How would a squad of Jow Forumsommandos handle a supernatural threat?
Silver Bullets, and Rock Salt, - Don't you watch Supernatural???
So I'd be far more concerned, and preoccupied with the fact our current understanding of physics and mechanics of how the universe works as a whole is vastly incorrect.
Depends if their bullets had any affect. From what i know about the foundation; in some instances they had to build entire containment sites around particular SCPs because that was the only way to contain them. In some cases they cant even subdue the threat, they just cordon off the whole zone. Or in the case of the red spot on Jupiter they literally cant do anything.
Is whipping the dick out an option?
For real, that video was very well made.
Second, SCP shit is fucky on all levels. Normal bullets won't work 75% of the time.
Third, if the said supernatural object is in our plane of existence, normal munitions will work. A werewolf will die if you punch a hole the size of a basketball in it's chest with a .50 BMG. If said 50 caliber weapon is fully automatic, werewolf is dead. No argument.
If said supernatural entity is NOT of our plane of existence, your fucked. GG.
Nobody here cares about SPC anymore, since it turned into LGBT propaganda.
Wouldn't ghosts or monsters have legal defense to kill you if you tresspass on their property?
>get killed by spooky ghost loli
>said ghost loli says you're a pedohile to some random cop finding your body
>murder houses become legal
I want to imagine Jason Voorhees claimin self defense for accidentally killing dozens of thots and thot enablers.
We're not talking about the retarded unnecessarily retarded and gay new SCP stories, we're talking about the actual good, work put into SCPs. The ones that are regarded throughout all of the community as good "writing".