Unlikely grail guns

Every here has holy grail guns they've wanted ever since they were a kid, or saw a movie, or handled one in a gun shop. But how many anons' grail guns are a little unexpected? What was yours?

I just had a great day so cool bro story time: When I was a kid in the '80-90s I spent a ton of time reading through a 1965 Shooter's Bible my dad had. All kinds of cool guns, low prices, etc. But one gun in particular really grabbed me--the High Standard Flite-King Riot shotgun. It was the only shotgun in the entire book that had a full-length mag tube. It just looked so different and cool compared to everything else, plus the same was a lot more rad than "Mossberg 500" or whatever. Always wanted one. But they're not really common guns, especially on the East coast, and in recent years the prices have been going up...

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Other urls found in this thread:


Cont...I still wanted a vintage corncob riot shotgun, so a few years ago I jumped on a 1949 Ithaca 37 for $100 that some retard had chopped the barrel on with a rusty hacksaw. Sent the barrel out and for another $30 got it properly finished to 18.5" with a brass bead. It's an awesome gun, but it still wasn't what I really wanted in my heartpenis...

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I really want a Savage Model 99 in 358 Winchester.
My grandfather had one that he passed down to my dad that got stolen when I was a little kid. I was infatuated with it. I was devastated when it was taken.
I’ve always wanted one to replace it. I know it won’t be the same, but maybe it will mean something to someone in my family in a few generations

Webley Fosbery

more than I can afford, pal

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Cont...Last night I was browsing the online catalog of a big local gun shop. They're good guys but anything remotely cool, unusual, tactical, or desirable is overpriced to fuck and back. But then way down at the bottom I saw "HI STANDARD RIOT 12GA." Called them first thing this morning, made sure it was there and not a pile of rust, and headed over at lunch. Looked at the gun, filled out the forms, paid the man, and just came home with the shotgun I've wanted for about 30 years. All for $212 out the door.

It's in pretty good shape all things considered. I'd guess late '60s make. Feels different from the Ithaca--it's BIG and MEATY and not delicate feeling at all. These were popular LEO guns for a short time so it must be decent.

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I want a Ross MK3.
I fell in love with it, but they are unicorn rare on my side of the Atlantic, I've only seen one in 10 years at a British auction, and it went at a ridiculous price.

Word is that there are some in central and eastern Europe, but so far no luck, and I don't read slav runes.

Mateba MTR-8

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I've got one too, it's so much fun and a great fit for me. Swings nicely when busting clays.

That forend looks pretty chunky and satisfying

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your grail guns like 400 on gunbroker. bit high for a used pump but in no way unobtainum.

Nice find, user! Always good when you actually get what you are looking for.

I was looking for one of these since I first saw one in a book I bought in 2001. I finally found one last year.

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Based & Zardoz-pilled.

m1 carbine because of max brooks zombie survival guide (yeah call me a faggot I was like 11 when I read it)

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GIRTHY. Looks like it's from 1974 going by the date code. I feel like I'm a police extra in a Dirty Harry movie.

The older Ithacas (including mine) are known for buttstocks cracking near the receiver socket so I'm hoping the High Standard holds up better.

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I’ve actually been able to acquire a few of my holy grail guns. My M1 Garand, All marching P08 Luger and Daewoo K2. However there was one that got away. It was serial #1 DR300( postban dewoo k2 in 7.62x39), it was brand new and unfired still to this day. It came up for sale in 2015-16 for $2500. But alas I worked at a dollar store and was a poor fag.

Yeah mine's not cracked thankfully. It's a bit of a beater though so I'm not fussy about keeping it original, if it cracked I'd just get a Boyds stock. Mine's a 1956 and slamfires.

Post K2

This is hideous. Is there something it has going for it besides """aesthetics""'? Jesus it is ugly.

Yeah but mentally I couldn't justify $400+ for an old pump shotgun, no matter how much I wanted it. So finding this for $199+tax was perfect.

Mechanically interesting.

Also weebs like it because it was in an anime or a couple animes

Oh, it's weird as shit, that's for sure. But I happen to like its aesthetics. To each their own, I suppose. I happen to think AKs are ugly as fuck but I don't knock people who like them.

It does have a crazy super low bore axis which makes it good for rapid fire target competition (what it was made for) but I'm sure that there are better guns for that these days.

That particular model was never in any anime (at least that I know of).

The Mateba model 2006 was in Ghost in the Shell but that doesn't look anything like the MTR-8.

I have two:

pistol grip Winchester 1887, yes, because of the movie.

