What 1911 does Jow Forums own?

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Springfield Armory Mil-Spec. I like the gun.

One mag straight up didn't work out of the box but hasn't had a single malfunction with the other one and is shockingly accurate.

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None. I own a P38 instead.

Grandpa's Remington Rand GI circa 1943 with US Government Property marks.

I'm thinking about getting a second for target shooting. Thoughts on Colt Gold Cup National Match? I like the style of it but is it worth the cash or is it just a meme?

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thoughts? looking to purchase. It's the HC version.

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it's like...almost a 1911.

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inb4 front serrations

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Browning 1911-380

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I don't. The only 45 I own is a mk23.

Why, a Ballester Molina of course

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Naked Snake is proud of you, son. May you bring an end to (((the Patriots))).

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Auto-Ordinance. 500-ish bucks when I got it, still primary fall/winter carry, 'works' whenever I take it to the range (I haven't had to shoot anyone in day-to-day life thank god). Only difference from this old pic from some Jow Forums thread about alternative carry cases ('big' over-ear headphone bags work quite well for an average sized 1911) is crimson trace off and replaced it with wood grips (focused 99% of the time at the range with shooting it while not using the laser, which by my rationale at the time and I'm sure 'general commonsense' is the best thing to make sure you have down pat for a 'real' emergency, but the end result is that I bought a laser for a few hundred bucks and never planned on training with or using it) and there's a different shinier recoil spring cap because I lost my old one while cleaning it one day (and found it like 10 minutes after I placed the amazon order for a replacement, but decided to use the replacement anyways when I got it)

It's not the fanciest gun in the world by any stretch of the imagination, and since I bought it, I've been making more and more money and buying more expensive rangequeens and plinkers (around the same time I got this guy, I also got my HD AR, for like 500 bucks, I buy 1-2k range toys now, and don't fly economy because my career is progressing); but I just still like this one too much to ever seriously consider replacing it.

It's kinda weird (even to me) really. While it makes perfect sense to 'upgrade' my primary fucking carry for more than half of the year (spring/summer is pocket .380 carry season) and that I can certainly afford and justify a ~4k primary carry expense from a logical and feasibility standpoint, I just wanna using and carrying this one because I have for so long. I mean fuck, even if I become a millionaire or some shit later in life this is what I want to give to my firstborn on my deathbead.

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Not usually a fan of stainless guns but that is too good lookin

RIA 10mm

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Colt series 70

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*tips stahlhelm

M' Oberleutnant

Imagine being fag enough to come into a 1911 thread just to be a fag

Colt 70 series.

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ParaOrdinance double stacked, 2xColts, 1xColt commander.
I also got a Stealth Arms Phantom jig and like four 80% receivers. Never used it, never will. Now I gotta figure out how to sell it.


I own a Delta Elite. How do you like the RIA in 10? I've seriously thought about picking up the double stack one

Here is my M1911A1.

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Beavertail safeties are ugly and they have to go back

Citadel Arms 1911 Government

I like it. Handles my full power handloads with AA9 and 180g XTPs, and my cast plinkers with W231. It's a nice gun for all they cost.

Star BM, because fuck anything that isn't 9mm or 10mm

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I think magwells are fucking hideous but it's your money.

Tell us a lil about this gun. I was super excited when i found out about its size and then more excited when i found out it was made of plastic and felt cheap. Looked like the perfect thinboi iwb gun. Took my 189 dollars to Academy and was visibly shocked at the msrp. Worth it? Reliable?

>fuck anything that isn't 9mm or 10mm
fucking communist heathen

Here's my kimba.

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It’s actually quite nice. A well built little pistol, it feels excellent in the hand, for smol and big hands alike. Controls are sensible with everything a standard 1911 has to offer, plus an ambidextrous safety. The rails and all inner workings are metal, but the frame is polymer. The slide has a matte black finish that feels nice, and the steel slide is decent quality. Shooting it is quite nice, .380 out of something that isn’t a pocket pistol is very controllable and pleasant. The accuracy is good as well. The only downside is that the trigger is rather stiff, but I also haven’t really worn it in so perhaps over time it will improve. Reliability is good, I’ve only had one malfunction with cheaper Geco 95g ball ammo out of probably 250 rounds, and I suspect it was a light loaded cartridge. The price is pretty steep, but I had a Ruger MKIV that I didn’t shoot much so with the trade-in value it was more reasonable. It’s a good pistol, I’d recommend it.

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that cheese grater shoots bullets? Jk I'm sure it's nice.

What in the goddamn?

If I need to remove my fingerprints I just rack it a few times.

One might say you have nice pistols

Thanks man. Im a bit of a 380 fan so it speaks to me and i want to eventually get one but I'll be looking for a cheap secondhand when i do try to buy.

Cheapass RIA GI model. It was my first handgun bought back in the early 2000s. I went to buy a handgun and had no idea what I wanted. To be honest the clerk did me good job. It's a great first gun to learn on.

I need to hold one. I once held the RIA "baby rock" .380 and the grip safety really dug into the skin of my hand webbing.

Tbh I like 1911s but I just absolutely hate guns that are unreliable. Like if a gun jams on me ever it makes me hate that gun, and I don't want to buy a 1911 if it jams or has problems I will be fucking pissed off. I expect any gun I own to go atleast 1000 rounds without cleaning and not have any issues. Are there any 1911s out there that can consistently do this? I'll buy one if it's reliable and low maintenance enough cause I do like the history of the pistol it's just unreliability and high maintenance are giant turnoffs to me, if there's a 1911 that is very reliable and low maintenance I'd like to know what it is. Any recommendations?

