Why is the rogue general such a common meme in pop culture when it almost never happens IRL?
Also, Shepherd did nothing wrong.
Why is the rogue general such a common meme in pop culture when it almost never happens IRL?
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Is this a video game thing? I've never heard of the "rogue general" meme except outside of a handful of old action movies.
It's not unheard of outside of vidya.
Not unheard of I can agree with.
"common meme in pop culture"? Not so much.
Because it lets them criticize the military without actually criticizing the military.
Its bullshit, most soldiers wont fight when they are guaranteed to lose their pensions.
>Why is the rogue general such a common meme in pop culture when it almost never happens IRL?
because the evil general archetype is rooted in a general distrust in the government and it appeals to our belief that the government sucks enough to put assholes in charge of weapons that they really shouldn't
it certainly doesnt help that the vietnam war cultivated a healthy distrust of the MIC
>Also, Shepherd did nothing wrong
he deliberately engineered a Russian invasion of the US, which eventually grew to flat out WW3, and caused millions of death for the sole reason he thought he didnt get enough respect
Trope, not meme. It's subversive to established power structures in society, basic Robin Hood stuff of fables in line with errant knights, evil witches etc.
sometimes its just about keeping order
>Why is the rogue general such a common meme in pop culture when it almost never happens IRL?
Because you need to invent conflicts for stories to revolve around, and a single grunt going apeshit is only a problem if you're his wife.
>he deliberately engineered a Russian invasion of the US, which eventually grew to flat out WW3, and caused millions of death for the sole reason he thought he didn't get enough respect
America is already on the verge of a big igloo so anybody that does what Shepherd did will really have just sped up the inevitable
Caesar and shit
>single grunt going apeshit is only a problem if you're his wife
I mean there's rambo
There's also a few shows with episodes like that with them actually being the antagonist, it's not non-existant, Luther and Punisher off the top of my head, not Frank himself but some soldier that flipped his shit he fought
Rogue generals are a meme. Top brass is selected for compliance and loyalty to political leadership, not competence or boldness. The days of people like MacArthur or Patton are long gone.
Men like Shepherd are not promoted as Generals for a reason. A guy who can organize, finance and utilize his own black ops military force without any apparent involvement from civilian leadership is not going to be a political boot-lick: he'll be running the country himself after a military coup.
We will crush the Gorganite scum!
> sidearm is a 44 mag revolver
I know officers are allowed to have sidearms with proper authorization, but a goddamn revolver? Who's dick do you have to suck to get that?
Not necessarily a general, but any kind of high ranking officer from major to colonel are more common than a general
Even Patton's actions must be taken in light of his logistics situation.
It's a player from the computer game set called Rogue General 2
Game that truly deserves complete remake with good game play.
>Shepherd did nothing wrong
pretty much the only thing that I analyzed about the game and understood storyline-wise.
Its actually pretty common in third world countries. Coups being led by a general who then tries to install himself in power have been a constant thing for just about all of recorded history.
>helped Russia invade the USA
Literally General Flynn before Flynn had even talked to Putin.
Soviet Union's collapse had plenty examples.
General Dudayev for example was considered rogue by Yeltsin.
General and Acting President Alexander Rutskoi was considered rogue by Yeltsin
In 2014 there was that Ukrainian admiral who defected to Russia.
Well, considering that the standard issue sidearm at the beginning of the game is a Desert Eagle, probably no one’s
>never heard of the "rogue general" meme except outside of a handful of old action movies.
Google: historic military coups
Julius Caesar was a rogue general
OP, Coups have been taking place since the beginning of civilization. There's been around three coup attempts this year in Africa alone. And coups usually involve high-ranking military leaders.
>he deliberately engineered a Russian invasion of the US, which eventually grew to flat out WW3, and caused millions of death for the sole reason he thought he didnt get enough respect
I have played the game several times and can´t remember ever finding any evidence that Shepherd engineered the war. Yes, he fucked up when he infiltrated Allen in Makarov´s group, but from there on it seems to me like all he really did was extreme damage control (take charge of everything, become a hero, then kill anyone that might have revealed he actually caused, but did not engineer, the shit he was fixing).