The more meaningful one is my dad's Marlin 336 in .35 Remington. I told him last fall when we were hunting that I've always loved that gun, he said to me "just wait a while, it'll be yours soon enough." Can't say I'm in a hurry for it when you look at it that way.

This ugly quiet bastard.

Valkyrie Arms quit making repros some years back, and fuck if I even know where to get the parts to MAKE one. But the DeLisle is definitely top of my list for Grail Gun.

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Who is the writer of that book?

Right, I've seen those repros and they're pretty cool. I think one popped up at RIA a while back and Ian did a vid on it?

Here we go, za sirent destoroyah


It's more of a dictionary-sized catalog with a few articles in it. No writer.

Ah. Havent seen that book, thanks.

There's a guy on the Canadian gun forum that just made one. Might need an account to see this. His last post in the thread was "off to the range tomorrow" so who knows if it blew up or something lol


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"Shooter's Bible" is better thought of like a magazine than a book. Think of it like Reader's Digest, or perhaps a trade magazine. It's published every year and there are tons of spinoffs too.

I've always wanted a jingal gun in .90 with shells filled with HE, despite all the impracticality I still want one for the boogaloo

I love old double rifles, especially the black powder ones. Every once in a while one pops up for auction which includes a mold for explosive shells, which were a thing back before smokeless powder and the famous "nitro express" rounds were invented.

Yeah, tried the link, needs login to view. Is there a way to show how he made it? How long ago was his last post?

theres a guy on my local armslist trying to sell that thing for forever

He built it over the course of May/June and last post was Jun 29.

Got a 45acp barrel blank, threaded it for the SMLE and machined the SMLE action so it could be set into it. Also shortened the bolt a bunch.

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Here's his post about the bolt:

Work done to complete the bolt:
- anneal the bolt body and head
- cut off bolt handle to allow bolt body to be held in collet on the lathe
- cut bolt body to length
- drill and tap body for thread on bolt head
- drill deeper spring channel in body
- cut firing pin to appropriate length and thread end
- cut firing pin spring to appropriate length
- plasma weld bolt handle back on
- cut dovetail in underside of bolt handle for plastic bumper
- cut recess in bolt head
- mill an ejector slot in side of head
- re-heat treat and temper bolt body and head
- fit plastic bumper to bolt handle
- lots of filing and fitting

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wow thats a beautiful shotgun.

An AK.
Any AK.
I live in leafland and these puppies are prohib (some unicorn models aren't, but I'm not calling unicorns for no reasons).
Some chug down the road in the reserve has a full auto he regularly lets loose with total impunity and I'm 110% jelly as fuck.
I've fingerfucked a few, and my old shovel is giving me the misty eyes look so I'm very tempted to Ivan one in a shed.

hey I've got one of those too. Had no idea what it was. Took it to a gun shop and they said something about it being a riot shotgun, offered to buy it from me. I thought it was too cool to let go and kept it.

M1895 Lee Navy
Mannlicher M1895
Werndl–Holub rifle
Martini–Henry (also Greener Shotgun)

What location?

>What was yours?
I always am looking out for a good turkey blaster, and I haven't seen a Savage 24v in a bit. .222/20g over under is perfect.

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Based and redcoat pilled

>Greener Shotgun
It pisses me off so much: the Greener GP is dirt common, and cheap, in bongville, but is fucking rare in the US.

I love combo guns

I saw one at the lgs they let me hold it

You should buy it. They aren't expensive, just hard to find.

it I would have if I could

I was always in love with the M-14, so since im an adult I about a loaded M1A with a walnut stock around 7 years ago. Its sits in the next to my M1 Carbine because I only shoot my AR-10 and pistols lol.

Martini-Henry in .577-450. Real dream would be to be able to shoot it more than once a month without going broke lol

I want a proper US property marked 1911
non US so they are practically unobtanium
then maybe a sig p210 or a radom
sucks not being in the USA

I haven't read the book, but I'm surprised the M1 Carbine is in it.

Anyhow, I got one myself recently and took it shooting for the first time last Sunday. Absolutely loved it, definitely grab one when you can. I can see why WWII vets cherished it.


>I can see why WWII vets cherished it.
not humping around the extra six pounds of M1 garand could have been a factor

it looks cool because it was made to shoot other people, lethally or not, dunno how long we've been BEANBAGGIN' people

all the other shotguns are hunting guns with long barrels with ribbed sights and a tiny magazine tube, same shit applies to today.

You can easily find a shotgun of similar construction.

