What is /b/ currently drinking tonight?

What is /b/ currently drinking tonight?
>pic related is what lm drinking

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It’s a weeknight you fucking alkie.

Stock photo
Ok Jow Forumsid

Couple beers. It's Tuesday.


Plus Gin is fucking gross. All those bullshit flavors take like piss fermented with law clippings

Rolling Rock.

Some people actually work weekends you fucking fundie.

ok kid

Soju and Baileys

> drinking on Tuesday, probably alone
Degenerate alcoholism, 100% bluepilled
> drinking gin aka flavored vodka
Abysmal taste

Well this is Jow Forums but Blue Moon and some OJ for my cold.

Fuck off M8
I have a bottle of Gordon’s right here and it sucks

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Gin is for women.

We're on Jow Forums, also drinking on a weekday? Degenerate.

Next time you decide to take a photo, post your fucking feet too newfag.
>Not drinking gin with tonic
Ask me how l know you are an uncouth piece of shit.

Get some club soda, some limes, and ice. Makes most alcohol much more palatable


> marie calendar chicken pot pies
Absolutely based and redpilled


Like this?
Fuck that noise
I just keep this crap around for chicks
Gimme a dirty wet vodka martini or a Vodka Gibson any day of anything with gin

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homebrew. I made a brown ale with my dad and added too much roasted barley/chocolate malt so its bitter like a stout but has the body of a light brown ale. pretty meh

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Thanks lad
This is how you get down. Try a jalapeño olive dirty vodka martini sometime
But fuck gin.

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This stuff is pretty good, try it if you see it. Japanese whiskies tend to be over-priced for what they are, but this is a gin that's actually pretty good.

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Because it's cheap, strong, I hate myself, and it's never out of stock.

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Calico Jack spiced rum. Also fuck yall who knock drinking on a weekday. Some of us work on the weekends and get different days off week to week.

>Rolling Rock
Excellent choice, fren
Very refreshing beer for the summer time

C'mon man. You're worth more than that. At least step up to Rumpleminz or Schwarzhog.

> 1oz. Banana Liqueur of choice
> 1oz. Jack Daniels

Three olives "loopy" mixed with Reed's ginger beer & ocean spray cranberry juice. It's gud.

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That sounds really not too good
Like some kinda sweet caramel mess
I bet the ladies would love it tho

What the fuck are they doing to those poor Kabutos.

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They take some blood from them for magical science juice and return them to the sea


They use the hemocyanin (blue) blood to make tests for bacterial contamination.

I wanted a nice buzz but the amount beer i need for that makes my stomach feel like its gonna burst so I just switched to liquor. Its aight, smells nice.

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Drinking Jameson alone in my barracks room.

Oh boy.

tits or gtfo


welp guess ima faggot now. is this a basic white bitch vodka or something? I was looking for the plain ass Smirnoff but couldnt find it so I grabbed this

it's flavored. So yes. Protip: anything over 10 bucks a bottle is pretty much the same. Vodka is just ethanol and water. Ignore meme marketing. Get yourself something distilled 3 or 4 times and you're good. NA is 20 bucks a 1.75 where i live.

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aight, ill remember that next time. it was $13 for the bottle

it's tuesday dude. Unless you've got a job and tomorrow off: you need to examine some shit.

You have to be 18 to post here kid.

double that age and you're closer. I've learned my lessons from my early 20s. You'd benefit to take heed.

Jokes on you, I plan to be dead by the time my liver is noticeably damaged.

>Protip: anything over 10 bucks a bottle is pretty much the same
This a thousand times
Once vodka is distilled enough to be proper, it’s all the same. Everything else is marketing and image.
Can’t go wrong with Sobi as pictured here
I love when someone comes up during a party and asks for Grey Goose (especially in a mixed drink like a Moscow Mule) because I immediately know they know nothing about Vodka, just branding. I keep a bottle of Popov out of sight and close at hand for just such an occasion.... They never know the difference. I smile a little inside as they brag about how good their drink is and how they only drink top shelf stuff like Grey Goose.

just you wait till you end up like me boy

there will come a time in your late 20s maybe early 30s when the alcohol will just completely fuck your shit up it'll take a pint just to get a decent buzz going yet for some reason you won't remember anything after the first half of it, you wake up in pain with a brain fog chewing pieces of the the teeth you ground up during your pass-out seizure, and you'll have to deal with a hangover that doesn't end till you get your next drink.

drink some fucking water you degenerates

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>noticeably damaged.
when is that? unless you get CAT scans on the reg it'll be when you turn yellow. you'll have cirrhosis by then. after that youve hit the final drop on the drinking Rollercoaster and it's over quickly but painfully.

t. some family died from cirrhosis

That's your own fault for being stupid. Make your own ORS and drink a lot of it, take your flintstone gummie vitamins, maybe some NAC. Hell, chug some Pedialyte.

Try me, acetaldehyde, I know your game.

Yeah. Once it gets cold I switch to Guiness or Murphy's.

>Fellow agua bro

We will awaken hydrated, healthy, and ready to kill unlike these children.

Nope, not really. The liver is a tough motherfucker, only organ that regenerates. Cirrosis is when it doesn't regenerate properly and is ineffective scar tissue. there are signs of liver damage before that. Itching, fatigue, abdominal swelling.

This is póke-abuse.

Fuck. Sad part is I have some friends that I know will end up like this. Alcohol is a far more dangerous and addictive drug than people make it out to be. I only really drink in social situations, drinking alone you have to be a fucking sad loser dead on the inside to do that.


Wow, you're the first one here to know what's going on in this pic. I must've collected over 9000 (you)s with that pic over the various boards here, & nobody knew. You GSK by chance?

Remember when /b/ was good gang? Inb4
>it was never good
How do you enjoy your pine needles?

