What is it about Glocks specifically that causes such autistic defensiveness...

What is it about Glocks specifically that causes such autistic defensiveness? They just seem like a normal middle-of-the-road, slightly overpriced handgun brand to me.

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>It just works, son, I tell ya hwhut
>An actual self defense scenario?
>heh good thing I've never been in anything like that

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Is that some sort of anti suicide rig for a rental gun?

Glock debates are always the most retarded. The proponents will claim Glock is a completely infallible pistol that can literally never malfunction and is twice as accurate as a Cheytach M200 at 53 miles. Then you have the opponents who think Glock is objectively the worst pistol ever created simply because the grip angle is more aggressive and more square than other pistols, crying as though the grip has fucking poisonous thorns protruding from it.

If it's not, that's exactly what it looks like.

That genuinely made me smirk, but only because I imagined for a second the footage of a zoomer paying to off themselves at an indoor range.

it wouldn't even work for that. what the fuck is this, i must know

It's simply because they're popular and some people don't want them to be because they personally prefer an alternative, whether they have legitimate reasons to prefer the alternative or not, and they wish everyone who likes Glock thought like them because they have it all figured out. These people are also oftentimes not well off, so they will invest their ego into sub $1000 purchases they've made

Glocks are fine. Fanboys are annoying, it's hard to find things to shit on glocks over. Grip angle, glocknade, poor slide release. Runs like forest gump.

it might be a glock in a Japanese Indoor Range.

Their guns are secured to the stall so you can'tt use it for any other purpose.

There are a couple other countries that do this at their ranges where civilian gun ownership isn't common.

It goes both ways.

I like Glocks. They aren't the best gun. They aren't that good looking. But they're affordable and well made.

But to deny that they revolutionized the modern handgun is pure autism.

Some lady went to a LGS last summer to rent a handgun and shot herself right in the head on the lobby floor.

Imagine being that cucked

Like the lady who shot her son in the back of the head while he was shooting at the range then domed herself.

around women, never relax

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What a fucking joke of a country.

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people who buy glocks for the brand are the biggest conformists out there- of course they're neurotically fixated on fitting in, and would be defensive if someone calls their choices into question.

not that glocks are even bad, mind you

90 percent conviction rate. Phoenix Wright was based on real Japanese courts.

1 AR hate thread up
1 glock hate thread up

Why are you snowflakes so obsessed? Living in your head rent free, you know deep down whatever you have is inferior

Where's the AR hate thread? I'd love to contribute.

i just like them because I can put a reliable 33rd into my ccw


This can 100% be attributed to fudds and nogs using the wrong ammo

Too much plastic. The mags (including lock up points), the guide rods, the sights, the mag release button, etc.

Then there's the refusal to update. Most guns are fully ambidextrous these days, and offer a model with a safety.

As far as actual mechanical function goes they're solid other than the limp wrist issue, the mags being extremely difficult to seat fully loaded, some not working with lights, and the company shipping certain models out with the wrong spring weights... wait they're not fucking solid fuck them. Buy an FNS.

Well, yeah. It's a meme. Companies don't like being sued, hence they don't market something they don't know to be sound. A glock 22 is fine, even though they initially didn't have fully supported chambers. You are indeed correct that it's about 100% to do with bubba and ++++++++++P+ ammo. I was pointing out that it's a common point that those who deride glock fanboys use to piss off glock fanboys is all.

>Sponge trigger... it's not that bad unless you're milking the trigger, even new. It is less than crisp, however.
Oh well. They work. I WOULD like to get a MK23 some day though, just for the shooting.

its fine
like every other striker fire handgun just fine

My grandfather taught me to field strip, clean, reassemble, load and discharge a firearm before badmouthing it because you never know when you'll be surprised at some feature.
That being said, I don't like Glocks. Their aesthetic is boring to me, their triggers are not as crisp as I'd like them to be and I've never held one that felt like it was an extension of my hand/arm. Taking one apart I was really surprised at the little tabs they called frame rails. I've never had one blow apart in my hand, never had a FTF, but I have had one give me a slide bite. Also, plastic guns feel more like toys to me.
They are accurate if dialed in and you know how to properly shoot, but for my money I wouldn't spend one cent on a Glock. There's also those assholes that Gucci the fuck out of Glocks to make them look like a LARPer's wet dream, to me those look as bad as a ghetto riced out Honda Civic. Because of my reasons to not like a Glock there are fansoibois that like it for those reasons. To each their own, I'll stick with what I carry, which is not a Glock.

