The Supreme Fuddlord has seemed to have deleted his video about how owning an ar15 will get you killed

The Supreme Fuddlord has seemed to have deleted his video about how owning an ar15 will get you killed

Attached: Ar15clownswinagain.jpg (1080x1467, 522K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally who

Why should I care? Are you faggot? Have you considered suicide?

Don't call a bunch of people soldier wannabes next time. Fudd got owned

Cunt fake YouTube faggot pretending to be Jow Forums and spouting bullshit. He recently put a video up saying the AR-15 is shit and WILL get you murk’d. We all spazzed and down boated his bitch ass. Down boat his other vids gang!

You should care because spreading fuddlore and misinformation to potentially millions of people is bad.

Heres a rational prep. A change of underwear and a tooth brush in your car.

>Jow Forums unironically got some Boomer to take his shit down and neck himself

together we can change the world

>The M16 is flimsy; made of plastic and stamped metal
I ‘membah

feel good man

Attached: 0583 - bEkpwft.jpg (396x385, 31K)

>Add another wannabe point

Attached: fudd.jpg (450x331, 20K)

Muh Taurus Judge is a better survival gun, then your Mattel 16.

>we can influence modern speech and thought by bullying the shit out of people
is this what the big kid on the playground felt like?

Good. I told that boomer to shut the fuck up. I can't stand boomer fudds.

Simply social pressure, partly the reason we have so many fat fucks and deviants these days is back in the day they bullied the shit out anyone who was't the norm and it was for the best, they felt extreme pressure to get back into line for the good of society. Couple people kill themselves or have a bad time and bullying goes away, insulting fat people isn't allowable etc. No social pressure and they think what they are doing is acceptable because nobody challenges them.

>they think what they are doing is acceptable because nobody challenges them.
This. This is why furfags and regular fags are able to do such ridiculous shit without getting clowned on constantly, they put themselves in hugboxes that insulate them from rational or critical voices, lome that one fag who got his hands amputated.

Attached: PxhxcRP_d.jpg (640x633, 36K)



>down boat

Attached: 1544549129272.jpg (320x358, 15K)

Nobody made threats or harmed him
He has his freedom of speech to preach fuddlore as gospel in a weird fake accent.
We have freedom of speech to call him on his BS.
If you don’t like it, commie, then you can just get out

But I liked that video :(

I'm still interested in watching that sort of content. I wonder exactly what his arguments were. Even if only for the purpose of academical perspective, retards shouldn't take down stuff and instead just mark them as deprecated and upload a follow-up video explaining exactly how and why they had such a monumental brainfart.
I don't know who he is, and I probably won't click on anything he has made, ever, but that doesn't mean we ought to pressure this fag into backing down without actually getting him to realize he was wrong as fuck.

Attached: 61f.png (520x520, 399K)

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>this video is private

He got fucking bullied into submission. I know that it was mostly Jow Forums that did it cause that shit got posted here before the video even went live, we were first on the scene. We bullied an old man so hard he probably cried. All that work and time put into making that video, wasted. His confidence, gone. And it feels good. That boomer söy can rub his Taurus judge to stop the tears.

>calling people out on their bullshit is now bullying
If that is bullying, then we need more bullying in this world.

Attached: 1554839392156.jpg (525x397, 46K)

He said theyre only good to 200 yards, they cant be used effectively for self defence because 200 yards is too far and and a 30 round mag is too big, theyre made out of plastic and stamped metal, only meant for full auto firing and worthless in semi, army guns are for army wannabes, and posted a video saying a 454 taurus was the ideal shtf singular weapon.
Im not exaggerating any of this either

>We bullied an old man so hard he probably cried.

Any gun that shoots shit down into the working mechanism like that is shit.

>t. doesnt own an autoloading rifle

Well, it's usually proper to retract something after learning that you we're incorrect.

he could put up a video saying he was wrong, but I doubt that's going to happen
most likely he's going to complain to jewtube, repost it and have them delete negative comments and dislikes

I didnt expect him to take it down, that doesnt happen as often, but I was waiting for the like bar and comment section to be disabled.