They go back and forth between series 70 versions and 80. Either way it's all fluff. Not that colt is bad, but the gold cups of today are not the custom shop of yesturyears. Its merely a done up standard 1911 of the colt offering in terms of cosmetic and sights and trigger shoe. There are plenty of other colt 1911s that come with national match barrels on occasion.

I had a 2011 manufactured gold cup all polished stainless. 400 rounds in and it locked shut. Galling, on a handgun made in the 2000s, with liberal application of grease. Colt took it back and as a gesture did a trigger job and some other things.

I sold it for more than I paid because I had a letter explaining all the extra work, but I got out of it.

I've purchased plenty of new and old colts and never had an issue but that one. My issue with those higher end colts is once they reach the 1000-1400 range how can you not justify going to $1700 where the Les Baer (of which I own one now) and used ed-browns and used Wilson's are in? I'm particular to Les Baer because its hardy and not a safe queen, Les has the resume that to me proves he can build a combat ready hand fitted 1911 and not just larp in tacti-cool mags.

His guns are not pretty when compared to other offerings, but my baer is my favorite 1911. Basic custom carry. I've put 15,000 rounds through it and it's still a 3 inch at 25 yards gun for me personally as a shooter.

Used to have a Desert Warrior. Damn thing kept stovepiping though. Can't trust your life to that.

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What's the best 1911 for less than $800?

Part of the issue is maintenance and cheap mags. I shoot with a guy that runs his 1911s dry and be has issues. On top of that he buys the bargain bin special no name mags. You have to understand the material you are working with and the tolerances. Modern greases work great and keep them ticking along like fine watches. Same goes for high quality mags.

The longest I've gone without a hiccup in my less baer was the 900 round count using cheap lead cast reloads I make. It started to have FTF. On that same token, I've had glocks and M&Ps get finicky and troublesome at round counts in that range as well. Especially with mag dumps during drills.

I trust my 1911 with my life in the context of a clean well oiled and greased 1911 will go bang. I would not take it into a prolonged conflict zone as it is a pain in the ass to clean and maintain.

Grandpapis repeating rifle from the 1800s will go bang, but if you want something that will function on an 8 hour range day with 1000 rounds through it, you buy a modern rifle.

Ruger SR1911, preferably in 9mm if you arent a fuddy five boomer. I don't like 1911s and I bought one.

ATI Gov't. Manufactured by Shooters Arms Mfg in the Philippines. Runs great.

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oh and I only feed it from stainless Springfield mags

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A Citadel 1911.

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Ruger SR1911

an DGFM sistema colt 1927

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based and Ianpilled

Dan Wesson A2 mustard rice.

I got this one that some dumbass put the ejection port on the wrong side.

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And this longboi.

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this has got to be the perfect sidearm. a bit big, perhaps.

Best upper mid-range for the price. Don't care for the parkerized finish, though it would make a good base for cerakote.

So buy one.

just a remington r1, I like it but I want more

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>the sub-par 2000s re-edition
user... I have some bad news...

how do you like it? Im torn about the serrations and it being a kimber, but theres nothing like it on the market


Taurus pt1911

It was cheap, but I got a newer production so it came with Novak sights instead of the straight 8. I guess they worked out issues, because my has run solid with everything I've put through it.

1950s Colt Commercial 45ACP

I love the loop style holster, absolutely classic!


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if I wanted to get a 1911 engraved, where would I need to look and how much would it cost me

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Colt Government Models in .38 Super and 9mm, Colt Delta Elite and a 1990s Springfield Armory in .45 ACP.

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Springfield OPERATOR because MGS4. I have one of the ones from before they stopped shipping them with the pachmayr wraparound grips. No idea why they stopped, those are nice grips.

Series 80 I’ve had for about 4 years now. Recently had the firing pin plunger get stuck in the upright position while I was cleaning it. I was eventually able to get it out, but would having it stuck cause any problems with shooting?

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Innawoods oink remover.

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Not him, but?

they're not as good as the original ones and are just another cashgrab from colt?

Colt's Series '70 Government Model.

Yeah, I like mine.

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I have a pristine USGI, a beater USGI that's been reparked and used as an edc, and a 1928 Kongsberg.


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Oh fuck I'm jelly

something in .460 rowland

Taurus is a bag of lemons, sometimes they're good sometimes they aren't.
Good thing you found a good lemon... Wait that terminology is supposed to compare them to apples, eh whatever.

What's different? I just assumed they were a straigh re-peoduction

Spergfeld TRP with a half rail
>'tis muh EDC
Saving up for a wilson

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No one on this thread own a pre-remshit para widebody? I really wanted to own one but my LGS has only one P14 for $1000 and I need a shitty permit to buy

Bumping and pumping

How so exactly?

uncle got the call from CMP yesterday.

made in 1919. not an A1, pretty much all orginal apartt from the grips. its very sweet, shoots like its supposed to also.

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Looks glorious

Does a Star BM count?

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If we are allowing M1911-ish guns, I also have two Star Model B’s. The lower in this photo was a German police pistol.

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Dont be so quick to judge.

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I see you are a man of fine taste as well.

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I actually did some research and it appears the repros are just as good as the original (if not better since some of the upgrades of the series 80 were introduced, but without the shitty trigger)
kudos to colt for being straight
sorry for being a dumb troll

Are old production 1911s from Remington worth looking for in the same vein as old 870s?

2007 Sig Arms GSR in .45ACP

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It’s okay. I looked at older 1970’s and 1980’s models on collectorsfirearms before I got this one but didn’t feel like paying $1400 for a scratched up one that had clear corrosion on the barrel. Also did my research, realized the new ones were actually just as good, and went with the new production one

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Pick one.

the blue on those looks so great, so sad I missed my chance to snatch one for $250