/gq/ - gear queer

3-Gun is basically the same as SFAUC Edition

>General guide


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Will the 5.56 inserts from Mayflower fit 7.62x39 AK mags or will I have to get the 7.62 nato insert? Seems like it would be too big and they would flop around more. Thanks in advance.

might have tearing issues from the lug on the elastic

How do you increase resolution on ATAK? Everything's just really low res for me

Neither will work.

Remember to gear a neck gaiter for your loadout to protect from harmful UV rays while operating!

>google SFAUC

are they just now starting to do training like this? me and my buddies have been doing shit like that for years now

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You and your buddies have a MOUT site and shoot house?

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It’s not outside the realm of possiblitily. Probably doesn’t have a Little Bird or a Chinook though.
It’s been a thing forever but every so often they refine the training and give it a new name so some jackass can have another OER bullet.

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Is this an upgrade from a Condor plate carrier?

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Just buy the cheapest thing from beez combat system.

No. Please get an AWSin OCPC or BCS. They are similar in price and astronomically higher in quality


Get off the ali train.

we don't have an entire plywood city but we have an area we can shoot about 270 degrees. and we have targets and barrier walls we can move around.

But do you have a truck, a Lowe’s and a can-do attitude?

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Whats a good tactical gun belt to put mag pouches, ifak, holster, etc on

got a skid steer, gonna do more work on it this fall

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Blue Alpha Gear or Alonso Emissary.

Do you want a stiff dual stage or a big over-the-belt-loops?
Shoo mike

I dont really know.

>shoo mike
You've got the wrong shill

Well, AWSin offers probably the cheapest-but-still-quality gunfighter belt.
HSGI if you want a padded belt sleeve to put your goodies on
Velsys if you want a hard platform that is somewhere in the middle (and you’ve got money to burn)
Ronin Senshi (Black molle for peak larperator ) in pic. The company sent some out to me and dudes I was with.
If you want cheapest ever, look around at Tactical Assault Gear. They’re legit but peaked in OIF so they’re blowing that shit out.

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Spiritus carrier w/ ar500 lvl IIIa hybrid soft

Chicom ammo rig w/ blackhawk ar and uzi mag carriers

Blackhawk riggers belt w/ omega drop leg mag carrier, bladetech usp 45 elite drop leg holster.

I have zero first aid training only run n gun, 3 gun, and active shooter response training.

What to buy next?

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Describe training and try to stop being a fucking memelord.
Medical training and supply first. Real plates, a real molle platform and some taste would be good purchases.

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whats up with the tape on the helmets

I just really like old rainbow six games and south american task force style equipment.

The mexicans im most likely to encounter in my area regularly use 9, 40, and even 380 at each other so id rather run a super light soft armor that i can train, drive, run in than a chunky plate.

I just hit 40 hours of training, concerned mostly with my sidearm, multiple target engagement, squad excercises, room clearing, cqb.

As for taste? Im fucked, i love to larp too much. I hope youre having as much fun as i am.

Why is this so complicated? There are like 5 different belts going into a belt and and I cant even tell what will allow me to attach shit to it...

in case you need a piece of tape


Is this good? I watched some YT videos on the ballistics and it seems promising.

All depends on intended use.

If you do security, armored car/money truck, social work etc its fine for that. Good for a trunk-stashed emergency vest also.

Not a combat carrier though. If youre prepping for the boojahadeen epic meme war, get a good carrier and lvl IV steel plates.

I work in a county jail so I do a lot of inside work and transporting of inmates to court so I need something both ballistic and knife/stab/puncture resistant.

For the boogerloop, I have a *don't laugh*a Condor MOPC that I have decked out with some level 4 ceramic plates. When I get a little more $$ coming in I'll invest in a better PC. I just figured I should maybe get something to protect myself while I'm earning $$ before I become a statistic and end up on ODMP.

Bro im applying to be a jailer too no shit.

