Hi Jow Forums
Wanted to share this absolute peak of noguns cartoon design I found
Share other batshit depictions of guns in cartoons/vidya/other media
Hi Jow Forums
Fuck off nigger
Bait detected
saged lmao
OP is a replicant
I didn't realize being Blade Runner gave you a pass to being noguns cringe
I’ll deck you so hard for posting this op
You're clearly a skinjob looking to cause trouble.
I can't tell if you're baiting or retarded
Fuck off skinner
Sneed sells feed and seed
>Ment: LEV. C
No (you)s for you.
Just because you failed your Voight-Kampff test doesn't meant you get to take out your frustration on us, skinjob.
>hating the classics
You're in a desert, walking along in the sand, when you look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling towards you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the sun, beating its legs, trying to turn itself over, but it can't, not without your help. You're not helping. Why is that, user?
Turtle is a nigger
Hi OP! You're a nigger.
It was made from some Austrian hunting rifle. The original was stolen during the film's production back in 82 or 3. They made a duplicate of it to complete the film. There have subsequently been companies making reproductions of it for commercial sale. The original is out there somewhere.
>absolute peak of noguns cartoon design I found
You're new huh? FO4 assault rifle with water jacket is worse FO3 combat shitgun is worse
It's a retarded design, but it looks cool
Deckard's gun was chambered for .44 special. The 5.56mm was something invented for fallout.
>fo3 combat shitgun
It’s literalky just a semi auto with a drum mag what the fuck are you on about? It was god tier
not guns but holy shit, who okay'd this armor design
The institute was written retarded-ly anyway armor design is small potatoes compared to their ‘2 smart 4 u’ bullshit
Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about your mother.
Go die freakshow
And Deckards gun was built from a Charter Arms revolver and the reciever+bolt of a Steyr .223 rifle.
>you refresh and you see an OP Leon, it's shitposting.
>OP, what's that?
>You know what a faggot is?
>Same thing.
>no duel trigger
>no shotgun
There literally isn't enough space on that frame to fit those things. The gun design in unrealistic and indeed noguns.
The top barrel uses a rifle cartridge.
>dual trigger
Double trigger. Just like you're a double nigger. And the front one is obscured by the cylinder.