During both surges of Grozny the Chechens employed the use of guerrilla snipers to great effect. What in particular made them so effective and what are some practices and tactics one could use today?
Chechen Sniper Tactics
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I dont believe they did anything particularly different. The Russian military was in shambles and conscripts dont have the same sort of combat education and awareness
Poorly trained Russians and an urban setting
it was more like a fps video game than today's "wars".
I dunno. But i want to share some smart shit the Chechens did.
Chechens didn't have APCs,Tanks, Bombers, or Airstrikes, but they did have superior area knowledge and mobility. So they would stay very close but hidden from Russian advances and harass them from differing positions.
Russians couldn't employ the advantages of their armor and air because it was too close and no fixed positions.
Sounds exhausting
Was worse on the russians. Very demoralizing to strike at ghosts all the time, feel surrounded, and attacked with little to no warning. They would also plunder the dead Rus to shore up their logistics.
Turns out the best way to instill fire discipline is to almost run out of ammo. This has actually happened in other major urban battles in history but the story is they had as little as 5 rounds to each man forcing them to take one or two shots before running away or hiding.
removing snipers takes coordination.
If you think you can just overwhelm an area with boots you are going to take a ton of attrition from snipers and mines.
If you think you can then counter-attack with the same army of boots you will take a second round of losses.
Undisciplined infantry won't keep watch effectively, will retreat from a single sniper undoing their advantage of numbers and will not be able to protect their supplies
A sniper is also a saboteur and you can loose a thousand liters of diesel of a box of grenades in the blink of an eye if your supply chain is just a bunch of grunts with soft top trucks
manpower is a blunt instrument
Honestly OP just read pic related, first hand combat accounts from Chechen rebels themselves, analyzed and broken down by some USMC related guy (forgot exactly his profession) that embedded with them.
There is a whole chapter dedicated to sniper tactics, half the previous comments have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. Chechen rebels were and still are exceptional snipers compared to most run of the mill militias and gurillas the "muh conscripts" perspective doesnt do them justice. I've read an account of a YPG sniper fighting in Syria and even he makes note of when they come across a chechen sniper. I have no idea exactly why, but something about the chechen experiance and way of life seems to have given them a particular penchant for initive, innovation and endurance, as the book is testament too. These are also key skills to making a good sniper.
That and the Russians wanted to take the area, preferably without killing too many ethnic Russians. Best option would have been to shoot Yeltsin, and tell all those Muslim fucks to fuck off, and move in forces to evacuate ethnic Russians from the Caucuses, then regroup and push back in.
And drive the entire Muslim population out. Correcting Krucshev's mistake.
Tell me more.
They were experienced hunters and marksmen, they were very patient, they were highly motivated to fight for their god and country. Same reason why Chechen volunteers in Syria/Iraq/Libya are said to be the best snipers jihadis have.
I thought that muslim insurgents fighting an invading force was "cowardly acts of terrorism" or is that only when its americans lol
Thats just because Arabs suck. Remember when Fallujah was sold as the being full of "all stars" of OIF? Chechens, Uzbeks, Bosnians, etc. Thats because it was full of foreigners and not ineffectual local retards.
Some are. You're just as guilty of simplifying insurgents as anyone else.
Nothing I've seen any other angry militia do when confronted by an armed force having superior numbers of manpower. They quickly learn you can't strongpoint much when it'll just get blown to fuck by arty and air strikes with hundreds more boots on the grounds- this is usually learned by taking fucking massive casualties due to superior firepower. So like every insurgent force ever that's wanted to still cause as many casualties as they can to invading forces on their own turf (and wants to live to see tomorrow) they engage at range and do the fuckoffski manoeuvre somewhere else.
This isn't exactly fine military strategy or premium marksmanship.
All you need to know is plot a way in, take a shot and have a couple of ways out and you're golden, if that area happens to be your own backyard so to speak you're at a huge advantage knowing the various terrain, buildings and other rat runs you can scurry down.
What really made them 'good' was just how fucking bad the Russians are.