A friend has that high standard but tge mag tube is wobbly and the feed ramp seems fucked. I haven't inspected it tho. I may trade him, im not gonna lie its sexy, but i feel like i may have to restore the shit out of it.

i got my holy grail gun back in april, and it's still sort of surreal to me that i own one now

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>9 in handle

when I first got to guns I found an posting on a local firearm sales forum with one of these at a ridiculously low price (around 900 bones IIRC)
I contacted the guy lightning fast but he started pussyfooting and said he had arranged to sell it to a friend instead (while the listing was still active)
years later the SAME FUCKING GUN (it's a small market down here and I got extremely obsessed with this fucker) is back on sale, this time for twice the price
I fucking hate this shit country full of price gouging fudds


golly gee I wonder why the fuck could that be

Thanks for the link.
He hasn't sold it because his price is insane. I've seen two sell for the 5-6k range, both of them had more than just one speedloader.

P5 Compact is peak space gun aesthetics. I'd buy one in a heartbeat if I could ever find it in a gun shop, don't trust Gunbroker for stuff like this.
Corncob pumps are patrician taste, user

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That was fast, great find dude.

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Remington 592m in 5mm rem mag.
Wanted one for a while
Walked into lgs
One on the rack for cheap Ammo in stock
360* and walked out the door (with the gun)

big retard spotted
that's fucking lame dude, sorry to hear that. mine was 1000 after some haggling, came with the stock and everything

Think about it.


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I'm not in the US, so the going price for regular 7.65 broomhandles is always above the 1500 dollars mark
I still can't let it go

>golly gee I wonder why the fuck could that be
>big retard spotted


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Happy for you my man

I saw a Martini-Henry Demo-shoot at my local range when I went there to shoot back in 2003. Fell in love and even got to shoot it. Been looking for a functioning one ever since. Saw a few offers that were well out of my price range (8000$ and 7800$ in that order) and had to pass it up. Seen them at auctions regularly but always non-functional.

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I'm just hoping for a Martini-Enfield Carbine. .577 is expensive as all hell.

Walther p5 is aesthetic as hell

Arnt p210s cheaper in euro land

I didn't know it would become my favorite until I saw it

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Dope. Enjoy it.

not in euroland either, fren

No shit. But I wanted the gun from the magazine I read as a little kid.

Mine is a BM-59 with the folding buttstock, happens my wife’s dad has one...

I want a stgw 57, bushmaster arms pistol, and a S&W no. 3.

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>what's your Grail gun?
Actually I got one of my Grail guns recently.
Numbers matching Kar98k, byf45, bore is in almost pristine condition. Good strong proof marks and it's not a Russian capture. It actually cured me of wanting another gun for like 48 hours.
>Just ordered an AR 10 lower from PSA.

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I also want a sako bavarian carbine but im left handed and poor.

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It's my dream as well

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what is this
it's like a magician trick box

Paratrooper Arisaka. Most people have seen one and never realized it--it was the bad guy's rifle in Dirty Harry. Sporterized of course.

The Mp7. Never thought id ever get my hands on one since I live in NZ but I managed to shoot one a fair bit. Lived up to every part of the hype. Super controllable, intuitive reloads, controls are almost perfect. I could put small fist sized bursts at 35m. Only this is the stock is aids. Wobbly bullshit. Tradeoff to make it compact. On a brand new one id assume its more rigid but other than that, its perfect

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Looks gorgeous! How's it shoot?

Where'd you get it?

One day I'll join the C96 club too. For now I'll be content with my Luger.

Continued. My initial thoughts were it was going to be a glorified Uzi type dealio. Controllable but not that much greater than current systems. Didnt want to buy into H&K hype so was rather cynical before handling. It surprised me in almost every way. I thought build quality would be like the G36 - looks cool but feels too light and plastic toy like. Quality exceeded expectations. Very solid aoart from the aforementioned stock issue

i figured that was the case but i never looked up how much those guns were. he also had a medusa revolver for sale at one time. its just one those "oh neat" posts you see sometimes on armslist

Special Interest Arms has been making delisle copies for years. I have one of their 9mm integral rifles (on a modern platform). It is tits.

Ayy that's sick, enjoy your new gat OP

right now?....

Coca-Cola Winchester 94

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amazingly well, it's so much fun. when the stock is on it it's incredibly easy to magdump but have every round on target

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Top 10 anime crossovers

Omega III

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How much of a pain is it to use the clips anyhow? (Particularly without the stock)

one of my grail guns, order placed perhaps 6 months wait.

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I feel you fellow leafbro. AK's and G3's.

I will trade you AKs for Type 81s.

they're pretty finicky, but you get used to it with practice. sort of like sks clips, but the rounds are shorter so not as much leverage

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