Tell me about the Swiss guards, Jow Forums

Tell me about the Swiss guards, Jow Forums.
Are they just a novelty or can they actually kick some ass if push comes to shove?

I've been led to believe that they rotate between performing ceremonial guard duty and acting as plain-clothed bodyguards who carry concealed SMGs.

Attached: Guards.png (2000x952, 425K)

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They're probably the only unit in service that still practices an extremely rare modernized variant of HEMA designed to engage armed combatants in CQB with bladed weapons, in particular their halberd. It's not well known but they posses a much more modern and tactical variant of said Halbard that's typically kept under lock & key for use indoors in the case of a breach. Many if not all are wearing concealable body armor too.

>tactical halberd
please tell me there are photos of this thing

any sauce on them training with their halberds?
>t.not a hema-tard but interested in pole arms

This is complete bullshit.

They're just really fancy security guards, with a core of basic bodyguards (You have to serve at least two years before you can qualify as a plain-clothes bodyguard for the Pope)

Tell me about the swiss guards, why do they wear the mask

You are now aware of the vatican armory and how cool it is.

Attached: DzsSgki-660x494.jpg (660x494, 88K)

I'd stop being a sedevacantist if we could put a Jow Forumsommando in the Vatican.
You know, as Hat Supreme, not a guard.

It's mostly a museum

You should stop being a Sedevacantist anyway and just decide whether you’re Catholic or Orthodox

A Jow Forumsommando pope would be hilarious

So what?

So lots of museums have lots of guns

accurare, the ceremonial uniforms are only used as the name implies, ceremoniously. Otherwise the guard looks like pic related.

Attached: pope-with-plain-clothes-swiss-guard.jgp_.jpg (969x1180, 240K)

>being bodyguards for faggots while also dressed like a faggot

obviously the guard in ceremonial uniform could still effectively stop unarmed/meele armed people, but they are not intended as the actual bodyguards.

>Jow Forumsommando pope calls Jow Forumsrusade to grant every man their God given right to bear arms

Attached: sess3.jpg (1360x880, 140K)

They don't rotate, the ones who actually act as the bodyguard are the more senior members who have had additional training.

What is it with bodyguards and always wearing business suits? Its obvious who the guys with ties and dressed in black standing next to an important person are so why don't they ever opt for something more tactical/protective?
Are business suits low key good for fighting in?

Because it's more comfortable and the threat is negligible

How many of those were blessed by the Pope (not just any priest) and in active use for the defense of Christendom in the Lord's name? This is on a whole other level compared to Orthodoxy and the way they bless weapons. It's really the closest we'll ever get to actual supernatural holy weapons and that's Jow Forums as fuck

Because business suits are formal enough for these types of meetings between head honchos and world leaders, they don't need to be formal to the point of wearing white tie but can't show up like a tacticool mall cop either

Waste of quads. Just imagine how retarded it would look if the president or the pope were surrounded by operators in plate carriers. The black suits make them look professional, capable and not too flashy.

What's your suggestion for what someone should wear in a formal/semiformal setting while remaining somewhat inconspicuous?

>How many of those were blessed by the Pope (not just any priest) and in active use for the defense of Christendom in the Lord's name?


They are host to some awesome historical pieces, including an MP40 surrendered directly to them at the end of WWII, and other smgs, mgs etc that would otherwise probably be gone under wop law

Wearing "business suit" doesn't stop it from being protective.
But I highly doubt they will spend money on something that would be good for the peasants

booty shorts .

What did the Swiss guards do during WW2?

That's not going to work swissnigger, we're onto your secrets

Shut up, Protestant.

It looks like there's actually an mp40 tucked in the rack in

>Big fat white target.

Does Swiss Guard really serious protecting The Pope? Even a guy with 9mm gun can put a bullet in this stupidly unprotected The Pope stupid noggin in this target rich environment.

Attached: hk94sg1.jpg (481x242, 31K)

>tactical halberds
I want to believe.

Swiss guard couldn't protect the King of France.

Brah, you for real?

Kinda hard when you’re surrounded by thousands of angry French people and soldiers

>Tell me about the Swiss guards, Jow Forums.
Biggest cucks ever. They should go after that anti-Pope communist anti-white piece of shit they're protecting.

So Vatican II really was the electric boogaloo.

Even most armoured The Popemobile are useless if The Pope decided to stick his stupid noggin in the open like stupid President Kennedy.

I'd also like photos of this tactical halberd, if you're not bullshitting.