You're talking about the hundreds of staff officers all scattered through the former soviet armed forces that-
>did the bare minimum for decades
>sat at a desk and got promoted over time
>never held a command
Basically big Ivan calls them and asks them if they'd like to go war time now, if you say yes you get to keep your pension and not get sacked immediately, if you say no then its not quite off to gulag, but more a case of being an instant civilian in a region that's probably post-soviet 90's fucked in the arsehole. The remaining ones that said yes, are amazingly incompetent and also given the lowest grade of dick sucking mutant conscripts that they can dredge out of the civilian population.
It also doesn't require a degree in fighting bears to figure out, one side only has to be barely competent to scrape out a win, when the other side is a complete clusterfuck of foetal alcohol syndrome retards.
Not much else to tell desu, probably one of the best books about unconventional warfare I've read (I've read a lot) and defently one of the best and awfully few from the perspective of the gurrillas themselves
(Ignore my dyslexia, no autocorrect)
Urban warfare is always a fucking uphill battle for the assailant. Armies have tried for years to perfect their strength in this branch of asymmetric warfare, but it goes far beyond crowd control of clearing buildings when you're dealing with a fully-urban city that's armed against you. Artillery can level as many apartment blocks to the ground as they want, and armour can roam freely up and down the barricaded streets, but infantry will always have a hell of a time dealing with the half-dozen schmucks holed up in a building with more rooms than people. There is no "fortification destroyed, keep moving" in urban warfare. The footsoldiers need to rout every street, alley, and dumpster before they can safely move along without getting flanked and disproportionately wounded by two jackasses with hunting rifles. The sheer amount of time a successful modern urban assault would take would basically guarantee that locals would organize.
The fighting in Ukraine and Crimea is a good argument that Russia has learned from their prior mistakes, but that's more a matter of "military versus rebels" against "military-backed insurgents versus rebels". Perhaps the overall solution wasn't to train soldiers to fight the people, but have soldiers train people to fight the people.
Urban is one factor in it, there was also lots of semi-rural and scrapping that went on out in the boonies as the locals figured out the easiest way to make life shit for Russians and their unescorted/barely defended convoys was to blow them up, skin/behead the survivors and other crimes against humanity. A big motivator for the defenders is of course that they really don't want you there after 70 odd years of communism and a few decades of Russian fuckery before that, so to convince a huge percentage of the population to either-
>provide aid
>not collaborate
Whereas Pvt Ivan doesn't want to be there, he probably didn't want to join the military in the first place and his command is an alcoholic degenerate that's probably going to get them killed because he did diddly squat for 20 years. Plus all your living combat vets fucked off 10-15 years ago as the ex-soviet design really didn't encourage much in the way of NCO programs to keep the skillset in the armed forces, even when they're not on a war footing.
So you're starting from scratch with the lowest denominators all round and having to re-learn absolutely everything from the very basics all the way through to the more advanced means of getting rid of insurgents. That is something that's only really going to be paid for in blood.
>is always
No. And fuck off. The 90s was the Nadir of Russian Armed forces for its entire millenia length history. They never performed so poorly with such disgrace before or since.
>>did the bare minimum for decades
>>sat at a desk and got promoted over time
>>never held a command
This. At least the Soviets in WWII had *some* veterans available. Kruschev and everything after was a continuously degenerating shitshow.
>The footsoldiers need to rout every street, alley, and dumpster before they can safely move along without getting flanked and disproportionately wounded by two jackasses with hunting rifles
Control the country side. Surround and then engage. Move in towards the city while maintaining a clear zone between your men and outside country zone. Blast everything into rubble. Wait.
For months. Its called a fucking siege.
Honestly in an urban warfare scenario i would just level everything to the fucking ground.
>They never performed so poorly with such disgrace before or since.
what is babarossa for 100
You're also totally forgetting that the Russians still had veterens from afghanistan (as did the Chechens). The Russian war effort was a total disaster dont get me wrong, but people really forget (or don't know) that the Chechen rebels came Very close to defeat in the first war and only due to extreme efforts on their part (Russian hospital seige and the ballsy attack on their own occupied capital) did they win, I honestly don't think 90% of modern insurgent movements would've had it in them to make the comeback that the Chechens did in the first war.
