Could it work?
Could it work?
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This would bring additional attention to the NFA which would lead to an eventual outright ban of everything listed in the NFA.
Unironically yes.
Hysterical people don't fact check, that's why their lives are awful.
Anything under the NFA is basically unobtainable unless you're a richfag
Yeah, but it would be immediately followed by a direct ban on everything the NFA currently limits. Expect a couple no-knocks and everyone who owns an SBR/SBS/Supressor to receive a threatening letter from the alphabet boys.
Only bright side I might see is 922r somehow disappearing during all the chaos.
People who own NFA items support the NFA because they don't want to lose their 'investment'. If the worst that happens is they get fucked then that's still a win for the rest of us.
This is fucking genius.
fixed a typo
>Anything under the NFA is basically unobtainable unless you're a richfag
You can literally buy a fuel filter for like $30 and form 1 it for $200. Tax and shipping that's under the price of a used Glock my man.
Not really, only most machine guns. Everything else is comparatively not that expensive. But like pretty much any tax, the NFA fucks over the poor. Although many of those same poors, especially city poors, will enthusiastically vote for politicians who advocate for even more taxes that fuck over the poors in an endless cycle of stupidity.
>People who own NFA items support the NFA because they don't want to lose their 'investment'.
dude, did you hear that Marilyn Manson had a couple of his ribs surgically removed so he could suck his own dick?
>fixed nothing
It still says "know of the of a little"
fee should be changed to tax
>of the of a
I heard this one in middle school 18 years ago lol
I'm sure these people exist, but I have yet to meet one. Everybody I know who owns an NFA item would gladly sacrifice what they've already given the government to get rid of that unconstitutional law.
for $230 you could damn near buy a WW2 bolt action. The NFA is fucking expensive it should be way cheaper
People need to stop parroting dumb memes.
This right here.
You should be grateful that the law was written to stay at $200. It's the only tax in US history to never increase in price.
Don't forget the 5 month wait and submitting your finger prints to the state.
Get a job and you can have enough to buy one every week and still live comfortably
fee is better. Makes it seem like you're buying it like a fishing license. Made it lower case though
If you file the form 1 electronically it takes about 2 weeks. Paper forms take way longer than 5 months; I filed a Form 1 on December 20 last year and I got it back last Friday.
fair point on the fee aspect
>for $230 you could damn near buy a WW2 bolt action
Okay, mr non-sequitur, but what does that have to do with plenty of NFA items being more than affordable for your average poorfag?
That's for premade suppressors. Form 1 wait times are taking about 6 weeks on average these days. Git gud at machining, nub.
Makes me wish I still had social media. If you do, spread this far and wide.
It's $230 to make your gun a tiny bit quieter the worst possible way
While earpro is half that for good quality
>a 200 dollars fee makes things unobtainable to anyone but richfags
Hello time traveler, welcome to the year 2019, did you enjoy your trip from the 80s?
He's probably talking about full auto guns which are super expensive because of scarcity. Either that or he's just a brainlet.
It's not due to the fee, it's do to the things that qualify generally being crazy expensive
no because trump wants to ban ARs instead, everyone who trusts him is a dupe
join the second amendment foundation
Well seeing as the NFA is justified as regulating weapons not protected by the 2A I imagine all NFA items would just be outlawed.
Yeah, I mean that's true but still not related to being affordable by poorfags. I never said it was a good idea but it's possible. You can get cheap suppressors for $75 or so before the tax stamp too, so still about $300 total including all your paperwork and transfers. These things are all affordable to most people, despite what said.
>build anAR for 300 buck
>pay 200 dollars
>cut down the barrel
Congrats you've made an SBR for 500 dollars total.
Oh my god, you fucking brainlet, that's only machineguns becuase there's a closed registery. All other NFA items can be gotten relatively cheaply.
>Could it work?
no, as much you hate your opponents you can't always assume they're brain dead Jow Forumslacks with one direction
Here's a suppressor for $199
Or save $200, and make it a pistol
Any "cheap" NFA is inflated by $200. Thus making alternatives the better choice. The things that can't be substituted are insanely expensive
AKA only for rich people
>things that qualify generally being crazy expensive
Please do literally any research before you speak, retard. Not to mention you can always file to construct the items yourself, people do this all the time. An SBR from PSA can be assembled from $300 of parts and a $200 stamp.
the only people who would be excited about repealing the NFA are hardcore 2a folks, who vote republican regardless
Plus that is an AOW which carries a $5 tax, not $200.
>missing the point THIS HARD
A shockwave is $330
>the only people who care for about their natural rights are republicans
Okay, and? That doesn't change the fact that an NFA shotgun is plenty affordable for poorfags.
Good earpro doesn't help my shooting bother my neighbors any less.
Good earpro doesn't stop game from scattering the moment they hear a shot go off.
conclusion: earpro is nice, but it sucks compared to a can.
Poorfags aren't going to pay an extra $200 for no reason.
They're poor
just because we recognize the NFA as being unconstitutional doesn't mean everyone else does. most people are "why do you need a machine gun" tier. its not politically viable.
>Good earpro doesn't stop game from scattering the moment they hear a shot go off.
Ah ha! Good point. I'll concede this
Sorry I'm correct
Please provide one rational thought as to why the government would willfully let citizens own firearms they already wish to restrict ownership of as much as legally possible
Pretty good but you could also throw some good old frog hate in there. We're freer than you when it comes to suppressors
Again, sure, but that doesn't make it "unobtainable unless you're a richfag" as was claimed earlier in the thread, which is what I have been responding to this whole time.
Imply it's why the yellow vests succeeded and link an article calling the yellow vests far right.
I know I've seen at least one article to that effect
nigger what are you talking about? What does NFA affordability have to do with smelly violent frogs?
Yeah I was just arguing from the point of a poorfag, which eliminates a lot t of options due to ways to weasel around the NFA. Regardless the silencer guy got me dead to rights.
Thanks for the conversation
Was for the post above yours, sorry
good. let us accelerate.
banning nfa items won't accelerate anything except the amount of whining on the internet.
Why is there 3 L's?
hello fellow based groypers check out this epic meme to trick the liberals. post this on your facebook!
outright bans will piss off the rich folks who use transferables as investment vehicles. It will cause changes.
You’re thinking of the Hughes act.
holy shit bros~~~~~
No one means the thought leadership or even the financiers.
We're talking about Libby Shitlib from across the street yes.
he must have not have a long cock.