>more comfortable
More comfortable than what, user? A fucking business suit is miserable to wear, especially the shoes. Give me some low cut urban combat boots and loose ass BDUs any day

As was pointed out, bodyguards have to give off a certain image when working in public. The general populace is going to feel more comfortable if their leaders are surrounded by men in suits, rather than men with plate carriers and rifles.

>What's your suggestion for what someone should wear in a formal/semiformal setting while remaining somewhat inconspicuous?

I'm glad you asked.

Attached: warhammer-space marine black templars, chaplain.png (960x1280, 1.06M)

Stood around

How stupid are you?

hey guys, you may believe me or not but I worked closely with the guard while I was doing a weird detail throughout my military career that I wont go into much detail...long story Yes, they are supposed to not only protect the Pope but are also responsible for law enforcement and peace keeping in the small country. They're also in charge with the political affairs on the lowest level when it comes to defense and deal with Italian police/military very often when it comes to rowdy tourists and demonstrators inside the holy city. They're all practicing Catholics (I believe is a requirement) and their selection process actually starts once they volunteer. They're by no means SOF-1 standards but they actually attend schools in the states for training and have their own branch of special operations and hostage rescue inside the city. From what he told me, it's rather small, highly selective and even secretive amongst their ranks. The group I was working with where carrying Glock 43s and Glock 19s but they said they usually carry Sigs (I forget the model) and their go to main weapon is the HK MP7. They also extensively train on hand to hand combat nit with their halberd although it Is functional and bladed but rather are able to use the ceremonial swords provided for them. Either way, he mentioned that 9/10 even when standing guard, they're armed anyway.


>They're by no means SOF-1 standards but they actually attend schools in the states for training and have their own branch of special operations and hostage rescue inside the city.

More bullshit from another retard

>hey guys, you may believe me or not

Why even say this? Straight away everyone knows you're just making it up.

I take it they rescue hostages with their tactical halberds too

The anti-terror section isn't in the Swiss Guard, it's in the Vatican Police

They're the ones in black there, the Gruppo Intervento Rapido

Attached: 081117 GIR vat.jpg (894x596, 123K)

Ah! I see, perhaps that's what he meant by they're own separate branch. I wonder if that means that you can be part of the police after serving in the guard or vice versa. That's a very cool picture and I learned something new today.

Swiss guard members are allowed to attend Ranger School , Airborne School and certain special courses offered to the army infantry, like Master Gunner course or shoot house courses

They are touched by an angel. Well, the Pope and his pals. At a young age.

Well, because it is Jow Forums and its K which is already full of no gunz underage retards who cant comprehend that perhaps people that actually do the shit they idolize sometimes will post on here. I know asides from myself theres a few other Army 11Bs that are ranger qualified and British Marines that post on here that have been verified or that Marine guy deployed to Syria that was shit posting here a while back and was verified too. We are not all autistic retards living out their mothers basement .

Just you.

I weeewly, weeewly, like cereal need you guys to think that me wibbons, are like weeelwy cul! I'm wlike hiy speed. Cum on guys! Pwees value where I been as though it is intertwangingble with what I done! Mon guyz!
Fucking faggot.

Works on the board tourists.

Girls graduate ranger school. Fucking girls. Lol.

t. Guitar playing, tattooed, pony tailed youth pastor.

Here's a tip, saying you know details without then going into detail is instantly what gives you away as a tryhard fraud

>people that actually do the shit they idolize sometimes will post on here

Holy shit imagine being this boot on fucking Jow Forums

All you've said is what people can read on Wikipedia, you were even wrong about things.


You realise that anything the Pope says is Catholic doctrine by default, right?
It's not actually possible for the Pope to be a communist, if he adopts communist ideals then communism becomes Catholic.

>You realise that anything the Pope says is Catholic doctrine by default, right?
No, that's not the case.
>muh papal infallibility
Doesn't work like this, and has strictly delimited applications.

"Hey choir boy your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind, hey choir boy!"
The pope.

Suit of armor and a rifle. Fuckin kino.

The black suits don't fit well because they've got gear underneath them and they make them look like fucking clowns. What's wrong with low-key but functional clothing like non-American cops wear?

they have got to be made of of some kind of stretchable material. I imagine a suit would be restrictive as fuck to hand to hand in.

Western guards guarding the pedophile (((aristocracy))), Russian guards guarding the body of a chad that killed almost all the (((Bolsheviks)))...nothing new really.