They're probably the only unit in service that still practices an extremely rare modernized variant of HEMA designed to engage armed combatants in CQB with bladed weapons, in particular their halberd. It's not well known but they posses a much more modern and tactical variant of said Halbard that's typically kept under lock & key for use indoors in the case of a breach. Many if not all are wearing concealable body armor too.
Josiah Mitchell
>tactical halberd please tell me there are photos of this thing
Jacob Reyes
any sauce on them training with their halberds? >t.not a hema-tard but interested in pole arms
Colton Nelson
This is complete bullshit.
Christopher Cox
They're just really fancy security guards, with a core of basic bodyguards (You have to serve at least two years before you can qualify as a plain-clothes bodyguard for the Pope)
Caleb Morales
Tell me about the swiss guards, why do they wear the mask
Ethan Stewart
You are now aware of the vatican armory and how cool it is.