>character in a tv show raises pistol/rifle
>sound of slide being racked
Character in a tv show raises pistol/rifle
Other urls found in this thread:
>saftey off
>Character pulls the hammer back to threaten someone more
>On a 1911
>revolver shoots 15 rounds and then runs dry when it's convenient
>the assassin uses a suppressed pistol that is completely silent
>racking shotgun slides at tense moments for dramatic effect over and over
>never eject shell
>video game uses "rifle ammo" and "sniper ammo" as separate things
>shooting shotgun in vidya
>don't run the tube try
>character still pumps a new round in the chamber
>doesn't come out of the action and loaded round count is still the same
To be fair, they can be entirely different ammunitions, e.g. .308 bolt action vs a 5.56 " " carbine
What I really hate is the use of the micro uzi instead of the full size uzi
>single action/ normal striker gun runs dry
>clicks as they frivolously continue to pull the trigger
>shootout in enclosed space
>having a conversation at normal speaking levels during said shootout
>shootout in enclosed space
>everyone can still hear just fine afterwards
They could, but then again most games that do this also do things like
>bolt action 308 gun is a sniper rifle
>long barrel AR with a scope is a sniper rifle
>carbine AR with irons or RDS is a rifle
>shootout in enclosed space
>no smoke or particulates
>protagonist shoots bad guy in the gut
>bad guy instantly down and dead
>protagonist gets shot in the thigh
>bleeds for 1 scene and then it's never mentioned again
Any sniper who can get his hands on it will use specially loaded ammunition in order to ensure stable muzzle velocity from shot to shot.
what's your problem with that? wrong ID? would you prefer if they just called it DMR?
I'd prefer they use real ammunition types, like F:NV, and not general "ryful ammo"
>shotgun has hilariously low range and dropoff damage
>Protag is rebuilding a motorcycle in his prestine second story apartment
>That scene from Ant Man with the hammer fired glock
You can mod your thumb safety to actually make something similar to the slide "raking" sound effect you hear from the 80's-90's
>Old West
>No muzzle loaders, 1892's everywhere
>Smokeless powder cartridges
>character with autism is either cartoonishly evil/ school shooter, or genius successful Playboy
>pic related
wait wtf, I need to see this to believe it
>good guy shoots gun out of bad guy’s hand
>no shrapnel
>hand not damaged at all
didn't exactly that happen that one time a SWAT sniper shot a pistol out of a dude's hand
Low quality but here you go
>Car gets shot to bits from multiple angles
>Everyone inside completely fine
Even HEAT did this when the cops were using ARs and 9mm handguns both capable of penetrating doors
Enjoy your .32 ACP hunting rifle.
>clearly a white guy
>trying that hard to sound like a nigger
Fucking trash, act your race
Oh I know what you're thinking of, that's in FO3 not NV.
Bethsoft a shit, Obsidian a great
FO4 is just as bad. Can't they just run this by a gun guy?
>character raises S/S shotty
>Sound of pump action being cocked
>character holds another character at gunpoint
>doesn’t anticipate recoil
John wick subway scene flashbacks
>a stupid action movie does stupid shit
If that bothered you then you need to get the stick out of your ass.
What's the problem?
Oh yeah I remember seeing it on realTV when I was a kid
Dude was in a lawn chair with revolver threatening to kill himself or something and a sniper shot the bitch right out of his hand
Calling it a stupid action movie is okay if it didn't misrepresent itself as a gun play realism oriented franchise in the first movie and going into the 2nd. After the 2nd one and the third you'll realize that's not truly the case but at the time of release, John Wick 2 would be expected to at least try to get the majority of gunplay in it correct.
>slap a new magazine in an M4
>pull the forward assist
he sounds white as fuck, what the fuck are you on about? where are you from? go outside retard
Hey I'm doing the second one, but I'm bringing in pieces at a time.
Didn’t the driver and a cop both die in cars tho
>game protag pulls out AK
>pulls the bolt Everytime
>clip has 30 bullets
>shoot once
>reload clip
>gun still has only 30 bullets
>cocks hammer on a revolver to seem more intimidating
>never accidently discharges
Read the thread name. Now GTFO.
The force the people are thrown back at. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The shooter would be thrown back as far as the shootee if it was real
>reloading a shotgun or handgun with a round already in the chamber
>racks the slide or pump, wasting that round
yeah a shitty potmetal rohm that's just as soft as the bullet
shit's going to fragment if it hits steel
to be fair those were 200 year old rifles held together with bubblegum and bailing wire, they totally vould have a chamber sleeve for the plentiful .32 ammo found in the capital (seriously those fuckers loved .32 topbreaks)
>Being a bitch about Quigley down under's established western callbacks
>Thinking 45-120 isn't theatrically well represented in that movie
I think a 32 auto bolt action rifle would be cool.
My favorite was Deus Ex HR, the sniper rifle was fucking .375 H&H Magnum. I guess you could justify it being a cyborg and all, but good luck finding spare ammo for that innacity.
