I’m a first time gun buyer what gun do you guys recommend
Gun ideas
A 10/22 or equivalent
Glock 17L
don't get a pistol first
if you HAVE to then get a Ruger Mark IV
>"But I wanna home defense gun!"
a 10/22 will kill just as well as a 9mm pistol plus less over penetration
>"No I mean CC!"
you shouldn't be CC'ing your first gun. Pratcice on a 10/22, then a Mark IV, then a carry gun.
Thanks guys I’m gonna get a 10/22
A 9mm compact handgun and formal training. The two should go hand in hand for new handgun gun owners. Don't waste money on a .22 if you want an actual handgun
If you're looking to get into whatever type of shooting then it's really not a bad choice, just not a necessary step if you want a handgun like the one you posted
M&P 45 or a Glock 21
Buy a fucking AR if you're not a pussy or hyperpoorfag. After that get a pistol, g19 or something similar. Again, if you're not a pussy.
cz p10c
an SKS but just tell everyone it's a FAMAS
Don't listen to these fucking 10/22 faggots, get a glock and/or hi-point/kel-tec pistol caliber rifle.
Go to a range that rents out guns and try a few. Stick to major manufacturers and common service cartridges and see that fits your hand and shoots well. Then buy a Glock 19.
Buy an AR15 while you still can!
G17, G42, and an Palmetto State Armory AR-15 are the biggest contenders for a new shooter right now.
Ignore everyone saying 10/22. A cheap AR costs the same, has very cheap ammo, recoils very softly, yet is also very defense-capable. There is no reason to start a shooter on a 10/22 in our current market, and arguably, political climate.
What role are you looking to fill with it? Is it going to be a home defense gun? Is it going to be a carry gun? How much time are you willing to put into getting proficient with it? How much time and energy are you willing to put in to maintaining it? Will this be your only gun, or do you plan on buying more afterwards?
Any .22 rifle.
The only correct answer here.
Anything else is a compromise.
A single shot 12 gauge and one round of 00 buckshot.
Glock 17/19 (basic HD)
Glock 26/43 (for CCW)
Ruger 10/22 (for marksmanship)
S&W M&P15 Sport II (ARs have manifold utility)
12ga. Shotgun w/5+ capacity (shotguns have manifold utility too)
Ignore anyone not saying an AR15. They are like 22lr guns, but more powerful, with the option to use subsonic training rounds that are the same power as 22lr.
A 5.56 AR-15, plus either a crate of ammo, or if you're tight on cash, a .22LR upper.
>what gun do you guys recommend
Get a Ruger Vaquero in 45acp or 357 BUT seriusly you should just get a Glock 19 as a good starter gun and then save up for a decent AR or AR parts if your competent enough to build your own.
A Maverick 88 is fine too if your not a limp wrist.
>with the option to use subsonic training rounds that are the same power as 22lr.
this is the worlds dumbest post
if you loaded .223 or 5.56 to shoot like 22lr the ar 15 will not cycle ever.
Don’t listen to this shit
Start with .22lr for rifles and handguns. Watch Paul Harrell’s video on Top 5 guns for beginners. Make sure to go full size instead of compact. It will help you in the long run in improving marksmanship. If you get an AR, make sure it’s in .22lr! This way you can spend more time at the range since .22lr is really cheap and isn’t too harsh on you with recoil. Good luck.
From personal experience, your first gun tends to be the wrong one, so go for something cheap and durable until you get a better feel for what you're looking for.
>M&P shield
>Ruger AR-15
For the fun
>10/22(Can't go wrong here)
>9mm PCC
>Lever action anything
Get a 12 gauge shotgun. It doesn't matter which one.
Id say for a rifle an AR(build it) hell a 22lr AR works too or 10/22.
If your set on a pistol a 22lr pistol like the MKIV or A pistol meant to replicate a compact/full size in 22.
For a shotgun Moss500/Rem870 really any.
Handle it before you buy it though and know the online price. To train rifle marksmanship use a pellet gun.
My first gun was an AR but I grew up murdering birds with a pellet gun.
Are Ruger 22's the new forced meme simular to when the Jow Forumsatalog was being spammed with mini 14 threads?
10/22s were the default 22lr you buy as a first gun well before the internet existed. the marlin mod 60 is the other 22lr rifle but nobody remembered its name its just grampas gun they shot that 1 time.
An AR15 already shoots 22 caliber ammo. You just need to pick subsonics.
You are a retard and a pussy.
I'd start with a .22 pistol first. Learn the fundamentals and tighten your shot groups. Then an AR15 and tighten your groups with that. Then a full sized 9mm like your pic or a shotgun. With a .22, AR, and a real pistol, you're doing pretty good.
My ideal 4 would be
Browning buck mark
PSA AR, a good one. No freedom tier bullshit.
Mossberg 500
Walther P99
Shut up you faggot. Learning fundamentals with .22lr is literally the non retard thing to do while also being the cheaper option for beginners.
Post your wristlets user so we can laugh at you.
You already posted it mang, dassit
Glock 20.
Lyman plains .50 cal pistol like the founding fathers intended.
always .22
Ignore all the fudd advice telling you to start with a 22. You’re not 9 I’m guessing, and if people in the army can learn to shoot with a 9mm pistol and 5.56 rifle you can to.
t. can't shoot for shit
tell me bud, you ever see an army puke shoot? it's hilarious
I don't think .22s are necessarily a bad idea but if you can only afford one gun right now and you want it for HD and carry then one of the numerous 9mm guns is probably for you. Personally I wasn't on a shoestring budget when I got my first handgun, got a Beretta 92A1, swapped out the heavy grip spring for a lighter one and it shoots really nice. Most modern handguns are generally more accurate than you yourself are physically capable of, most of them are reliable so long as you maintain them properly, buy one based on how well it feels in your hand, how much money you're willing to spend, how much magazine capacity you want, etc. Shoot for a couple of weeks on your own to get familiar with your gun and how it works but after that I suggest springing for some professional training as well, you don't want to embed bad habits and a trainer can get you shooting at least competently pretty quickly.
>grip spring
Grip spring, trigger spring, d-spring, whatever the fuck you know what I mean faggot.
Glock 19, any gen
i recommend this
You should really get a Mosin Nagant 91/30 they're basically the best overall gun ever made.
>Gun ideas
All you need is a good ol 1911 OP. It's heavy steal frame, simple and time tested reliable design makes it perfect for nearly everything application. Whether you choose to use it as a range toy, self defense, or for hunting most medium sized game and it's powerful 45acp is more than capable but they come in other calibers too like 9mm, 380, meme rounds like 10mm, or even 22 for all the pussy shills currently flooding this thread.
Literally millions of soldiers start with 5.56mm, retard. Skip the 22lr and get an AR.
Deagle brand deagle.
A 10/22 takedown and a 25 round ruger mag
Or if you want a scattergat then go for a Mossberg 500/590, or a Maverick 88 Security for the budget model version