There are no Japanese indoor ranges open to the public that offer handgun rentals. OP's pic is from Australia.

> admits glocks are reliable and accurate guns
> proceeds to say he doesnt like them cause of aesthetics and how it feels
Man you people really have to reach to come up with reasons to hate.

Where do you see that I said I hate Glocks? I said I don't like them because they don't feel right to me. You sound like a child that just wants to fight with everyone until they see your point and mindlessly agree with your way of thinking, like a bully.
I could have just been a dick and said since Glock is a cheapo gun anyone that likes them is either a nigger of poor, probably both. Would that have hit a bit closer to home for you and made you feel better about MY choice as to why I don't like something?

Retard. Most guns are reliable and accurate, especially polymer framed striker-fired handguns. Aesthetics and how it feels are important since the almost all your non-Taurus pistols put there will just work.

Guns aren’t suppose to feel like an “extension of my arm” you pseudo-intellectual larping manchild, it’s a gun. I suppose you believe katanas can deflect bullets as well? Do you sleep next to a copy of le art of war?

99% actually. They don't even try to go to trial if conviction isn't almost perfectly guaranteed. They also have coerced confessions through threats and torture.

the glock is the 3.6 roentgen of handguns
not great
not terrible

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Any brand loyalty causes autistic defenses to go up. Android vs iPhone, Apple vs PC, Chevy vs Ford, Glock vs Beretta, CZ vs heterosexuals. It's all the same.

I bet most people shoot better with a firearm that feels better in their hand versus one where they're constantly fighting with the ergonomics. You are one angry user. Maybe you need to stop talking about guns online and find a nice person to touch your tiny pee-pee. Maybe then you'll shed the tough guy act because you're not fooling anyone.

Not sure why you're mad. Ergonomics, trigger, and aesthetics are subjective matters. If you dont like them on a certain pistol, that's fine, but dont go around saying that something has "bad aesthetics and ergos". Its not an objective measure.

>not terrible

Plastic on plastic mag locking points user...

I think they're more worried about someone NDing than intentionally offing themselves.

They can't just let someone walk out of there with a bomb dumbass

>As far as actual mechanical function goes they're solid other than the limp wrist issue

Only really an issue in the 42, and true in basically every 380 pocket gun for the same reason: because springs have to make up for the lack of slide mass.
>the mags being extremely difficult to seat fully loaded
Literally who has this problem? Nobody I know. In fact, seating hard with a full magazine can sporadically cause the slide to close on its own, a reloading technique some people practice deliberately.
>some not working with lights
Literally what? I'm pretty sure that Streamlight and several other manufacturers make lights for literally every gen3 or newer Glock handgun model in existence.
>and the company shipping certain models out with the wrong spring weights...
Says some anonymous guy on a forum a decade ago, right?


>not collecting Gastonbux for refuting lies spread by nogunz teenagers on the internet
why even post

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You type like a redditor
Go back to r/weekendgunnit, autist

nogunz euromad detected

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No, all of the common calibers are subject to limp wrist malfunctions.

Everyone who has taken a pistol class with a glock has had a mag drop from not being fully seated. The problem is mitigated however by downloading one round. It's due to glock making their mags as compact as possible, having to account for the extra bulk of the plastic layer over the mag, and the plastic on plastic lockup points.