Your PC is fine. Condor isnt all shit. Dont waste your cash on unnecessary stuff. Those safelifes are great for everything except rifle rounds.

No, NO! Do not tell people to get steel plates.

Ceramic is for zoomers. Manufacturers literally say dont drop it itll break.

Everyone knows steel is your safest bet againt everything if safety is your priority.

Who the fuck is shooting at y'all? The only time i got shot at was a 9mm. Bad guys love to pose with ARs but never actually use them for hood shit.

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I think it's fine. A lot of people would disagree but I've but it through its paces and it seems fine. Jailer work is the most interesting, unique, easiest most difficult job I've ever done. It can be as easy as working 8 hours doing nothing at all except feed the inmates and do your 30 minute checks all to having your balls hammered by admin and the inmates. All in all, I'd recommend it to anyone trying to get their foot in the door for LE or anything related. Even if you're not trying to get into LE, promoting to higher ranks is easy and the pay is incredible if you're working for some reputable sheriff's offices i.e. Florida area.


How are these?

They all do, it just depends on whether you want to use molle or belt clips. Whenever you buy esstac or whatever it’ll give you the option: WTFix molle straps or belt clips.
Welp. So the training is corrections. You’re going to see bigger returns on medical training than 3gun but both are fun. I am not above tasteless fun, but I encourage you to be smart about it.
Get shot wearing a steel plate
Incorrect. Condor is absolute garbage. The only thing you might be able to get away with is some of their older GPS pouches and maybe flapped mag pouches. Everything they made with the doubled over fabric webbing is trash, without exception.

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Get shot wearing a steel plate and let me know how your face is after.
So, those aren’t actually steel plates, BATTLESTEEL is just their TM. They’re tested independently “to standard” which does not fill me with confidence and the ring around the strike face gives me RMA “foam ring” vibes. I do not recommend cheating out on life-saving equipment. I would rather someone learn to keep their head down and stay light in just a chest rig or a belt, getting up to some RECCE shit than wade into cqb with sub-par equipment.

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Sounds good thanks for the info.

Hey guys, I’m an army infantry officer and I was wondering how many handgun mags I need to carry? They issue me a pouch that fits 2 mags but I never use the handgun anyway. Can I get away with just one handgun mag? Pic for attention

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officers never know jack fucking shit

Thanks for the advice man

It’s IR.
Carry them all. Carry them all and stop trying to call for fires. Let the fox do his job.

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Correctional officers rise up


Anyone recommend Bore Thunder for their agencies/personal home defense use?
>load 1 Bore Thunder shell in shotgun
>flashbang home intruder
>unload with 00 buckshot

>Bore Thunder ** WARNING ** turn down volume

No that is a sidegrade - perhaps even a downgrade.

I get it, you’re a professional meat wall but do you have to all be so fucking fat?
Honestly though, that sounds pretty rad and carries with it a kind of “everyone in earshot, call the cops” pragmatism but you will also probably want to double up on earpro if you’re going to just fucking send it in your home.

Is that you ski?

>but do you have to all be so fucking fat?
Not him, but I have studied the industry a bit. The environment is numbing. Fatness is only one symptom. I seriously sympathize with those fat faggots. They are stuck in about the deepest rut there is.

Ski’s not even in anymore; I’m not even blonde enough to be Ski, if we’re thinking of the same one.
Many such cases

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What is it like to be an operator overseas? i hear its more fun than civvy life

>but why do you all have to be so fucking fat
years of unhealthy diet coupled with intense stress of nogs. it's not a good environement. when we retire we usually live 2 and a half years before having a massive cardiac and dying in a pool of our vomit and liquefied feces

Just go do it, faggot. I’m actually pretty lucky. A lot of that work is pretty numbing nowadays. Even places that were nuts the first time around get calm and then flare up for no earthly reason. It’s still just a long time away from family/home/food you dont hate for either some little tic here and there or literally always being shot at and eventually becoming numb to it.
I’m lucky to have gotten the opportunities I did to get into some more proactive shenanigans.
I feel bad, now. There has to be at least one PatMac equivalent in corrections. The ones I know had a tendency to become backyard wrestlers on an indie circuit and shit like that.

