What tactics could be used if a shadow goverment, or a shadow organization, took over a host nation or nations?
Tactics againts a shadow goverment
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Direct action doesn't really work against large scale conspiracies, unless you have even better Intel than they do. In that case, congrats, you are the shadow government.
For a greater example, one that undermines a nation from within and promotes the corruption or outright destruction of a nation/s culture/s and replaces it with a more universal, globalistic, communistic anti-nation culture that has an almost outright religeous totalitarian fervor?
Well, it's the situation we're in, soooo....
Don't be a conspiracy theorist ;), but hypothetically if a situation like this were to happen, what actions could be taken?
fuck off faggot shills
Lets even say it might be a family of sorts, or at least sharing a common ancestor. Lets say a phenotype with tall protruding ears, very high cheekbones, prominent cheek muscles and ligaments, and unusually long, almost horse like teeth and smile.
You literally develop your own shadow government and slowly turn people to your side while masquerading as something less obvious in your communications, mail, and meetings.
Basically, sway people to your side and become a rival family. Helps if you have businesses you can use to sustain your global ambitions, but hurry up because the window of opportunity is closing.
That promote the same policies and worldview in each country they try to subvert?
Well, that won't be possible for most anons. Any other ideas?
something about optics and synagogues
Just start popping kikes until you hit one that's important.
Everything is allowed as long as it's an accident.
Every country except their own, where they practice the exact opposite.
This, so much this. This is the only right way.
Then you actually get most Anons together and see who has what skills and build your government around that you cunt
Ironically you'd have a large population you could notionally tap into through Jow Forums alone, if you can convince them you're Hitler 2.0 without making it obvious to normies you might have a decent pool of varied manpower.
It's literally the stonetoss comic of make your own government.
I hope the following will be received well here: it's important not to use violence and poor optics against this shadow regime. They're hoping for that. They've planned for it. All violent action will do is accelerate their already published, inter-discussed initiatives, funded by the Rockefellers and a dozen other gigantic and hateful, antihuman organizations, to reduce your freedoms to dust and remove the frail ruins of what liberties you still have once and for all. They want the trap to snap; do not put your throat there.
What they make clear they fear is the free transfer of information: information about who they are, of their origins, especially their goals where the masses are concerned. These are butchers herding your friends and families into a factory to be made meals of and they do NOT want these masses being informed to the fact that dark block building up on the hill does not contain porn, rap, burgers and more free stuff BUT BLADES, CONVEYORS AND SLAUGHTER ROOMS. If you use violence all channels to share this information will be cut off. Think carefully.
The most revolutionary thing you can do against this menace is twofold: one, share information about the slaughterhouse on the hill and who's running it, OFF, LINE. On actual paper or with your voice, away from cameras. Inside houses with no Alexas and microphones. Person to person. Face to face. If the person accepts the warning, they WILL look it up online themselves. You need do no more else. Just warn them then flee. Then two, sit back and allow them to continue the clowning they're doing. When excess crosses the line the masses awake. That hour is soon and what happens after that is unstoppable.
I think some of the top jewish leaders may be implicated, but as a whole I think they are just an easy scapegoat used by the real powerfull. Think instead of big noses, think big/horselike teeth
This completely. Wondrously large long teeth, quite a bit like horses'. That, slender and tall, with gaunt cheekbones, a somewhat mixed race appearance, and those wondrous teeth. They're the Habsburg chin and lip of our new Dear Self-Appointed Leaders.
Compare to Guaido, Obama and Ardern. The odds against one team of political leaders all sharing this clearly related look and arising simultaneously are greater than being struck by lightning. Yet there they are, and they all look like cousins, even in some cases siblings. AOC/Huma is the clearest example.
It's the Lizards, just like he said!
Hot damn, now that you look at it....... any other comparisons you got?
The information has been available for some time. People who didn't care enough to look for it won't care enough to act on it.
Slowly let the young generation know that pretty much everything that's gone horribly wrong over the last 70 years is a result of this small group of people, and let them know through funny and subversive memes
You could say, they've been horsing around..... bada tush
Who else is there? I can see the resemblence, but there's gotta be more than that.
applicate mememology and make gamers RISE UP
Military coup? Shady doesn't like it when you put bullets into him and his agents.
The majority of people are very emotional and won't act on something unless it threatens their everyday life. The only other way to reach them is through repeated exposure to propaganda, hence why who controls movies/TV/vidya/etc has power over the public.
If you want the normies to wake up, you have to have a "crisis" event to get their attention backed up with a stack of propaganda telling them what to think about it. This happened in 2016, the memes just proved stronger than the media propaganda.
Your mistake is thinking that violence is separate from politics. This is an illusion of the now closing Westphalian era. This is the true meaning of 4th generation war - loyalties to the state are in decline, people are identifying with anything but the state - a cause, a religion, an ethnicity. Even the proposed "shadow government" is probably better described as a loose association of influence networks as opposed to a formal government. The way you beat it is to form a rival gang and you become bigger than them, through all means available. Laws are irrelevant here, all that matters is net benefit to the tribe, and the leader is king. There is no division between politics, violence, religion, economy, or culture, they all serve the survival of the tribe. Only once you have achieved dominance in this way can you lay down your scepter and restore the theater known as Nation States.
Sooo...the Democratic Socialist Party of America? I feel like this is teetering on the verge of a glow post
The only thing shadows fear is light.
Project Veritas has done more damage to the deep state than any bomb ever could.
large scale semi-organized sabotage, make the general public uncomfortable enough to do something about it.
In all seriousness you will want to go completely dark on all modern forms of communication and use hit and run tactics like a motherfucker you'll be able to get about 3 befor they ice you if your lucky
RED FLAG! I feel threatened. This man is *CLEARLY* a danger and I demand that his rights be revoked. I *SAID*, I feel *THREATENED*.
Simple in theory: find out who they are and where they are. The hard part is actually stopping them, because legal action doesn't work on those who own the system, and they can definitely afford protection.
Most people already know who the mid-level actors are (CEOs, Bankers, Politicians, etc), but the disagreement comes as to who is actually at the very top, whether the shadow gov stops with these public figures or whether the public figures are being manipulated by something greater (cults, aliens, judaism).
Going up against such a group of people would have to be done anonymously, as the Jeffery Epstein murder shows that such people have enough power to rub out anybody who poses a legitimate threat.
How the average Jow Forums autist would achieve this is anyone's guess, merely exposing them isn't enough because normies are all talk and no action, and are quick to forget injustice as long as they have their bread and circuses
The game Hotline Miami shows an interesting model, where a duo of sociopaths achieve their goals by manipulating regular people into doing their dirty work for them.
Whoa, shit tht sounds likes the US!!
The only way to destroy a shadow government is to cut all the strings they pull. Once they have their tendrils in something it quickly becomes too corrupt to be returned to its original purpose.
All governments need the ability to exercise force to exist and shadow governments execute force through manipulation and coercion to assimilate more resources under its control to be used to manipulate others all while maintaining anonymity.
Without their puppets to exert their presence in the world a shadow government will begin to collapse into itself as it attempts to regain its influence without letting the mask that obscures their existence slip away.
Much like what has been happening with the fall of mainstream media, the epstein scandal, and Trump's election has done to our current "friends" behind the scenes. All we need now is a purge of the corruption within the justice department and 3 letter agencies and they'd be unable to hold any form of power and quickly wither away. If all goes well it can be done without ever firing a shot.