I hate to sound like im shilling the rebels but they honestly did some pretty impressive shit despite the odds and I just feel like saying "the russians sucked" takes away from their own efforts.
pro tip: the Russians did just that
>The 90s was the Nadir of Russian Armed forces for its entire millenia length history.
>for its entire millenia length history
The early modern era would like a word with you, historylet.
>They never performed so poorly with such disgrace before or since.
Russo-Japanese War
To be fair to the user, Japan was a rapidly modernised military that went rocketing into that early 20th century with pretty much the peak at the time, of the UK's industrial assistance and sales.
Chechnya is basically a hillbilly shithole the size of a large farm, the most modern and exciting thing there was probably a 1980's transistor the size of your thumb and the telephone.
Oh for sure, by any metric they should not have pushed the shit in of Russia at all! Much as I've been heaping shit on the ex-soviet forces, they still had a huge multiplier of manpower, supply chains and hell, even the archaic left overs of the Soviet Union was a legitimately fucking scary amount of tanks, planes, ordinance, ammo... all the way up to satellites. On my last tour of Afghan we started getting a few Chechen's filtering in via the northern areas and while they didn't do very well. They tried and died, shot straight and that's about as much respect as I'll give them.
(which isn't much, but my opinion of anyone else we where fighting in the region was markedly lower!)
The more i read and learn about the state of russia and its military in the 90s, the less i am impressed with the chechens
They did end up taking pregnant women hostage and later school children on their first day of school.
Then they got sealed off (won the first war), started killing each other and russians swooped in again this time with their heads partially out of their asses and won the second war.
9/11 doesnt even come close to the tragedies that russia had in those times, yet they dont complain as much
I'm not even talking about that. Russia got raped pretty hard several times through its history. user doesn't know a damn fucking thing, and fairness is not what he deserves.
well in regards to the chechens you must remember that basically a whole generation of men were wiped out during their two wars with Russia. For perspective at the time of the first war there were about 1million people in chechnya, by the end of the second war about 150-200,000 of those people were dead, and of that were a disproportiante amount of its young men. In all honesty im suprised there's anyone their left worth a damn, anyone that could really fight are almost 99% sure to be dead or turned over to the Russians. Just try imagine over 10% of your countries top people dissapering, it doesnt leave much worth mention.
Yeah, about every century or so they manage to just eat a dick or in the case of the great workers experiment, fuck themselves up for 3-4 generations.
Could be worse though... could be China!
It's also interesting to note that while they might have 'lost' the 2nd one, Russia basically pays for the biggest thug they can find to keep them in check and will have to keep paying him + all the other lackeys to keep the country a backwater shit hole that's quiet and not sending its people out to blow up schools, trains and politicians. So that's basically part of their budget now and also of more current events, they're gunning for former rebels in Berlin.
Dude got a 2 in the head and a Russian caught by the cops. Not that they're real shy about shitting in someone else's backyard as a principle of state security in the past, but it was remarkably 'inelegant' compared to a Polonium cuppa or Ricin pellet
starving out the civiliation population of a country you want to "liberate" isnt exactly a good idea
This is pretty much best post itt, especially regarding the book. It's one of the best on the topic and extremely well-written and interesting even though you are not really that into a Chechen war. Wholly recommend the book.
>to great effect
Snipers didnt stop them either time so how is it great effect?
And USA is full of gun owners 1000x better than chechens.
If you haven't read Fangs of the Lone Wolf ITT then ffucking go read it and come back
read a fucking book moron and stop watching faggotube videos.
chechens did have apcs and tanks
whoa what kind of arrogant retard you are
plz not only kill yourself but also your family
you are big disgrace of humanity.
plz do kill your whole family including you
chechens did have 'em, deep shit moron.
kapkaz ssr had its own army throughout 20th ussr and till its collapse.
