When the FUCK did Sig start making new production P210's, and why am I just now finding out about them?

When the FUCK did Sig start making new production P210's, and why am I just now finding out about them?


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They aren’t as good as the originals. Made in the US with different employees and machines than the original Swiss ones

Post yours you dumb faggot

Its still a very small, single action 9mm handgun meant for target shooting. It fills a niche market, because maybe some people don't want to lug around a full size 9mm 1911.

>Made is USA
Sure about that?
I bet you it’s “Assembled in the USA” from curry stained cast gutter poo metal

You've never shot, muchless owned either you fucking internet forum poster.

>Glocksucker still upset over the MHS contract
>HKuck still coping over his company dying and fading into obscurity
>CZoy still trying to justify his meme brand that no one except Slavs and the odd competition shooter care about
>Jow Forums drifter just looking for any excuse to shit on brown people despite being an obese mutt himself
Which one are you?

Wake me up when S&W brings back the 5900 series with a rail.

>you fucking internet forum poster.
Hi Cohen

>not a European 1911 sans grip safety
Get a brain, moran

They are sick and they are also tack drivers, you know nothing, stop speaking about something you don't understand.

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Opinion disregarded

we need to make a "sig thread" bingo sheet

They're decent enough guns. They definitely don't match the original, but for what they are they're just fine.

Jealous LOL

>Its still a very small
youve never touched a p210 in your life

>They aren’t as good as the originals.
Too soon to make that assessment. I've heard that these involve of precision machining and the quality control for these will exclusive to it, to make sure the legendary reputation of the P210 remains untarnished.

If I'm going with a large frame single stack, I'd rather have a P220. Choosing .9mm to me means preferring double-stack modern handguns.

They're made by nuSig, I'm guessing that's the primary reason most are saying they don't match up

I've heard a few people shit on the german ones, saying that only swiss made ones are worth a damn. I wouldn't know personally, since the only 210 I've ever shot was the US one when sig came out to demo it at my local club since sig optics is local.

My only experience is with my grandad's Swiss 210, and mild fingerfucking of a new manufactured 210 at my LGS.

I guess I should clarify, the Swiss made was fantastic, and the nuSig didn't seem to have any immediately noticable flaws, but given the difference in manufacturing cost/quality when adjusted for inflation, it wouldn't surprise me if the nuSig wasn't quite as nice as the Swiss

I’m the one that bangs your wife while you play your Switch, sig cuck

I wonder what makes handlets happen. I did activities like woodworking, baseball, and boxing as lad and they would make you have bigger hands but I'm sure video games and jerking off should have too. Maybe playing guitar will make your fingers longer.

>playing video games
Oh, you’re just underage. Got it.

Rented one. Most accurate and smooth handgun I’ve ever shot. Probably not as good as a custom or even semi-custom 1911, but for $1100, I think it’s the best single-stack 9 you could buy for range shenanigans or even HD. Too bad I’m poor.

Sad bait

nusig is crap
well not total crap, but glock level. why on earth would anyone pay their prices

Every thread could have one in all honesty

Maybe they also have some assembled in USA with poo in loo parts for the Amerimutt market, but ours are made in Eckernförde Deutschland.

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it's the only sig I would ever want

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Too bad you can’t own one, Hans.

Are you sure about that?

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My P210 Super Target is made in Deutschland, faggot. Because Euros buy Euroguns made in Europe.

how much does the range charge you to go and look at it

>Too bad you can’t own one, Hans.

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about 3 years ago

holy fuck what

Exeter sig is bully. You should avoid sig unless it's got an import mark.

>new production
Get a real Swiss manufactured one or just buy another gun entirely. There is no use in paying for a 210 and receive a nu10.

Gaston, you goblinoid cryptid, get back to your life support chamber.

U mad bro

>doesn't own one
Tell me all about the quality user. Machining and fit far exceeds pistols at the same price range. Accuracy is fantastic, and makes it easy as fuck to hit at 70-100 yards. Let a bunch of randos shoot mine at a meetup, they were popping steel at 75 within 2 shots. Highly recommend to burgers who have the dough and like nice target pistols. German variant is on par but price is higher due to import costs. Swiss variant is allegedly superior (never handled one), but you get a goofy safety, heel mag release, possible slide bite, and a price tag that is 2-4k higher.

Note: you will need to adjust the sight on the target model. Fcs have grown on me, still think no fcs is more aesthetic.

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The 1935A is small, the P210 isnt, and the EMP is smaller than a real 1911 or a 210 while being less expensive

>Wake me up when S&W brings back the 5900 series
>with a rail
Trash. Although they already have Tac9s and 40s

It being a range toy, does a goofy safety or heel release matter?

>no light rail

Haha yeah just let me shoot in the dark in fucking 20k19

I think the more relevant question is whether the comparison to the swiss p210 is necessary. People regularly spend 1.5k on a 1911, many of which (imo) fall well below the quality of the american p210.

The gun shoots great and cost 1.3k. If you are competing for top rung on the hierarchy of p210 owners, then dont buy it.

If you want a pistol that supports long range pistol shooting, looks fantastic, is machined well, and outclasses everything within the genre at its price range, then buy an american p210.

Ultimately its preference. Not everyone wants a single stack sa target pistol. I'm just saying that if you're on the fence about it, dont be discouraged by a bunch of people saying you should buy a decades older pistol with less modern controls for 2-4k more because "nu-sig". I have a feeling that most of those people would genuinely enjoy shooting the nu-sig. Just appreciate it for what it is.

>not shooting darkies in twothousandnineteenAyeDee

Well dont fucking shoot at night or blow out the fucking range lights and this wont be a problem, cumbrain

>just because you don't own something doesn't mean you can't know anything about it
Fucking brainlet post

Good on you for planning ahead. See you in 18 000 years bro.

You won’t be shooting anything in 18,000 years

I have both the "poo in loo" American Legion, and this "superior" P226. The Legion is miles better, sorry kraut :(

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