting dusty in here just thinking about it. Amen

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>do you really think some amish chick who spends all day cross-stitching or cooking is any more interesting than a thot who spends all day on her phone?
Well I certainly value one more than the other, they at least have a life style and hobbies where as E thots do nothing but get high, suck cocks, and start petty drama to fill the void that is their empty and meaningless lives.
So yes I find some Amish chick who makes soap for a living or whatever more interesting and not an insufferable cunt.

>pathetic NPC
Except Amish are the ultimate fucking NPC's. All religious fundamentalists are. They're basically white Muslims.


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Edgy >tips fedora

The invisible flying jew can teleport you to an entire dimension he created for torture, I bet you won't think its funny then

>They're basically white Muslims.

Cheap labor and ethnic food

>They're basically white Muslims.
>implying that isn't a good thing
>implying that isn't leagues better than actual muslims

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>Its getting dusty in here just thinking about it.

>posts anime reaction pics
you never had a shot at that life

Why are they like this? It's like their entire existence is an advertisement

You better shut up snowflake. I've got credit card debt older than u

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I'm sure you do, fuckhead. Keep on making those minimum payments.

Only to complain in 2019 about anyone younger than them that they don't work hard enough to pay off their house and car loans like they did while working at a fast food restaurant

I think those a Mennonites not Amish. Every Amish is a Mennonite but not all Mennonites are Amish.

>Dale Gribble

I've spent way more time than I want to in cities and I swear to god everyone their is a nigger, posing as a nigger, an unrepentant fag or thot. And that's just from cities in the south.

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You only live once, but once cry once. You gotta pay to play. Sorry you are poor and have a low credit limit so you can’t play with the big boys.

>you never had a shot at that life
Well no shit ding dong, the boomers flushed it down the tubes before I was born.

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>buying U.S made vehicles

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A lot of people are only able to validate their existence through their consumption of name brands.

>>Why are they like this?
A combination of weak willpower and media/advertising.

If you think boomers have it bad, wait and see what the internet has done to subsequent generations.

Pulls over guy with cracked windshield for obstructed view

Totally ignores batshit crazy lady who can't see out windows

thought country stickers were standard

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>the golden era
You mean the swift downfall?

You're all stupid thinking that the 50s were peak society. That period only lasted 10 years then you had the 60s, a shitty time period almost as bad as the one we're on now. Humankind was best off during antiquity or perhaps even the Neolithic era. We are the cancer feeding off a dead humanity. The only thing that could make us rise to that level again is a hard fall.

You can feel the AIDs radiating from the cab.

We get it you had 10 minutes of your important life wasted, but she has freedom of speech.

>all religious fundamentalists are NPCs
Congrats. You don’t know what an NPC is


I see this a lot more than I should.

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What is it then?

Prints stickers on the windshield telling you exactly where the trucks are made. The majority I see are from Arkansas.
Also prints stickers, usually on the inside edge of the door. I'm in Texas so most of the ones I see are made in the Arlington plant, but I know plenty are made elsewhere in the US, and some in Canada.

Easiest way to tell is the VIN. First digit being 1 is built in the US, 2 is Canada, 3 is Mexico. J is Japan, K is Korea, W is Germany. 4 and 5 are foreign cars built in the US.

They used to be, but effectively died out when EU license plates with country codes became standard.

>Why are they like this?
Pic related. Boomers lived during a massive explosion of consumerism where everything was being marketed towards them and so they can't think about anything without associating with with a commercial product.
This is why brand loyalty is so prevalent among boomers. A Ford truck is not just a truck, it's a real red-blooded American patriotic Built Ford Tough™ truck because that's what decades of advertising told them. Even if it's a Ford Lobo built in Cuautitlán.
Bumper stickers are just a way to market opinions. Print a bunch of shit on stickers, appeal to some "express yourself" and "personalize your vehicle" bullshit, and rake in the cash, $2.99 at a time. The more modern equivalent is boomers sharing Facebook memes, essentially internet bumper stickers without a price attached.

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top lel

Kick out your windshield, most non-cucked states don't require a windshield to be street legal.

>stick shift
>roll or stall
So what's the point in driving a standard of you dont know how

Had a 1940 pickup
Meanest fucking thing I ever owned

I've similar stickers on vehicles. My guess is that most people don't know how to drive a stick and are never around cars that have sticks, so when they stop at lights, they stop super close to the car in front of them, oblivious to the fact that the car in front may be a stick and may roll backwards when the light changes.