>Ivan mad he got beat by the chechens
*spills vodka*
>"Chechans cheat in war!"
*levels city*
your lack of IQ and lack of passion to learn something cannot make me slav monkey. in fact, i'm taiwanese college student living in seoul.
i dunno which shithole country you live in, but your cunt's public education is not much better than ivans.
killing yourself would be the only solution of your garbage parasitic life. that might help this earth. really 4 sure.
i can't overlook one disgusting retarded faggot wasting earth's resourse.
that Russian butthurt is deep.
Soviet army combat experience.
This was a Chechen city? What year is this, looks like some Dresden/Homs shit
People from that region are just tough motherfuckers. It's genetics.
Read the Fangs repeatedly recommended itt. It's a great book and it will explain the cities. Chechens were hard as fuck, they defended the cities for weeks, months even, while constant shelling and airstrikes.
>”9/11 doesnt even come close to the tragedies that russia had in those times”
>Implying Russia ever built something as big or impressive as pic related to lose
>Implying Russian lives are even somewhat as valuable as Americans
>i'm taiwanese college student
Stop being a coward Chen and go help liberate Hong Kong. Or are you too soft?
People massively under-estimate how difficult urban warfare is for an attacker. Imagine a city as big as Tokyo, Moscow, London, Budapest, Paris, or even something like Budapest going into complete chaos.
>"The Army is in the midst of “a massive rethink” about its future, “and it looked out there and said, ‘Oh my God, massive urbanization is going on and there is instability out there, so we have to go in.’ That doesn’t follow. What size army would you need to seize control of, police and maintain order in a city of 30 million?” The entire U.S. Army “couldn’t control Cairo if the city was in chaos,” he said. Greater Cairo has a population of 22 million."
i would rather support your family's hanged on roadside. taiwanese people here don't think hongkong protest is good. they didn't be risen up for pure motive. spooks of both cia and mss are behind them like puppet show master.
open your eyes retard
Dying of AIDS in a krokodil scorched wasteland makes you a bit touchy, huh?
Hilarious if true. Screech into the void more. It's all you can do.
you only know to talk in silly memes, don't you
wut u r doin is shadow boxing, since i'm not a holy slav but an asian.
i dunno which is better, living as russian aids whore or taiwanese fighting chinsese commie scumz- but this one is clear;you are retarded subhuman here.
plz learn to talk like real human being first. haven't graduated basic school? then stop shitposting like a cringey reddit child.
you may think i'm butthurt russian, but i just intended to correct the incorrections because i studied lot about chechen war at college and i know well about it.
u know, redpilling uneducated retards is duty of edcuated.
yes, literally. since this board filled with libshits and ESL chinktoids, real human's word has no more meaning. Jow Forums's dead now
The memes don't come from nowhere. It's useless for you to say anything, whether correct or not, when you approach it with this level of invective. Notice we aren't talking about the chechnya anymore.
Online dialog is more nuanced than you think, your way more simplistic and more crude than memes, approach the conversation with unbridled hostility so no one can hurt your goodwill, stupid. Memes at least open the door for banter. Here we are just discussing how much of pissy cunt you are.
no, only you.
It's been like this for some time. I like it. You come across more freakishly stupid people, like our friend here, and have the opportunity to laugh at them.
>only available in $45 hardcover or kindle
You're not engaged in this dialog? You read the prior comment and responded. Not to mention all the responses to your first bitter tirade. There's a "we" and chechnya isn't the topic du jour anymore. The topic is the dichotomy of a human being, purportedly knowledgeable and educated, who squanders whatever contribution to any conversation by framing it like a bullied pre-teen.
I'm wasting words on a true idiot, that makes me no better.
dude you are barking at wrong person
chill down user im not same fag
Thanks dude!
I apologize, I was just memeing but now I’m genuinely curious about your opinion on the protests? You think they’re bullshit huh?
Lol hi Vasili
Hardcover is the only way to read
yes. if they were from their heart, they should have risen up many years ago.
they are moving for non pure purpose and by powerful back group. i'm not sure whether it will benefit chicom or usa, but not HK people's democracy.