General shepherd did nothing wrong. He just wanted to kill communist ultra-nationalists before they retook Eastern Europe.
>never happens in real life
lmfao it happened like 2-3 times in the past 5 years in turkey
you're glowing
Because it is a legitimate problem. A high ranking officer could literally initiate a coup. Hell if a few of them hooked up they could have entire divisions of armor, air power, and soldiers under their command. Plus they could basically decapitate command and control before they actually initiated an action.
Under the Obama administration they gave all high ranking officers a litmus test, asking their personal political opinions, social opinions, weather or not they would fire on american civilians if ordered to do so. Much of the test remains classified, but it was basically a loyalty test. It resulted in subtle, yet extremely widespread and impactful changes and demotions to the entire chain of military command. Apparently the administration was very paranoid (probably rightfully so) about just such a thing occouring.
Its a semi-plausible approach to portray a singular villain with a lot of centralized power, which offers an easy solution to the plot due to the centralization.
Same guy.
This. A rogue general who keeps the loyalty of his troops is a lot more believable than the standard James Bond plot of a crazed industrialist covertly acquiring a functional military.
OP has never heard of a coup, retard alert.
It’s a fucking .50 AE Desert Eagle too, literally the least practical version. At least a .45 Desert Eagle has compatible ammunition with the M1911, which is still in service.
um... user... there's no such thing as a .45 Deagle.
is there any further reading on this?
>Under the Obama administration they gave all high ranking officers a litmus test
source or you're fucking lying
>Why is the rogue general such a common meme in pop culture when it almost never happens IRL?
I mean, aren't military coups started by rogue officers?
>t.never watched Apocalypse Now
get fucked nerd
They don’t outright say he caused the war, but it’s heavily implied that the data TF 141 downloaded at Makarov’s safe house contained details about Shepherd’s cooperation with him. Why else would he betray them? Pvt Allen was part of 141, the rest of his team knew about his involvement in the massacre, but didn’t know that Shepherd deliberately revealed Allen’s identity to Makarov.
the fuck am I looking at?
so what you meant to say is a desert eagle brand 1911
coups and juntas happen all the time though
Yeah a .45 desert eagle, fag
? it's a 1911 it's in .45
the moster powerful handgun in the world. Since it's a 1911 it uses .45 ammo but shoots at armor piercing speed due to 5.7. However, since it's a deagle it does increased damage due to the bore.
I find it hard to believe Shepherd revealed his identity and makarov went along with it. Most likely, Allen was found out, but this was intended.
>Rogue generals are a meme. Top brass is selected for compliance and loyalty to political leadership, not competence or boldness. The days of people like MacArthur or Patton are long gone.
This. Look at this former Army general fire an AR-15. He looks like a girl awkwardly holding a gun for the first time. How the fuck can somebody so completely unfamiliar with rifles be a top ranking officer in the Army? These pussies are just glorified office drones.
Looks like you need to reread the description in the image you posted
I guarantee you some retard will it at some extremely bloated price and think that it'll shoot through space and time
I don't know what's so hard to get about this. It's a 1911. It shoots .45.
If Shepherd hadn’t cooperated with Makarov, why wait till they raided the safe house to betray TF 141? He could have done it any time. Seems like there was more than just their knowledge that Shepherd had planted Allen in Makarov’s crew.
Also, Makarov was an ultranationalist who wanted war with the west, so why not work with him?
I don't think it is really available in 5.7mm. It looks like only .45 and 9mm.
>I find it hard to believe Shepherd revealed his identity and makarov went along with it.
Shepherd wanted revenge for what happened in CoD 4 when his men got nuked. Makarov wanted a war with the West.
Look I gotta stop here because that is like an ancient troll image and you niggers are dumb.
Like goddamn.
5 seconds on google. I'm sure you can easily find much more information on it. I remember Jow Forums and Jow Forums losing their fucking minds over it
>Gen. Carter Ham. He was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command after only a year and a half because he disagreed with orders not to mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.