According to my department armorer who literally only works with glocks, and is a certified glock armorer, about 1 in 5 simply will not work with a light for unknown reasons. He said this in a classroom full of instructors and no one corrected him. I have not witnessed the problem personally however. Only issues like that I've had with glocks were resolved after a short break in period.

It was a known fiasco when the gen 4 or 5 models came out. A ton were recalled due to bad springs. You don't seem like you actually know autism level stuff about glocks so go away.

>1 in 5
I may be wrong on this number. I can't remember exactly what he said, it was years ago. But it was when gen 4 glocks were well established. It was not corrected in the gen 4s like many claimed. Glocks are apparently very finicky with harmonics. I could cause a malfunction with 100% accuracy by limp wristing. There are videos out there of people causing a malfunction with every round in the mag. This is a well established issue and a legitimate concern because you might not grip perfectly when shitting yourself in a life/death situation.

>Only really an issue in...
>Only really


Any modern gun that is more expensive than a hi-point is reliable and accurate. That alone is not enough.

>A subjective matter

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People have different preferences for triggers you braindead retard. I cannot objectively say that one trigger is better than another; i prefer the glock trigger over the m&p trigger, but i wont say the glock trigger is "better" because I recognize it's a personal preference.

You would know this if you weren't a noguns shitposter. You very clearly have low levels of experience, skill, and knowledge about guns if you think things like ergonomics and trigger are objective. Posting gay cartoons further solidifies that you are a retard

Imagine countries without school shootings. :)

Name a western country without a mass shooting

Apparently it’s not too rare for this to happen


>mag locking points
What in the shit are you even trying to say?

Ive owned
G27 gen 3
MP Shield 2.0
MP 2.0 C
G19 G4
In no particular order. High round counts on all. Find myself coming back to Glock for some reason.

Think this was 40 cal only and it was made apparent bc of police w/issued WML

Funny thing is despite nogunz Japan still has a significantly higher suicide rate than USA.

Don't you talk shit about my glock.

>Apparently it’s not too rare for this to happen
Now some gun ranges will only rent to you if you bring your own gun as well. This way they know you aren't going to kys with their gun since you could just use your own. I'm sure it is a nightmare for the gun range when somebody kills themself.
>bad press hurts business
>legal fees
>family probably tries to sue in civil court for wrongful death damages

>OP's pic is from Australia.

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>Plastic on plastic mag locking points
Why does this matter

That's just really sad, though if you're willing to go that far you could probably climb over to the other side of the gun to off yourself. Requiring proof of ownership is probably a better deterrent, while something like that would only prevent people from walking away with the gun, or an employee "losing" it after hours.

you mean lower right?

Japan's suicide rate per year is over half of the USA's, even though they are closer to a third in total population. Per capita, it's quite a bit worse. As far as gun control arguments go, this means that not having a gun doesn't mean that much when you really want to die.

>Retard who doesn't understand the difference between rate and total #

Rent free

Doesn't lock very well and wears out easier. Sometimes I absolutely have to assrape my g22 mag in to get it to seat. Department policy is to download by one round for this reason, fully loaded mags have too much pressure for glocks shitty weak locking mechanism.

Look at a glock mag. There's a dimple in it. It's plastic. When you load the mag it locks into place against a plastic mechanism.

Any contact points on mags should be metal. AK guys know this as circle 10 mags vs tapco mags. The tabs on the tapco mags constantly break. Now imagine if the fucking AK had a plastic mag locking point on the gun itself. I'd call that a pretty shitty AK.

Glock does this to make their guns cheaper and lighter, so their idiot fanbase can go on the internet and say "guys look how light this gun is compared to the competition!" In reality it's lighter because of shoddy practices, like plastic guide rods as well.

>implying there are gun ranges in japan

>wears out
Has this ever actually happened to the point of it not being useable or are you just playing the "what if" game. If the contacts are plastic on plastic then it shouldnt be a problem. If it was plastic on metal then yeah it could be a problem.

Yeah! Let's all just accept planned obsolescence!

-sent from my iPhone