Retro AR general

talk me out of building a 605 clone in .458

>arg is for tripfags so fuck them

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>talk me out of building a 605 clone in .458
how about no

Seems cool, do it OP.

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>fuck arg
Damn straight
Posting for a comfy ar thread and yes you should op because you can and it would probably be tits

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>make an xm177 slick side
>decide to save money and get a slipover moderator and a heavy barrel because HBAR barrels are chad
>gun is now front heavy
That’s not retro go shit up ARG not here, this is a good thread

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You cannot stop me.

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Get an aluminum CAR15 stock to balance it out?

It might help if you didn't have that turbo-lightweight POS N1 stock. Also shame on you for the A2 lower.

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ive read all the guides, seen side by sides, read the specifics and I still cannot tell the difference between an a1 and a2 lower. Can't help it. The handguard is also a 7 hole CAR handguard. it's not perfect at all.

I brought home my first A1 last weekend.

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Post retro slut.
I really wish Brownells would go ahead and make the fixed sling attachment point for the rear stock instead of having the pre-A1 swiveled one for every non-XM retro they have.

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that sounds cool. new school and old school.

This is a Type D stock which has the solid rubber butt plate so a swivel is correct for this model. This isn't a Brownells rifle, though.

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nice minimalist aesthetic. sight is kinda far back but too each their own.

Yeah but Brownells always sells those types with their A1s when they were used on 602s, 604s and E1s, which bothers me immensely.

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and not quite as cool or good as either

Roll mark

>in .458
Are you retarded, high or both?

Or just have functioning eyes and look at the profile of the front and rear takedown pin areas.

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so what? if you already have a couple ARs you're satisfied with why not mess around with the formula?
ARs have an available parts market to make it happen unlike most other guns

Do it OP. Dissipators are fucking sexy.

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I like OP, am thinking about doing a big bore Retro rifle. I wanted to do a Colt 601 style rifle in .350 Legend but it looks like the only barrel length made is 16 inch

Currently have a guy making me some custom FCG pins and heads for my M231 build that I can use with the M231 side plate I have.
Also having him make a rear spring retainer so I can use a surplus M231 buffer tube I have, still looking for an end-cap for it though.

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I mean you're gonna need to do a lot of tweaking but still.

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Where did you get that sight? I’ve been looking all over

UK ebay, it was the only place I had any luck finding one.

I've been meaning to build my own retro style AR. Who are some good manufacturers of A1 uppers/lowers? Are Brownells offerings with their retro series of rifle good?

Why would you need to tweak it? Just run the gas system underneath the handguards.


Working on mine right now. Except I'm using .50 beo. I know .458 is better but its not
gonna get it to match my sp1 have a nice little pair

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I'm buying a furniture set from Ironwork designs and I'm gonna see if He'll make me two a1 grips so I can replace this fuggly one. Gonna put this set on the .50 because it has a recoil pad

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Is that third hole real

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doesnt the .50 require some propitiatory shit?

Because if you ever worked with a dissipator you'd know they do not always play nice. In particular mine was calibrated better for m4 buffer rather than rifle length so I had to take apart the buffer and remove some weights and replace them with plastic inserts. After doing that she runs great, but pre, she was having malfunctions all the time

Maybe youre just retarded for using the original dissapator gas settings. I run a carbine length gas system under the handguards and the FSB is just there for looks and to attach the handguards to. It looks just like a real dissapator but functions as good as any carbine length rifle.

Put some new/old grips on my sp1

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>Uses carbine length gas
Lol git and stay git

>falling for the midlength meme.

>he can't affix a bayonet

Finally, the shoot deer in half meme becomes real

My man

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no dissapator can.

What was the idea of having a screw in the front instead of the standard td pin?

Ye I'm gonna have to custom machine me a gasblock and shit but its gonna be dope so

do et faget

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to add on, I used my spare set of A1 furniture that was missing a couple teeth and painted it in rhodie baby shit for fun.
i still have both cans of paint almost full and i'm not sure what to do with them.

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Good way to chip your stove.

Judging from his burners he doesnt care

Can none of you afford an SP1?

>He didn't do a rifle length

That's pretty damn ugly. Poor rifle.

Have you even read the thread bud theres several

>paying the boomer jew
wheres yours?

>wanting a big hole upper

absolute trash.

SP2/A2 is peak AR, prove me wrong.

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Send the paint to me, that's what you should do with them.

>no bayonet lug

Samuel Colt looks down upon his successors...

>A2 upper
>no fence lower

Why didnt they update the lowers? Also Pencil barrel M16s handle fantastically.

Not mine, just a picture I pulled off google. I do plan on building a sporter 2/a2 clone.

I feel like the only reason you make a clone is for authenticity, and if you make it .458 it's not very authentic. I guess if you REALLY like the aesthetic it's fine, but it's going to look goofy with a thick barrel, particularly on a build that originally had a 5.56 pencil profile.

Do all sporters come like that?

as far as I know, all SP1's ive seen have not had a fence.

I already have a 605 clone in 556, and the only part of the barrel you will see is the tiny bit in the front sight. Other than that it will all be hidden.

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What kind of wire stock is that

Idk nigger, tongue his anus to find out

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>tfw no a2 lsw

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Absolutely nothing retro about that.

Good way to chip your stove.

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Sounds fucking sick, dude.

To hell with the haters, big bore is life.

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Who makes good A1s? I know Colt has their retro reissue ones but I'd rather not dump over 2 grand on one. I've also found Windham makes one but I don't know how good that is. Anyone else?

Do it

Looks like a nerf gun stock

>30rd mags for an A1 clone

Get the proper dust cover NEET

I couldn't find an sp1, i have a colt match target hbar ii i panick bought when the retards in tx and Ohio started killing people. Going to get an sp1 and an m1 garand soon.

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It was an early form of full auto demil, the idea was to prevent a full auto lower from being attached to the upper, so the upper attachment hole was drilled out to a larger diameter with a two piece screw used in its place.

based cringe based

niggers tongue my anus


Don't worry about it.

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Here's the M16A1 clone I finished earlier this summer. The furniture and upper are surplus, lower and barrel are brownells. I should probably try to weather the lower a bit to make it a bit more consistent with the upper but haven't bothered to do so. Not sure what my best bet would be there either.

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It would honestly be easier to just get the upper refinished.

Maybe, but I like the distressed look of the surplus stuff on the gun.

just stress the lower yourself.

This is peak AR...

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HBAR is nonoptimal for an AR.


Been sitting on an A2 upper receiver for a while and want to build something off of it. Should I go M16A2 clone or Colt 727/ XM4 (pic related)?

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SR15 upper
SR15 lower

Is it a true retro build if there's a rail underneath?

only if it's a cut carry handle upper with custom rails, for that 90s/early 00s look

It's a p90 red dot no?

Close but not quite.
It's an LC-7-40-M16 sight made by the same company (Ringsights),
but it doesn't have any sort of illumination except for really old tritium like on the 1st generation P90 sights.
It's also specifically made for the M16's carry handle.

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Where did you get the stock?