>Stated grounds range from "leaving blast doors on nukes open" to "loss of confidence in command ability" to "mishandling of funds" to "inappropriate relationships" to "gambling with counterfeit chips" to "inappropriate behavior" to "low morale in troops commanded."
These reasons seem pretty reasonable to fire an officer
>article uses breitbart as a source
Or even "The Rock."
>There's been around three coup attempts this year in Africa alone.
user, the whole continent is like a petri dish of violence. Mass killings, beheading, torture,etc. Saying there were any number of coups in Africa as an example of their overall frequency is like saying spontaneous public fistfights are common because there were three prison riots today.
Because otherwise, they don't have any available stories worth talking about. Or even available scenarios. Homefront could have been decent, but concerns allow about Chinese butthurt killed it.
Its also to tacitly admit that we have run out of viable opponents, and are doing the old Cold War favorite of dicking off until we have something to worry about.
Cuba in the Cold War? Could have and should have been nipped in the bud the very moment Castro's name was mentioned. Just deploy the Marine Corp to Cuba, enforce a hard blockade to anything that isn't American.
But noooo, Eisenhower and Kennedy twiddle their thumbs up thier asses.
Venezuela? The closest comparison. Turmp should have abandoned the Middle East instantly, and redeployed to take the bits of Venezuela anyone cares about, and went around blowing up everything more interesting than a technical. Again, hard blockade.
Other than Venezuela? There isn't anybody out there that we could and would hit. Everything in Asia is either nuclear armed or worthless or really deserves to die on their own stupidity. Africa has nothing. Europe is a pointless dumptser fire.
Ax 80% of the Army, dump the F-35 B and A, acquire the C and F/A Super Hornets. Cut the Marine Corps down by 25%. Accept the inevitable shrinking of the Air Force.
>Eisenhower and Kennedy twiddle their thumbs up thier asses.
because the rival empire was threatening to destroy the earth in nuclear exchange
>and redeployed to take the bits of Venezuela
that movie gets my dick hard
>because the rival empire was threatening to destroy the earth in nuclear exchange
Over intervention in Cuba before Castro was even in charge? Wrong.
Versus staying in Iraq and Syria for nebulous and outright bad reasons, or staying in Afghanistan to harvest more trash that pass the litmus test of tolerance and apathy of what our "Allies" do over there.
>Versus staying in Iraq and Syria
no, versus turning venezuela into a fucking narco state
This right here. They make a bad guy in the military to heap anti military sentiment on while maintaining political cover.
Interestingly, Probably only to me, there is something similar in hunting that u have been thinking about. Specifically canned hunts. Listen to any anti hunting zealots and you are going to hear a bunch of bullshit about rich assholes shooting caged lions and shots along with all the sad projecting about how " they are just trying to feel tought by murdering a gazelle that is chained to a post.
I agree that this kind of thing is shitty, but if you listen to people who are against hunting you would think canned hunts and guided big game hunts are typical hunting, while the truth is the opposite, its incredibly rare . Its basically political strawmanning
Didn't butler get asked/paid to go rouge but said fuck you. Then there are generals from Egypt and Turkey that went rouge
Yeah, the business man plot that papa Bush was involved in. Honestly? I kinda wished it had happened. It'd be hard, outside of nuclear war, for it to end up worse.
The Rock
Apocalypse Now
CoD: MW2
Spec Ops: The line
>yes i know its also a heart of darkness story
literally what was the point of what shepherd did/tried to do?
have you never been to a bar?
>heart of darkness story
Funny, how that story is errywhere. Off the top of my head:
>far cry 2
>apocalypse now (literally "heart of darkness" and michael herr's "Dispatches" smashed together)
>spec ops: the line, of course
>a little bit in "no country for old men"
ive never actually read heart of darkness. I really should.
It's like a classic fairytale you've never read. It's been covered and re-done so many times you probably won't get much out of it.
It's about colonialism in africa, says "nigger" alot but isn't racist, the deeper moral is about the savage monster hiding inside the "civilized" man.
The poetic prose is the reason i cherish it.
They werent communist they where just nationalist.