Big, heavy cast bullets just punch nice big holes in people and keep on moving along their merry way, not blow them back end over end and toss them like a rag doll
It’s fine, bro
He tied a bandana around it
omg that used to drive me nuts
Lt. Col. Grossman discusses this phenomenon in one of his books. People see this shit in movies and actually react that way when they get shot.
Are you a fucking retard?
>Game has lefty-flipped guns because the devs thought it would be more "dynamic".
>AKMs, AK-74s and AK-100s are called the "AK-47".
>AKS-74 is considered a sub-machine gun.
>Wild anachronisms (looking at you, Black Ops) and blatant inaccuracies (NVA using FN FALs because...?).
>Characters pulling fresh magazines out of nowhere, or just not reloading at all.
>Racking the pump or slide to "show you mean business" like a retard; no ejection.
>Wooden tables and car doors are bulletproof as long as important characters are taking cover behind them.
>Suppressors make all guns whisper-quiet.
>Shotguns fling people all over the place.
>SWAT/Marines/security teams, etc. are muzzle flagging each-other constantly.
There's more that irk me, but I can't remember them right now.
Oh, I just remembered one.
>Body armor might as well be paper or tinfoil 'cause the protagonist shoots bullets blessed by God himself or something.
>hot dogs sold in a 10 pack
>hot dog buns sold in 8 pack
Maybe innercity Detroit thugs decided to larp as rich British nobility?
>clear LEGO’s
We r posting pet peeves, right?
I'll do ya one better
>far cry new dawn
>fire a lever action dry
>racks out empty case, loads the tube full, ready to fire again with an empty chamber
Also a suppressor turns a 50 bmg into a mouse fart
>Shooting Stryker in Cod MW3
>Doesn't jam
>Doesnt lose health every shot due to the stock cutting your cheek
Fuck off boomer
>Every firearm in vidya has the ejection port in the wrong place except for belt feds and it can't be for licensing reasons because they're still named like their IRL counterpart.
>SPAS-12 is pump action only and stock folded.
>Character is able to spin the cylinder of a closed revolver like the Wheel of Fortune without meeting any resistance from the gun itself.
>The slide magically locks back by itself when reloading a pistol
I always thought they were cool
>Game has lefty-flipped guns because the devs thought it would be more "dynamic".
>AKMs, AK-74s and AK-100s are called the "AK-47".
Reminds of S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Far Cry 2.
>Wooden tables and car doors are bulletproof as long as important characters are taking cover behind them.
Far Cry 2 does that also.
Come on we found you. Get out now.
>A women is capable of being within 100 yards of a discharging without either mentally shutting off like a dear in headlights let alone functionally commanding men around here with grace
Well i tell you what Johnny2shoes, some of us like walking around our homes barefoot without worrying about stepping on a god damn clear caltrop
Half life 2?
>sound of pump action
I think you mean
Or make a simple Google search
>protag runs out of ammo
>doesn't pick up an enemies gun
>just kills everyone with fists
>run out of ammo
>Exclaim ”It’s jammed!” out loud
Probably would scare a normie though
maybe he didn't actually want to shoot the guy but now he changed his mind
This trope is the reason we will never get suppressors deregulated
>loading 12 gauge shells into a 20 gauge
never had a 1911 so don't know the mechanicals of it
had a double action revolver
I know that when you have the hammer back it's basically got the trigger at the back of the housing which gives you a really short trigger pull which in my mind is more threatening considering you could sneeze on that shit and it'd go off.
If the bullet doesn't hit an artery in your leg you can survive but good luck doing anything other than stopping the bleeding and digging the bullet out of your leg. You'd be lucky to walk afterwards without a limp
1911 pistols are single action only, so they won't fire unless the hammer is raised.
>mistaking Cajun for wigger
Have you never met someone native to New Orleans ?
That's DA/SA or Double Action / Single Action. You can pull the trigger to cock the hammer and fire (double action), or you can cock the hammer and make the trigger pull only fire (single action).
1911s are SAO or Single Action Only. Pulling the trigger only ever preforms one function, dropping the hammer. To fire the 1911, you have to manually cock the hammer. It's usually done when racking the slide to chamber a round, but you can also decock it for safety and then have to manually recock it to fire.
The problem is, if you'r ever threatening someone with a 1911 and you have to cock it to try and seem more threatening, you were not able to fire until then.
>half life 2
>spas 12 can fire 2 shells at the same time
>even though its a single barreled shotgun
I dislocated my left middle finger as a dumb kid doing an exaggerated cowboy "get shot and fly back 5 feet" parodying a movie I was watching with my father.
Binary trigger
>cowboys have Single action revolvers
>Gets into a wild gun fight
>holds gun at hip and slaps the hammer to fire
>Doesn’t miss every shot
>Doesn’t cut his hand to pieces
I always just assume that its a self motivation monologue sience why the fuck would you have a conversation in a shotout.
>handgun bullet does more damage than rifle bullet
>Surviving in the wilderness
>Don't even pick up a stick
Literally every movie
>Zombie apocalypse
>Stroll by overrun military checkpoint
>Doesn't recover any gear, ammo or weapons
Stopped watching The Walking Dead right there
>because this is totally how you hold a pistol