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Looks like fun. You actually replied to me 2x. Whoever you work for, are they interested in a qualified marksman with good training? I'm 'corrections' albeit a deputy sheriff with a big sheriff's office in Texas - essentially we're cops just assigned to the jails. I hate this job and regret never enlisting to fight or at least be overseas complaining of the the same complaints that others seem to include in typical conversations on FOBs etc. Got the scoop?

how much prep do you think someone needs before 18x? how much did you need to prepare before enlisting?

>I feel bad, now.
I got in a shitty rut and I wanted a way to cut the tedium. I grabbed a document one day and ran it to where it needed to urgently go. I volunteered to keep doing so when the need would unexpectedly arise. I became the dude that ran documents. I got paid to run. Good times.

I’m an Army dude, bruh. In sure you can find a recruiter who’ll take you. Being in a big FOB sucks but not in a fun way and being in the middle of nowhere sucks in a slightly-more-fun-way. If you’re just looking for contract work, I’m afraid that market kinda dried up it you can still absolutely get a job standing outside a Lockheed Martin Fac.
This is not the /meg/ but I will tell you that you shouldn’t go in with a “ready” mindset. Just do whatever is asked of you to the best of your ability. Pay attention to everything that happens and black out before you tap out. Also: learn to get by without headpats. You’ll get your evaluation at the end.
Neat. Good for you.

Somebody post gear or dump IFAK.

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Corrections man back, I'm a healthy 26 years old. I know the Army takes them that old but they're hesitant to do it.

Well, do it or don’t.
Secondarily, look up the ACFT, an upper body round robin, and be able to complete drop sets before running 5mi in under 38 mins. Most schools are just “give up” pt.

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After finishing the dangler pouch I posted last night I made this IFAK. It's half as thick as the USAF JFAK that I EDC but only a little longer. Instead of MOLLE or a big field of Velcro it has wings on each side that tie into the internal cummerbund attachment Velcro. It can only be pulled off the PC by the little webbing loops on the sides which pull on the ends of the wings.

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I love it. How’s the zipper?

It really is a shame ceramic has to be so fragile

>Manufacturers literally say dont drop it itll break.

NIJ standards require dropping it twice before shooting it, user.

Did you buy multicum rig?

How does one keep molle pouches from sliding on a non molle belt? I know the belt loops themselves would keep them from completely getting fucked but my pouches keep migrating a few inches right when I don't want them to

I need a new plate carrier and I don't know what to buy. Should I get something like a AR500 Testudo or just save up for a Crye JPC? I've heard Crye can over charge because of their name. But I've also heard that Crye is real good so I don't know.

police belts have some stoppers on them, otherwise get kywi's with belt loops.

I want to believe you’re a simple troll
Belt keepers, but you should probably just do it right.
I want to believe you are also just having fun because someone has been asking this every thread for the last 6 threads. Do not get AR500 ANYTHING. Not plates, not backers, not carriers, not T-shirts, NOTHING.
Get an AWSin OCPC or a Beez Combat Systems Slick if you’re hard up for dosh or a Crye JPC/Mayflower APC if you’re not.
Something like that

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Serous follow up question then what plate manufacturer is preferable? I don't frequent GQ so I wasn't aware AR500 had plate issues. I just assumed their gear was mediocre. Or did they do something dumb politically I wasn't aware of? To clarify this isn't a shit post I've never researched armor as well as I should have clearly.