>Communists are not nationals
>Please ignore the fact the Soviet national anthem more patriotic than the U.S anthem and they call WW2 the great patriotic war
>They werent communist
>Overthrowing a democratic capitalist government
>Using communists symbols and the Soviet anthem
>Invades and forcefully annex former Soviet nations
This your mind on ((Jow Forums)). I bet you one of those faggots who claims Putin a white nationalist after he outlawed Nazi larping.
The closest examples in American history would be Douglas MacArthur, who was relieved of his command for disobeying the President’s orders to avoid escalating the Korean War and some instances from the Civil War such as McClellan who Lincoln considered at risk for going rogue (I’m not counting generals who defected to the Confederacy for simplicity and the fact most resigned their commissions beforehand and were therefore not under Army jurisdiction).
To be fair, by MW3 Makarov’s Inner Circle are using a crown as their symbol, and advocate restoring the Tsardom (presumably with Makarov as the new Tsar since the Romanovs are still almost universally despised in Russia).
it can happen in time of crisis
But I thought the modern US military are run by senior enlisted
Why would E5s and above listen to a rogue general and ruin their salaries plus pensions? Why would Pvt Dick and Specialist/Corporal Penis join the rogue general's party van?
Jow Forums told me that O-3 and below just get laughed at by senior enlisted
Honestly Shepherd was a potentially compelling character wasted on a series with notoriously shitty writing. Part of Call of Duty’s decline was the fact the advertising devolved into dumb normie shit like rap videos and celebrity endorsement to increase sales (which have still been stagnant despite that until recently). The other half was the fact the near-future setting was completely inappropriate for the kind of story they were trying to tell. Russians invading America in 2016 (and it not ending in a nuclear Holocaust that ends civilization as we know it) is so fucking stupid of an idea that it makes it impossible to take the rest of the narrative even remotely seriously. Honestly, they should have pushed back the setting 10-20 years to the 1980s with Shepherd, an embittered Vietnam veteran, conspiring with IRL terrorist organizations at the time such as the Red Army Faction, IRA, National Vanguard, and Black September to start a war between NATO and the still-strong Warsaw Pact. Basically think Operation Gladio and the Years of Lead, but on a much larger scale.
I also did a rewrite of Modern Warfare using the Second Russian Civil War, but also pushing it back to 1989 with Gorbachev being overthrown and the USSR almost instantly devolving in civil war, and a larger version of Task Force 141 (known as Task Force Polar Bear because muh Russian Revolution analogy, consisting of both conventional ground troops and special forces) sent to seize the Soviet nuclear stockpile. The United States becoming mired in yet another Vietnamesque quagmire, but where the threat of nuclear terrorism is actually real (so the anti-war movement is basically non-existent), all while Saddam Hussein grows a brain and is allow to get away with massive fuckery in the Middle East until he forces America’s hand in the mid-90s, but he’s way better prepared and manages to fight the US to a draw.
Sound fun Jow Forums?
>Brietbart bad!
>CNN good!
>Top brass is selected for compliance and loyalty to political leadership, not competence or boldness. The days of people like MacArthur or Patton are long gone.
That’s been true of armies since the beginning of time.
Any officer, no matter how brilliant, is of no use if he cannot be taught to obey the lawful directives of his superiors.
Reckless and bold officers get promoted and are tolerated during wartime because their ability to act independently and without prompting is an asset in a chaotic environment. In peacetime, they’re a nuisance.
>Breitbart good
stay triggered, retard. using swastika doesn't mean he is nazi. this goes same to red star. belarus also uses soviet era symbol. that doesn't mean that belarus is
commie. big retard. kys when
>nationalist is nazi! bad! bad! muh globalism! good! hillary 2020 shareblue!
Not a word about this on Wikipedia. That is interesting. Where does your text come from?
Breitbart is the best news source when it comes to USA.
Id like to see what you think is better lol.
>I'd like to see what you think is best
Trick question, they're all shit.
rogue general has been a meme since the crossing of the fucking rubicon, are you all illiterate?
Washington was a LARPing farmer.
It's not a LARP if you actually start kicking ass and taking names.