Teach me about vokda sempai?

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I dislike frozen food, but damn, those things are better than they have any right to be.

it's ethanol mixed with water and is required by law to be tasteless and odorless

>Itching, fatigue, abdominal swelling.
easy to dismiss and overlook if you drink every night.

I remember when it was wall to wall pokemon and naruto, thought it was gay and went back to playing bush shoot out insead of doing my typeing assignment like i was supose to do, i failed computer class.

The itching was the worst.

I suppose, hard to say. I've noticed it myself a few times when I went pretty overboard on benders. backed off for a week.

I drink about 6 beers every night and a couple of shots of whiskey. I am still healthy. I know 80 year old 90 pound women who drink as much as I do and they still drive. McDonald’s kills more people than alcohol

You can also monitor your ALT/AST and bilirubin levels with blood tests. Though, to be fair, most people don't until it's too late.

cool anecdotes. doesn't dismiss hard science or statistics.
some people get away with smoking regularly forever, cigarettes are still cancerous.

Stomach is too fucked up to absorb anything or even choke stuff down, I know the tricks but it's a duct tape solution for alcohol abuse.

> I drink about 6 beers every night and a couple of shots of whiskey
> I am still healthy

You have less muscle mass, less testosterone, a beer gut, and damaged organs compared to someone who drinks on occasion/never drinks. Get your shit together.

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For the record, in my years of degenerate alcoholism, I have learned this about gin.

People who call themselves gin drinkers generally mean gin and tonic. This is the drink of someone who pretends to be classy, or more interesting than they really are.

People who drink straight gin are weird fucking people. They are dedicated to an alcoholic lifestyle, but they aren't about the easy way out, as vodka would be cheaper and easier to hide. The taste scares away the weak hearted. Straight gin drinkers hate themselves more than anything and are a one man parade of self destruction.

true. that's what a cautious, attentive person would do. but if you binge drink alot you probably don't posess those qualities. people like that dont acknowledge anything until it smashes them over the head.

I’m actually pretty skinny, can go on a 5k run and hit the gym 3 times a week to weight lift. So miss me with that garbage. The only people that have a problem with alcohol are pussies anyways. Poor diet will kill you faster than any alcohol will

>until it smashes them over the head.
Ain't that the truth...

i'm telling you it's gonna fuck you up hard, a pint is about 8 drinks and when i was younger i could do that and then some every night with no problems. When the problems start you're gonna get a taste of the DTs when you try to stop.

Stomache doesnt absorb shit, youre shit tubes absorb shit.

>OP is so drunk that he posts on the wrong board
>70 posts later
>we don't care

You know you have a good GP if they usually like to order a serum liver enzymes test with your annual bloodwork. Liver disease can go undetected really quite easily, and once physical symptoms develop, there's usually irreversible damage. My ALT/AST is a little high, and my GGT is all over the place, but I had a renal colic CT done recently for my kidney disease, and apparently my liver looks perfectly fine.
Not sure how lab tests work in the US, though. In Canada, most standard diagnostics are covered and can be done in under a day by a private lab. Non-covered tests that are tax deductible can be claimed under your insurance in any case.

I was with you up until that, user. You're reaching a little, unless "poor diet" is "starving". People also get hung up on "kills you" when that doesn't really make sense. "Smoking kills" well, no, it doesn't. It's just unhealthy. Complications might kill you way down the line.

Not who you replied to, but excessive alcohol causes bowel inflammation and fucks with gut flora. The latter isn't really well studied in regards to alcohol consumption, but it's more of less considered to be the cause of the good ol' liquor shits.

Cardiovascular disease kills more people than liver issues. You’ll never see a 90 year old obese person. There are plenty of chronic smokers/drinkers that are kicking around tho.
>not than I plan on living that long

Lot of statistical outliers in our lives, but my dad was overweight with heart problems and died at the age of fifty. Meanwhile, his mother lived to about 75. Both were multi-pack-a-day chainsmokers since their teens.

>Cardiovascular disease kills more people than liver issues.
Everybody eats until they die. not everyone plays ping pong with their liver most of their life. Also factor in people who die from alcohol poisoning, doing stupid shit like DUI, and people who get killed by people doing stupid shit like DUI,

Adjust the percentages by proportion and alcohol fatality is ridiculous

I learned this the hard way. Alkies, take your probiotic pills. It’s a lifesaver.

This is Jow Forums. Try Gunpowder Gin. It’s actually decent.

I always wondered about that. Thank you for the info.

Nobody will ever argue against alcohol-related deaths being ridiculously common, considering they're almost all considered "preventable". The stats on heart disease are indeed a little overinflated, since it's the leading cause of "natural death", and often unavoidable in old age.

In the US they'll order them if they care to, or if you ask. It's usually covered by insurance, and is walk-in/walk-out to a lab, takes about 20 mins.

Meant "under a day" as in result times, since most labs offer online patient access to basic tests short of imaging. Everything you said sounds basically the same as it is here, which is good.
Liver disease can come from all sorts of causes, and the most prevalent forms are non-alcoholic. Most are reversible, and serum liver enzyme testing is a completely non-invasive screening method with good accuracy.

Also, /alco/-threads are wholesome and all, but this has nothing to do with weapons.

Oh yeah, results take about a business day.

Not particularly weapons-related, but it's board culture, so... enh.
Better than another "What video game gun do you wish were real thread" though.

When you're unemployed you can drink whenever you want. Of course you're still hopelessly depressed but whatever.

this is not b but i'm enjoying a nice whiskey and coke. it's actually all gone now. got a nice buzz and now it's bed time. salutations user.

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Alcohol is a weapon we use on ourselves every day. Checkmate jannies.

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It's always someone's weekend, faggot.
Check your 9-5, M-F privilege, shitlord.