I do have kywi loops but they still slide over belts

I tried and didn't like the whole velcro belt deal

post pics

Hesco or even Highcom. You DO NOT want steel plates of any kind. The drawbacks are numerous and dangerous and proponents don’t even have the price point to fall back on, as real plates have become more and more affordable.
Get a thicker belt if the mounts are slidey. Look, man, you’ve got the belt, the pouch and the mounting. Alter one of those and you get your answer. Have you tried looking around 3 gun pouches with the holes and the screws?

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What are some super stiff 2 piece belts? Spent $100 on odin mk3 and I'm quite disappointed with the stiffness.

what's wrong with highcom?

Nothing, you just have to buy the correct ones. Don’t buy their steel plates either.

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Are there any placards like a D3CRM Micro or the Microfight that can hold 3 7.62x39 AK mags up front? Has anyone fit AKM mags in those? I know the tacos can hold them but I like the admin section on the aforementioned rigs. What are my options here?

Didn’t mean to respond to you, los ciento

Mayflower has a 7.62 placard that I’ve seen people shove akm mags into but you’re always going to run into the lip problem. Maybe just use some BFG 10speeds?
The hundred?

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>ir strips of duct tape
It's just tape

I ha e the same one.

You didn’t read the description on their website.

the $100 odin is the base model.

if you want a stiff inner belt you have to get the 3gun version.

it’s in the reviews as well.

just get a blue force gear inner belt.

did i fuck up Jow Forums?

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Cool. It’s ok to be wrong
No, that’ll serve you fine.

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you did good m8

oh good.

for me it’s all about the shoulder angle. i have a WAS DCS and the shoulder straps sit just a tad to far out where it can impede at times on my shoulderng my rifle and getting my gack-gack thrust out far enough.

for my body it was the 6094 or the Scarab.

i spent 2 weeks calling LBT and VelSys figuring out shoulder strap lengths, shoulder pad lengths, angle of the strap, how much adjustability.

i had an opportunity 2 weeks ago to try on a Scarab and a [real] 6094 and the angle of the shoulders was almost identical, if not [for me] slightly better with the Scarab.

I’m the user with the rattle can PVS-14 pouch.


>buying a 6094 in 2019

Is Tactical Scorpion trauma pads an okay option with Hesco 4400s and AWS OCPC?

4400’s are stand-alone. You don’t need $25 non-ballistic foam panels. Those otherwise worthless panels are to mitigate the whole being shot while wearing a steel plate thing.

Cool, thanks for the info. I bought them a while ago but figured they were necessary, nice to know they aren't. Is putting soft ballistic plates behind retarded? It's a bug lego kit, fyi.

It’s not necessary with stand-alone a but if you had Surplus sapi’s or whatever plate might need to be used in conjunction with, it would. If you’re one of those guys concerned with shrapnel or just feel like carrying an extra couple pounds of sweaty fabric, you could go a Mayflower LPAAC or what have you.

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Bunkbed do you have a shopping list for retarded anons to follow? A wiki page or something? How can I join your militia?

What's the story behind this?

I needs a good belt for USPSA and battle belt purposes. What to get? Something simple and durable

Read the pastebin, search around, do your research and get training. And join the Army, I guess. Super-duper-boot-lickers and Nazbol Niggers are quick to point out the “selling out” nature of service and you’ll get a fair bit of “die for Israel” memes but if you’re really serious about being technically and tactically proficient, you should go for it if you can.
I had the first-year philosophy faggot going on about “why treat those who wouldn’t do the same for you” and all that shit and my answer will never change: if you want to be good at something you have to do it. If you want to be good at trauma medicine, get some tracing and go where people are being hurt. If you want to be good at shooting, go where the shooting is. It’s pretty simple.
Western volunteers. It’s a good read. Search the image and you’ll find it.
AWSin LAB, Ronin Senshi.

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Seconded, Bunk's IFAK/med is a seems like something good to copy for poorfag, mid, and guccifag load outs.

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would Kywi 5.56 pouches be too chunky for under the arm? should i look for something thinner?

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>Something like that
pretty cringe. where can i get one?