Very interesting. What are your thoughts on the main land Chinese? Are you real China or are they or are you both?
You are fucking retarded
imagine being this fucking stupid
Taiwan doesnt exist
Imagine calling someone out and then not backing up your refutation. EUNUCH IN THE WHOREHOUSE
>what is babarossa for 100
Against one of the most powerful armies of the 20th century. In a surprise attack.
Vs a few villagers, and the Russians had the initiative.
Wrong. They were fighting and losing against peer adversaries or adversaries punching far above their weight. And still largely held their own.
>Russo-Japanese War
Again wrong. The feat of seamanship alone was outstanding.
And their performance on land was fairly good. Against a serious opponent.
Fuck off retard.
>Russia got raped pretty hard several times through its history. user doesn't know a damn fucking thing, and fairness is not what he deserves.
Wrong. They never lost so hard, or with SUCH DISGRACE.
Yeah its the fucking Mongols.
>nearly everybody else. Peer adversaries or serious face raiding parties.
Crimean war? Two massive world spanning Empires supporting the Ottomans.
Russia in the 90s was a disgrace.
Because they lost. Traitors and criminals at the top, and all the brave men commited suicide or were murdered.
>People massively under-estimate
Because it isnt difficult. Hard siege for two years, and add in some artillery bombardment and gassing the tunnels.
Is it really an accomplishment to beat a bunch of r*ssi*n sl*voids?
This. The Chechens were just moderately competent locals facing Russian conscripts that were as much worried about being beaten or starved to death by their own officers/NCOs as they were about Chechen snipers.
It's not hard to be successful against an enemy that's that demoralized.
>Russian conscripts that were as much worried about being beaten or starved to death by their own officers/NCO
Truly nothing to defend and too addicted to power tripping retards.
Don't forget the rape. The Russians had to shorten their mandatory conscription term from 2 years to 1 year because too many of the year 2 conscripts were raping the freshmen conscripts as a "right of passage".
Why didn't the Russians just nuke their own population?
Holy shit that guy has a lot of mags
Yup, caucasus is no joke
>because too many of the year 2 conscripts were raping the freshmen conscripts
I thought Ruskies were good faithful Orthodoxy boys and the rest were atheists but despised faggots.
What happened?
Ukrainian gay porn production.
Russian government full of ZOG rats + Very good intelligence supplied by the West + Well supplied by the West thru their puppets in the Arab World and East Europe.
Once Putin and his circle cleared the Russian government of ZOG rats and a proper military operation was mounted their defeat came so quick that even the Khadirov clan quickly cucked out.
The first Chechen war was a classic ZOG-Illuminati "thesis-antithesis" operation.
No their not, you're just buying into "we are so tough" bullshit. They are literally the product of thousands of years of being cucked by one empire after the other.
The same exact army quickly defeated the Chechen rebels once a ZOG-free Russian government conducted a proper operation. See You are mistaking the Russian army for the American one. Full of blackmailed pedo-faggots from head to toes.
>They are literally the product of thousands of years of being cucked by one empire after the other.
You just explained why they're tough, dummy.
Yeah but slavs are that up to 11...
Not the exact same army retard. They were green conscripts though the first chechen war. What happens when green conscripts fight and maybe survive a war? They get combat experience. The officers get experience, the pilots and artillery operators get experience. Experience is then tought to the second generation and they do better a second time round..
Why do you think the US is constantly in wars? Constant combat experience and transfer of that knowledge to the military system
seethe harder, redditfag
>What happened?
I though Ukrainians hated homo's even more and had literal neo nazis in their army which is kinda funny given they're Slavs.
>You are mistaking the Russian army for the American one.
I thought the navy was where the majority of fags served in though I wouldn't be surprised if a few men serving in Afghanistan fucked a boy prostitute.
I'm not sure why an Islamic country even allows such things desu.
You can't hide the rape. That's well documented and even the Russians admitted it to be true
9 years isn't quick. Hostilities weren't declared over until 2009 for readers who don't know.