It's called learning how to use your gas pedal and clutch properly.
I've drive stick all my life and I dont roll or anything

"RuhMEMber, an Uh-MURR-uh-Cun is an Uh-MURR-uh-Cun.... no mayuturrr if heees blayuck, whayyyte, yellluhhhh, or purrrrple! Heh heh! Shore am quayte a BOOOOMERRRRRRRRR buhht ah KNOW MAH RAGHTS! Yessir. MUHHHRRCUHHHHH"

Every boomer deserves death. They are literally not even human. Every aspect of their "lives" were designed by Jewish Freemasons in some Freemason Lodge in New York, California, or Washington DC.

Boomers are the dumbest, shittiest, most delusional, retarded, good-goy Christ-cuck race-traitor daughter-pimping human cattle in the history of the world.

redpilled. I'm voting as far left as possible just to accelerate the collapse. I cannot FUCKING wait for Day of The Pillow, when boomers are finally snuffed out of existence by the multicultural mongrel hordes.

Only from their deaths can anything good happen for America.

And just because you learned how to drive properly doesn't mean anybody else did.

That cap hits close to home, and explains something I experienced recently.
My grandmother died earlier this summer after a lengthy decline, and her death came as no surprise.
Her estate was non-existent. She did, however, leave some money to the 7 grandchildren: $3 in 50 cent pieces from the late 70s to each grandchild.
None of us collect coins, none of us were born in the 70s. We were all kind of baffled by her choice to give us these things, spelled out by name in the will.
That pic explains the mindset succinctly.
I loved my grandmother, but holy shit was she materialistic.

Plenty of boomers drive trucks that aren’t just Ford, I see it almost every day.
That isn’t as accurate as you think it is, plenty of places in Amish country are all abandoned soulless opioid pens with nothing but McShits and Walshart.
t. live in PA
H1Bs saving them a whole nickel and eating lead paint chips as children.
Boomers are one of the most consumerist people to have ever lived, doesn’t help that they grew up and lived in an era of unprecedented wealth and prosperity while their parents did all the actual heavy lifting. They’ve been completely brainwashed from nonstop advertising which is why you have so many cringe inducing commercials and ads now, so the first thing they think of something like “America” isn’t what it was founded for or all the things that it struggled to achieve but Ford being for REAL red blooded Americans as they waddle around to their Evangelical megachurch to praise Israel with their obese potbellies filled with Bud Light.

They do this shit with princess Diana too. People have entire rooms you're not allowed in because muh people's princess, this is in America lol.
My gf's oldish Aunt has a room with just Texas shit. That no one is allowed in, but has nothing of real value. Just plaques and wrought iron lone stars and shit that's probably made in China.
No children; just a minifridge of Muh Karbach Astros beer, a dog, and the tx room. I would feel bad for their pathetic lives if they didn't drag is into this shit too

There is literally nothing wrong with a fat ass and skinny girls are built like 12 year old boys

That pic
>visit father's family for Christmas after 20 years of him not talking to me
>gifts me a portable battery charger that has my name on it and $200
>barely talks to me the entire week I was there
The only gift I wanted was for you to talk to me and treat me like your son for once dad

>Plenty of boomers drive trucks that aren’t just Ford, I see it almost every day.
sure, they like Dodge and Chevy too.

>Now the power wagon, that was a real truck. And I don't mean that new one.

Fun fact. That guy who own that truck a registered sex offender.

I am not surprised in the slightest.

theres a level of crazy that even cops dont want to touch. people forget that cops are regular people doing a job, and they want to do the easiest tasks possible like every other wage slaver. picking the low hanging fruit is much less stressful while killing the hours at work than dealing with some sovereign state schizo who is probably going to escalate the situation to a shooting

>Boomers are one of the most consumerist people to have ever lived

No, they were the most consumerist people of their time.
The children raised by boomers, and inundated with even more advertising and comparisons of wealth via the internet and social media, are even worse off.

Prime target for testing Molotov's if nothing else.

>Foreign owned company
>Foreign design
>Somehow this means it's not foreign

post proof, i want to see it

I don’t want to get ban for posting furry shit
Even in the last bronycon they arrested at least two child molesters.